IE8 新增的Javascript 开发接口说明
IE8 新增的Javascript 对象 (Object)
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Attr Constructor prototype chain.
BehaviorUrnsCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the BehaviorUrnsCollection Constructor prototype chain.
BookmarkCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the BookmarkCollection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CompatibleInfo Constructor prototype chain.
CompatibleInfoCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CompatibleInfoCollection Constructor prototype chain.
ControlRangeCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the ControlRangeCollection Constructor prototype chain.
CSSCurrentStyleDeclaration Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSCurrentStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSRuleList Constructor prototype chain.
CSSRuleStyleDeclaration Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSRuleStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.
CSSStyleDeclaration Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleDeclaration Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleRule Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the CSSStyleSheet Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the DataTransfer Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the DOMImplementation Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Element Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Event Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the History Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTCBehavior Constructor prototype chain.
HTCElementBehaviorDefaults Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTCElementBehaviorDefaults Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAnchorElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAreaElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLAreasCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLAreasCollection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBaseElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLBaseFontElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBaseFontElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLBGSoundElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBGSoundElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBlockElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBodyElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLBRElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLButtonElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLCollection Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLCommentElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLCommentElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDDElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDivElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDListElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDocument Constructor prototype chain.
Provides information about the compatibity mode specified by the Web page. If the Web page specifies multiple compatibility modes, they can be retrieved using documentCompatibleInfoCollection.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLDTElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLEmbedElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLFieldSetElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFieldSetElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFontElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFormElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFrameElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLFrameSetElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLFrameSetElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLGenericElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLGenericElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHeadElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLHeadingElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHeadingElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHRElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLHtmlElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLIFrameElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLImageElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLInputElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLIsIndexElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLIsIndexElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLabelElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLegendElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLIElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLLinkElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMapElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLMarqueeElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMarqueeElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLMetaElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLModelessDialog Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLModelessDialog Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNamespaceInfo Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLNamespaceInfoCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNamespaceInfoCollection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLNextIdElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLObjectElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLOListElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLOptionElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLParagraphElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLParagraphElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLParamElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPhraseElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLPluginsCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPluginsCollection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLPopup Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLScriptElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLSelectElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLSpanElement Constructor prototype chain.
Represents the list of key/value pairs that have been assigned to a single storage area.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLStyleElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTableCaptionElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableCaptionElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTableCellElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableCellElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTableColElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableColElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTableRowElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableRowElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTableSectionElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTableSectionElement Constructor prototype chain.
HTMLTextAreaElement Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTextAreaElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLTitleElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the HTMLUListElement Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Location Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the NamedNodeMap Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Navigator Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the NodeList Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Screen Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Selection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the StaticNodeList Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Storage Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the StyleSheetList Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the StyleSheetPage Constructor prototype chain.
StyleSheetPageList Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the StyleSheetPageList Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Text Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the TextRange Constructor prototype chain.
TextRangeCollection Constructor
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the TextRangeCollection Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the TextRectangle Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the TextRectangleList Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the Window Constructor prototype chain.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the XDomainRequest Constructor prototype chain.
Represents a cross-domain Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) request.
Defines the properties and methods inherited by objects in the XMLHttpRequest Constructor prototype chain.
IE8 新增的 Javascript 函数以及属性:
The abort method terminates a pending send.
User initiated action to add a service.
Adds a URL to the Favorites Bar.
Sets or retrieves the currently active child element.
Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether a live region is finished updating.
Sets or retrieves the checked state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the list of elements that are controlled by the current element.
Sets or retrieves a list of elements that describe the current object.
Sets or retrieves the disabled state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the expanded state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the recommended reading order of content.
Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether this element may display a pop-up window.
Sets or retrieves the hidden state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the error state of this element.
Sets or retrieves a list of elements that provide a label for the current object.
Sets or retrieves the level of this element.
Sets or retrieves how assistive technology should announce updates to live regions.
Sets or retrieves the multiple-selection state of this element.
Sets or retrieves a list of child objects, including elements that are not direct descendants of the current object.
Sets or retrieves the current position of an item within a set.
Sets or retrieves the pressed state of a button that can be toggled.
Sets or retrieves the read-only state of this element.
Sets or retrieves which changes to a live region are relevant.
Sets or retrieves the form-completion requirement of this element.
Sets or retrieves the secret state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the selection state of this element.
Sets or retrieves the set size of this element.
Sets or retrieves the maximum value that a user can provide.
Sets or retrieves the minimum value that a user can provide.
Sets or retrieves the current value of the element.
Retrieves a collection of attributes of the object.
Elements with a class name of hslice
are treated as a Web Slice. For more information, see Subscribing to Content with Web Slices.
Removes all key/value pairs from the DOM Storage area.
Retrieves the collection of user agents and versions declared in the X-UA-Compatible
Returns a references to the constructor of an object.
Resets the list of feeds, search providers, and Web Slices associated with the page.
Retrieves the document object of the page or frame.
Gets or sets the Content-Type property in the HTML request or response header.
Sets or retrieves the body of the onmessage request.
Allows developers to create new or override existing Document Object Model (DOM) properties and functions using functionality implemented by a custom Microsoft JScript function. The custom function is used to return a value from a property or function.
Allows developers to create new or override existing DOM properties and functions using functionality implemented by a custom JScript function. The custom function is used to set the value of a property or a function.
Retrieves the document compatibility mode.
This method gets or sets the font properties for the header and footer.
Retrieves the current value associated with the DOM Storage key.
Determines whether an attribute with the specified name exists.
Retrieves a value that indicates whether the IHTMLStyleSheet3 object is an alternative style sheet.
Retrieves a value that indicates whether the IHTMLStyleSheet3 object is the preferred style sheet.
Check if a service is already installed.
Retrieves an object from a documentCompatibleInfoCollection collection.
Retrieves the key at the specified index in the collection.
Retrieves the length of the key/value list.
Retrieves a list of DOM Storage areas.
lookupGetter Method
lookupSetter Method
maxConnectionsPerServer Property
Retrieves the maximum number of HTTP 1.0 connections to a Web server.
Writes a profiling event.
Creates a connection with a domain's server.
Sets or retrieves the scheme, hostname, and port of the document that fired the onmessage event.
Retrieves the element that owns the attribute.
Sends a cross-document message.
Retrieves the first DOM element node from descendants of the starting element node that match any selector within the supplied selector string.
Retrieves all DOM element nodes from descendants of the starting element node that match any selector within the supplied selector strings.
Values of bookmark
, entry-content
, and feedurl
have special meaning inside a Web Slice. For more information, see Subscribing to Content with Web Slices.
Retrieves the remaining memory space, in bytes, for the storage object.
Deletes a key/value pair from the DOM Storage collection.
Contains the body of the response returned by the server.
Sets or retrieves the role for this element.
Transmits a data string to the server for processing.
Retrieves the DOM Storage area for the session.
Sets a key/value pair.
Retrieves the source window object of the onmessage event.
Retrieves the number of horizontal dots per inch (dpi) of display resolution at normal zoom level.
Retrieves the number of vertical dpi of display resolution at normal zoom level.
Gets or sets the value of the timeout property.
Gets or sets the time-out value.
Removes dynamic HTML elements and attributes from an HTML fragment.
Allows updating the print settings for the page.
Sets or retrieves the fully qualified URL of the document that fired the event.
Sets or retrieves the URL property that will be loaded after the specified time has elapsed.
Retrieves the User Agent.
Retrieves the version vector as a string.
Instantiates the XDomainRequest object for the window.
IE8 新增的Javascript事件
Raised when there is an error that prevents the completion of the cross-domain request.
Raised upon changes to a fragment
Raised when the object has been completely received from the server.
Fires when the user sends a cross-document message with postMessage.
Raised when Internet Explorer is working offline.
Raised when Internet Explorer is working online.
Raised when the browser starts receiving data from the server.
Fires when a DOM Storage area is updated.
Fires when a local DOM Storage area is written to disk.
Raised when there is an error that prevents the completion of the request.
IE8 新增的 CSS 属性
Defines generated content that appears after an element.
Defines generated content that appears before an element.
Sets the style of an element when it gains focus.
In a document, selects the elements that are in a given language.
Sets or retrieves the distance between the borders of adjoining cells in a table.
Sets or retrieves the box model to use for object sizing.
Sets or retrieves where the caption of a table is located.
Sets or retrieves generated content to insert before or after an element.
Sets or retrieves a list of counters to increment.
Sets or retrieves a list of counters to create or reset to zero.
The display property now supports the full range of table layout values from the W3C Cascading Style Sheets Level 2.1 Specification and ruby styles from the CSS3 Ruby Module .
Determines whether to show or hide a cell without content.
Sets or retrieves the block progression and layout orientation.
Sets or retrieves the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must appear at the bottom of a page.
Sets or retrieves the color, style, and width of the outline frame.
Sets or retrieves the color of the outline frame.
Sets or retrieves the style of the outline frame.
Sets or retrieves the width of the outline frame.
Sets or retrieves a string indicating whether a page break is allowed to occur inside the object.
Sets or retrieves the pairs of strings to be used as quotes in generated content.
Sets or retrieves the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must appear at the top of a page.