

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, socket, struct, select, time
# From /usr/include/linux/icmp.h; your milage may vary.
ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Seems to be the same on Solaris.
def checksum(source_string):
  I'm not too confident that this is right but testing seems
  to suggest that it gives the same answers as in_cksum in ping.c
  sum = 0
  countTo = (len(source_string)/2)*2
  count = 0
  while count<countTo:
    thisVal = ord(source_string[count + 1])*256 + ord(source_string[count])
    sum = sum + thisVal
    sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?
    count = count + 2
  if countTo<len(source_string):
    sum = sum + ord(source_string[len(source_string) - 1])
    sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?
  sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff)
  sum = sum + (sum >> 16)
  answer = ~sum
  answer = answer & 0xffff
  # Swap bytes. Bugger me if I know why.
  answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)
  return answer
def receive_one_ping(my_socket, ID, timeout):
  receive the ping from the socket.
  timeLeft = timeout
  while True:
    startedSelect = time.time()
    whatReady =[my_socket], [], [], timeLeft)
    howLongInSelect = (time.time() - startedSelect)
    if whatReady[0] == []: # Timeout
    timeReceived = time.time()
    recPacket, addr = my_socket.recvfrom(1024)
    icmpHeader = recPacket[20:28]
    type, code, checksum, packetID, sequence = struct.unpack(
      "bbHHh", icmpHeader
    if packetID == ID:
      bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d")
      timeSent = struct.unpack("d", recPacket[28:28 + bytesInDouble])[0]
      return timeReceived - timeSent
    timeLeft = timeLeft - howLongInSelect
    if timeLeft <= 0:
def send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, ID):
  Send one ping to the given >dest_addr<.
  dest_addr = socket.gethostbyname(dest_addr)
  # Header is type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16)
  my_checksum = 0
  # Make a dummy heder with a 0 checksum.
  header = struct.pack("bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, my_checksum, ID, 1) #压包
  #a1 = struct.unpack("bbHHh",header)  #my test
  bytesInDouble = struct.calcsize("d")
  data = (192 - bytesInDouble) * "Q"
  data = struct.pack("d", time.time()) + data
  # Calculate the checksum on the data and the dummy header.
  my_checksum = checksum(header + data)
  # Now that we have the right checksum, we put that in. It's just easier
  # to make up a new header than to stuff it into the dummy.
  header = struct.pack("bbHHh", ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, socket.htons(my_checksum), ID, 1)
  packet = header + data
  my_socket.sendto(packet, (dest_addr, 1)) # Don't know about the 1
def do_one(dest_addr, timeout):
  Returns either the delay (in seconds) or none on timeout.
  icmp = socket.getprotobyname("icmp")
    my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, icmp)
  except socket.error, (errno, msg):
    if errno == 1:
      # Operation not permitted
      msg = msg + (
        " - Note that ICMP messages can only be sent from processes"
        " running as root."
      raise socket.error(msg)
    raise # raise the original error
  my_ID = os.getpid() & 0xFFFF
  send_one_ping(my_socket, dest_addr, my_ID)
  delay = receive_one_ping(my_socket, my_ID, timeout)
  return delay
def verbose_ping(dest_addr, timeout = 2, count = 100):
  Send >count< ping to >dest_addr< with the given >timeout< and display
  the result.
  for i in xrange(count):
    print "ping %s..." % dest_addr,
      delay = do_one(dest_addr, timeout)
    except socket.gaierror, e:
      print "failed. (socket error: '%s')" % e[1]
    if delay == None:
      print "failed. (timeout within %ssec.)" % timeout
      delay = delay * 1000
      print "get ping in %0.4fms" % delay
if __name__ == '__main__':




  • python在windows下实现ping操作并接收返回信息的方法

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  • Python实现检测服务器是否可以ping通的2种方法

    好想在2014结束前再赶出个10篇博文来,~(>_<)~,不写博客真不是一个好兆头,至少说明对学习的欲望和对知识的研究都不是那么积极了,如果说这1天的时间我能赶出几篇精致的博文,你们信不信,哈哈,反正我是信了... python检测服务器是否ping通的2种方法 1.第一种比较挫,就是用ping,python调用shell,这个适用于较少的服务器数量,几百台已经很慢了(当然是说python同步的方法,要是nodejs异步方式还是很快的,但是nodejs CPU计算不行,所以尝试了下只能200台

  • 利用Python脚本实现ping百度和google的方法

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  • 利用python获取Ping结果示例代码

    前言 本文主要跟大家分享了关于利用python获取Ping结果的相关内容,分享出来供大家参考学习,下面话不多说,来一起看看详细的介绍吧. 示例代码: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess import re def get_ping_result(ip_address): p = subprocess.Popen(["ping.exe", ip_address], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subp

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  • python实现ping的方法

    本文实例讲述了python实现ping的方法.分享给大家供大家参考.具体如下: #!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import os, sys, socket, struct, select, time # From /usr/include/linux/icmp.h; your milage may vary. ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Seems to be the same on Solaris. def checksum(sou

  • 使用python编写udp协议的ping程序方法

    服务器端 import random from socket import * serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)#建立udp协议的socket连接 serverSocket.bind(('', 12000)) while True: rand = random.randint(0, 10)#生成随机数,模拟udp环境下的丢包 message, address = serverSocket.recvfrom(1024)#接收客户端发送的信息,应该

  • Python检查ping终端的方法

    菜鸟一枚,写着试了试,虽说有点杂乱,但还是能用,我是在linux下运行的 大致说下过程: 1.把需要ping的网段中所有ip存到数组中(我是放到数组中了,其实直接for循环,一个个的也行) 2.遍历数组,逐个ping 3.根据ping返回的字符串,判断是否ping通 4.结果存入txt中 下面上代码咯(其实可以简化代码的,我这里就不简化了) #!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf8 import time import subprocess import code

  • python实现一个简单的ping工具方法

    继上一篇计算checksum校验和,本章通过socket套接字,struct字节打包成二进制,select返回套接字的文件描述符的结合,实现一个简单的ping工具. #!/usr/bin/python3.6.4 #!coding:utf-8 __author__ = 'Rosefinch' __date__ = '2018/5/31 22:27' import time import struct import socket import select import sys def chesks

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