





<view class="page">
 <view class="box">
  <view class="box-flex">
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content" bindtap="doDay" data-key='left'>
     <view class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-left"></view>
   <view class="flex-item item-content-current-day">
    <view class="item-content">{{currentDate}}</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content" bindtap="doDay" data-key="right">
     <view class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-right"></view>
  <view class="box-flex">
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">一</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">二</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">三</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">四</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">五</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">六</view>
   <view class="flex-item">
    <view class="item-content">日</view>
  <view class="box-flex">
   <view class="flex-item" wx:for="{{currentDayList}}" wx:for-index='key' wx:for-item="vo" wx:key="{{key}}">
     <view class="item-content" wx:if="{{currentDay != vo}}">{{vo}}</view>
     <view class="item-content bk-color-day" wx:else>{{vo}}</view>


@import '../../dist/css/icon.wxss';
page {
 background-color: #2a8cef;
 background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#2a8cef), to(#8A2BE2));
 display: flex;
 flex-direction: column;
 width: 100%;
 height: 100%;
 flex-wrap: nowrap;
 justify-content: flex-start;
 align-items: stretch;
 font-size: 14px;

.box {
 display: block;
 margin: 10px;

.box-flex {
 display: -webkit-box;
 display: -webkit-flex;
 display: flex;
 flex-wrap: wrap;

.flex-item {
 flex-flow: nowrap;
 flex-grow: 1;
 flex-shrink: 1;
 width: 14.2%;

.item-content {
 margin: 5px;
 padding: 0 10px;
 text-align: center;
 background-color: #000;
 height: 2rem;
 line-height: 2rem;
 color: #fff;

.bk-color-day {
 background-color: #8A2BE2;

.item-content-current-day {
 flex-grow: 2;


var app = getApp();
  data: {
    currentDate: "2017年05月03日",
    dayList: '',
    currentDayList: '',
    currentObj: '',
    currentDay: ''
  onLoad: function (options) {
    var currentObj = this.getCurrentDayString()
      currentDate: currentObj.getFullYear() + '年' + (currentObj.getMonth() + 1) + '月' + currentObj.getDate() + '日',
      currentDay: currentObj.getDate(),
      currentObj: currentObj
  doDay: function (e) {
    var that = this
    var currentObj = that.data.currentObj
    var Y = currentObj.getFullYear();
    var m = currentObj.getMonth() + 1;
    var d = currentObj.getDate();
    var str = ''
    if (e.currentTarget.dataset.key == 'left') {
      m -= 1
      if (m <= 0) {
        str = (Y - 1) + '/' + 12 + '/' + d
      } else {
        str = Y + '/' + m + '/' + d
    } else {
      m += 1
      if (m <= 12) {
        str = Y + '/' + m + '/' + d
      } else {
        str = (Y + 1) + '/' + 1 + '/' + d
    currentObj = new Date(str)
      currentDate: currentObj.getFullYear() + '年' + (currentObj.getMonth() + 1) + '月' + currentObj.getDate() + '日',
      currentObj: currentObj
  getCurrentDayString: function () {
    var objDate = this.data.currentObj
    if (objDate != '') {
      return objDate
    } else {
      var c_obj = new Date()
      var a = c_obj.getFullYear() + '/' + (c_obj.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + c_obj.getDate()
      return new Date(a)
  setSchedule: function (currentObj) {
    var that = this
    var m = currentObj.getMonth() + 1
    var Y = currentObj.getFullYear()
    var d = currentObj.getDate();
    var dayString = Y + '/' + m + '/' + currentObj.getDate()
    var currentDayNum = new Date(Y, m, 0).getDate()
    var currentDayWeek = currentObj.getUTCDay() + 1
    var result = currentDayWeek - (d % 7 - 1);
    var firstKey = result <= 0 ? 7 + result : result;
    var currentDayList = []
    var f = 0
    for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) {
      let data =[]
      if (i < firstKey - 1) {
        currentDayList[i] = ''
      } else {
        if (f < currentDayNum) {
          currentDayList[i] = f + 1
          f = currentDayList[i]
        } else if (f >= currentDayNum) {
          currentDayList[i] = ''
      currentDayList: currentDayList




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