

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.smslib.ICallNotification;
import org.smslib.IInboundMessageNotification;
import org.smslib.IOutboundMessageNotification;
import org.smslib.InboundMessage;
import org.smslib.InboundMessage.MessageClasses;
import org.smslib.Library;
import org.smslib.Message.MessageEncodings;
import org.smslib.Message.MessageTypes;
import org.smslib.OutboundMessage;
import org.smslib.Service;
import org.smslib.modem.SerialModemGateway;

 * @author terry
public class SmsModem {

// 短信网关
 private SerialModemGateway gateway = null;
 java.util.ResourceBundle rb = null;//ResourceBundle.getBundle("SMS");
 static SmsModem smsModem = null;
 OutboundNotification outboundNotification = new OutboundNotification();
 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SmsModem.class);
 Service srv;
 InboundNotification inboundNotification = new InboundNotification();
 // Create the notification callback method for inbound voice calls.
 CallNotification callNotification = new CallNotification();

public SmsModem() {
  try {
   //ReadMessages rm = new ReadMessages();

rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("sms");
   String portName= "COM10";
   int port = 9600;"default portName:" + portName);"default port:" + port);
   if(rb != null)
   {"RB is not null");
    if(rb.getString("smsport") != null && !"".equals(rb.getString("smsport")))
     portName = rb.getString("smsport");"portName:" + portName);
    if(rb.getString("smsbolv") != null && !"".equals(rb.getString("smsbolv")))
     port = Integer.valueOf(rb.getString("smsbolv"));"port:" + port);
   // 初始化短信网关
   gateway = new SerialModemGateway("modem." + portName, portName, port,
     "wavecom", "17254");

} catch (Exception e) {
   LOG.error("网关初始化失败:" + e.getMessage());

public static SmsModem getInstant() {
  if (smsModem == null) {
   smsModem = new SmsModem();
  return smsModem;

public SerialModemGateway getGateway() {
  return gateway;

public void sendMessage(String phone, String content) throws Exception {
  doIt(phone, content);

  * 发送短信
  * @param phone
  * @param content
  * @throws Exception
 public void doIt(String phone, String content) throws Exception {

OutboundMessage msg;"Sent Example: Send message from a serial gsm modem.");;"Sent Version: " + Library.getLibraryVersion());
  if (srv == null) {
   srv = new Service();
   srv.S.SERIAL_POLLING = true;

if (gateway != null) {"Sent Modem Information:");"Sent  Manufacturer: " + gateway.getManufacturer());"Sent  Model: " + gateway.getModel());"Sent  Serial No: " + gateway.getSerialNo());"Sent  SIM IMSI: " + gateway.getImsi());"Sent  Signal Level: " + gateway.getSignalLevel() + "%");"Sent  Battery Level: " + gateway.getBatteryLevel() + "%");
  // Send a message synchronously.

msg = new OutboundMessage(phone, content);
  msg.setEncoding(MessageEncodings.ENCUCS2);// 这句话是发中文短信必须的

  * 发送消息类
  * @author terry
 public class OutboundNotification implements IOutboundMessageNotification {
  public void process(String gatewayId, OutboundMessage msg) {"Sent Outbound handler called from Gateway: " + gatewayId);;
 public String readMessage()
  StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
  List<InboundMessage> msgList;
  // Create the notification callback method for Inbound & Status Report
  // messages.

   System.out.println("Read Example: Read messages from a serial gsm modem.");
   System.out.println("Read Version: " + Library.getLibraryVersion());
   // Create new Service object - the parent of all and the main interface
   // to you.
   if (srv == null) {
    srv = new Service();
    srv.S.SERIAL_POLLING = true;

// Similarly, you may define as many Gateway objects, representing
   // various GSM modems, add them in the Service object and control all of them.
   // Start! (i.e. connect to all defined Gateways)"Read Modem Information:");"Read   Manufacturer: " + gateway.getManufacturer());"Read   Model: " + gateway.getModel());"Read   Serial No: " + gateway.getSerialNo());"Read   SIM IMSI: " + gateway.getImsi());"Read   Signal Level: " + gateway.getSignalLevel() + "%");"Read   Battery Level: " + gateway.getBatteryLevel() + "%");
   // Read Messages. The reading is done via the Service object and
   // affects all Gateway objects defined. This can also be more directed to a specific
   // Gateway - look the JavaDocs for information on the Service method calls.
   msgList = new ArrayList<InboundMessage>();
   this.srv.readMessages(msgList, MessageClasses.ALL);
   int num = 1;
   for (InboundMessage msg : msgList)
    sb.append("第" + num + "条;发件人:"+msg.getOriginator() + ";内容:" + msg.getText() + "\n");
    //sb.append(msg.toString() + "\n");"第" + num + "条;发件人:"+msg.getOriginator() + ";内容:" + msg.getText() + "\n");
   // Sleep now. Emulate real world situation and give a chance to the notifications
   // methods to be called in the event of message or voice call reception.
   //System.out.println("Now Sleeping - Hit <enter> to terminate.");
  catch (Exception e)
  return sb.toString();

public class InboundNotification implements IInboundMessageNotification
  public void process(String gatewayId, MessageTypes msgType, InboundMessage msg)
   if (msgType == MessageTypes.INBOUND) System.out.println(">>> New Inbound message detected from Gateway: " + gatewayId);
   else if (msgType == MessageTypes.STATUSREPORT) System.out.println(">>> New Inbound Status Report message detected from Gateway: " + gatewayId);
    // Uncomment following line if you wish to delete the message upon arrival.
    // srv.deleteMessage(msg);
   catch (Exception e)
    System.out.println("Oops!!! Something gone bad...");

public class CallNotification implements ICallNotification
  public void process(String gatewayId, String callerId)
   System.out.println(">>> New call detected from Gateway: " + gatewayId + " : " + callerId);




  • java发送短信系列之同步、异步发送短信

    本篇本章是发送短信的第一部分, 说一下同步/异步发送短信的代码, 以后几篇我们稍微完善一下功能, 添加发送频率的限制和日发送次数的限制. 发送短信的方法可能不少, 我们的方法是使用服务商提供的服务. 一般来说, 这些服务都是和语言无关的, 这里我们使用java写示例程序. 1.发送短信的接口 根据自己的情况选择服务商. 2.开发文档 从开发文档中我们可以看到. 可以直接使用http请求也可以使用WebService请求发送短信. 由于DEMO文件夹下的java和jsp文件夹中的代码都是使用htt

  • java发送短信系列之限制日发送次数

    在前两篇文章中, 我们实现了同步/异步发送短信以及限制发送短信频率.这一篇, 我们介绍一下限制每日向同一个用户(根据手机号和ip判断)发送短信的次数 1.数据表结构 由于需要记录整天的发送记录, 因此这里我们将数据保存到数据库中. 数据表结构如下: type为验证码的类型, 比如注册, 重置密码等. sendTime的默认值为当前时间. 2.限制日发送次数 我们这里需要用到上一篇中提到的接口和实体类. public class DailyCountFi

  • java发送短信系列之限制发送频率

    本篇是发送短信的第二部分, 这里我们介绍一下如何限制向同一个用户(根据手机号和ip)发送短信的频率. 1.使用session 如果是web程序, 那么在session中记录上次发送的时间也可以, 但是可以被绕过去. 最简单的, 直接重启浏览器 或者 清除cache等可以标记session的数据, 那么就可以绕过session中的记录. 虽然很多人都不是计算机专业的, 也没学过这些. 但是我们需要注意的是, 之所以限制发送频率, 是为了防止"短信炸弹", 也就是有人恶意的频繁的请求向某个

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    一.在中国网建中注册用户:本程序是通过中国网建提供的SMS短信平台实现的,该平台新用户注册可以拥有免费5条普通短信和3条彩信,足够进行尝试和体验了.中国网建注册地址: 二.修改短信签名:注册成功后登陆,用户登陆有首先要修改短信签名,因为中国网建中规定了,发送的短信如果没有正规的签名是不能成功发送的,提示性信息见下图: 修改短信签名的步骤:用户信息修改--->修改用户信息--->保存信息,如下图: 三.修改验证码网关和绑定短信

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    下面开始介绍的是如何利用机器完成批量操作,将短信业务自动化. 获取APIKEY 云片网提供了完整的SDK和API,可以帮助开发者快速完成业务开发. 在开始Coding前,需要先获取APIKEY,如下所示. 获取APIKEY 点击眼睛按钮后,输入验证码,就可以查看APIKEY了. 这里需要说明的是,APIKEY特别重要,一定要保护好它,避免泄露.云片这边提供了几重保护机制,例如验证.敏感处理.子账号独立APIKEY等,看得出来他们的安全意识还是挺不错的. 开始Coding 有了APIKEY,就可以

  • JAVA实现利用第三方平台发送短信验证码

    前段时间自己做的一个小项目中,涉及到用短信验证码登录.注册的问题,之前没涉及过这一块,看了别人的博客其实也是似懂非懂的,现在就将自己做的利用第三方短信平台来发送验证码这个功能记下来. 本文以注册为例,在SpringMVC+Spring+Mybatis框架的基础上完成该短信验证码功能. 发送短信验证码的原理是:随机生成一个6位数字,将该6位数字保存到session当中,客户端通过sessionid判断对应的session,用户输入的验证码再与session记录的验证码进行比较. 为了防止有广告嫌疑

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    复制代码 代码如下: import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger;import org.smslib.ICallNotification;import org.smslib.IInboundMessageNotification;import org.smslib.IOutboundMessageNotification;import org.smslib.InboundMess

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    具体的操作步骤如下:1.把smslib-3.3.0b2.jar.comm.jar与log4j-1.2.11.jar,放入到工程的lib中:2.把javax.comm.properties放到%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib下:3.把win32com.dll放到%JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin下:4  把comm.jar放到%JAVA_HOME%/jre/ext下注意:路径放错,调用起来就会报错:JDK的版本,用的版本是jdk-1_5_0_04. 复制代码 代码如下: ackage c

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