

using System;
using System.IO;
namespace RobvanderWoude
 class IsFAT
  public static int Main( string[] args )
    if ( args.Length == 0 )
     return WriteError( string.Empty );
    if ( args.Length > 1 )
     return WriteError( "Invalid number of arguments." );
    string drive = args[0].ToUpper( );
    DriveInfo[] allDrives = DriveInfo.GetDrives( );
    foreach ( DriveInfo drv in allDrives )
     if ( drive == drv.Name.Substring( 0, 2 ) )
      if ( drv.IsReady )
       Console.WriteLine( drv.DriveFormat.ToUpper( ) );
       if (drv.DriveFormat == "FAT" || drv.DriveFormat == "FAT32")
        return 0;
        return 2;
       return 1;
    return WriteError( "Invalid drive specification." );
   catch ( Exception e )
    // Display help text with error message
    return WriteError( e );
  // Code to display help and optional error message,
  //by Bas van der Woude
  public static int WriteError( Exception e )
   return WriteError( e == null ? null : e.Message );
  public static int WriteError( string errorMessage )
   string fullpath = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue(0).ToString();
   string[] program = fullpath.Split( '\\' );
   string exeName = program[program.GetUpperBound(0)];
   exeName = exeName.Substring(0, exeName.IndexOf('.'));
   if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( errorMessage ) == false )
    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
    Console.Error.Write( "ERROR: " );
    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
    Console.Error.WriteLine( errorMessage );
   Console.Error.WriteLine("IsFAT, Version 1.00");
   Console.Error.WriteLine("Return 'errorlevel' 0 if the specified drive is FAT or FAT32 formated");
   Console.Error.Write("Usage: ");
   Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
   Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} drive:", exeName.ToUpper());
   Console.ResetColor( );
   Console.Error.WriteLine("Note: Returns 0 if FAT or FAT32, 2 if not, 1 if not ready or invalid.");
   Console.Error.WriteLine("Written by Rob van der Woude");
   return 1;




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