


$smtp=new smtp_class;

   "From: $from",
   "To: $to",
   "Subject: Testing Manuel Lemos' SMTP class"
  "Hello $to,\n\nIt is just to let you know that your SMTP class is working just fine.\n\nBye.\n"))
  echo "Message sent to $to OK.\n";
  echo "Cound not send the message to $to.\nError: ".$smtp->error."\n"



class smtp_class
var $host_name="";
var $host_port=25;
var $localhost="";
var $timeout=0;
var $error="";
var $debug=1;
var $esmtp=1;
var $esmtp_host="";
var $esmtp_extensions=array();
var $maximum_piped_recipients=100;

/* private variables - DO NOT ACCESS */

var $state="Disconnected";
var $connection=0;
var $pending_recipients=0;

/* Private methods - DO NOT CALL */

Function OutputDebug($message)
  echo $message,"<br>\n";

Function GetLine()
    $this->error="reached the end of stream while reading from socket";
    $this->error="it was not possible to read line from socket";
   && substr($line,$length-2,2)=="\r\n")
     $this->OutputDebug("< $line");

Function PutLine($line)
   $this->OutputDebug("> $line");
   $this->error="it was not possible to write line to socket";

Function PutData($data)
    $this->OutputDebug("> $data");
    $this->error="it was not possible to write data to socket";

Function VerifyResultLines($code,$responses="")

    if(strcmp(strtok($line," -"),$match_code))
    $match_code=strtok($line," -");
     for($codes=0;$codes<count($code) && strcmp($match_code,$code[$codes]);$codes++);
   if(!strcmp($match_code,strtok($line," ")))

Function FlushRecipients()

/* Public methods */

Function Connect()
  if(!($this->connection=($this->timeout ? fsockopen($this->host_name,$this->host_port,&$errno,&$error,$this->timeout) : fsockopen($this->host_name,$this->host_port))))
    case -3:
     $this->error="-3 socket could not be created";
    case -4:
     $this->error="-4 dns lookup on hostname \"".$host_name."\" failed";
    case -5:
     $this->error="-5 connection refused or timed out";
    case -6:
     $this->error="-6 fdopen() call failed";
    case -7:
     $this->error="-7 setvbuf() call failed";
     $this->error=$error." could not connect to the host \"".$this->host_name."\"";
   && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("SERVER_NAME"),"")
   && !strcmp($localhost=getenv("HOST"),""))
      if($this->PutLine("EHLO $localhost")
      && $this->VerifyResultLines("250",&$responses)>0)
       $this->esmtp_host=strtok($responses[0]," ");
        $extension=strtoupper(strtok($responses[$response]," "));
     && $this->PutLine("HELO $localhost")
     && $this->VerifyResultLines("250")>0)

Function MailFrom($sender)
   $this->error="connection is not in the initial state";
  if(!$this->PutLine("MAIL FROM: <".$sender.">"))
  && $this->VerifyResultLines("250")<=0)

Function SetRecipient($recipient)
   case "SenderSet":
   case "RecipientSet":
    $this->error="connection is not in the recipient setting state";
  if(!$this->PutLine("RCPT TO:<".$recipient.">"))

Function StartData()
   $this->error="connection is not in the start sending data state";

Function PrepareData($data,&$output)
     case "\n":
      break 2;
     case "\r":
      break 2;

Function SendData($data)
   $this->error="connection is not in the sending data state";

Function EndSendingData()
   $this->error="connection is not in the sending data state";
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("250")<=0)

Function ResetConnection()
   case "Connected":
   case "SendingData":
    $this->error="can not reset the connection while sending data";
   case "Disconnected":
    $this->error="can not reset the connection before it is established";
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("250")<=0)

Function Disconnect($quit=1)
   $this->error="it was not previously established a SMTP connection";
  && $quit
  && (!$this->PutLine("QUIT")
  || $this->VerifyResultLines("221")<=0))

Function SendMessage($sender,$recipients,$headers,$body)
    && ($success=$this->StartData()))





  • PHPMailer邮件类利用smtp.163.com发送邮件方法

    第一步:需要下载PHPMailer文件包phpmailer-1.73.tar.gz 来自开源社区: 第二步:确认你的服务器系统已经支持socket 如下图,通过phpinfo();查看是否支持sockets 如果没有这一项就请注意: socket 是属于PHP扩展部分,编译时必须给定一个用于./configure --enable-sockets 的配置选项. 第三步:把文件解压到你的web服务器目录下,调用类就可以了,说明:首

  • php中通过smtp发邮件的类,测试通过

    smtp.php 复制代码 代码如下: <?php class smtp {     /* Public Variables */     var $smtp_port;     var $time_out;     var $host_name;     var $log_file;     var $relay_host;     var $debug;     var $auth;     var $user;     var $pass; /* Private Variables */ 

  • 用Socket发送电子邮件(利用需要验证的SMTP服务器)

    <? *  名称:用Socket发送电子邮件 *  描述:本类实现了直接使用需要验证的SMTP服务器直接发送邮件,参考文章<用Socket发送电子邮件>作者:limodou *        此文章比较早,他是用不用验证SMTP服务器发送邮件,现在基本上SMTP服务器都需要验证了,所以这个文章里的类           意义也不是很大!同时参考了[RFC 1869]和PHP手册!!和上文还有不同的是我用的不是fsockopen()函数           具体你自己看吧!!我刚刚测试通过

  • C#实现SMTP邮件发送程序实例

    通常来说邮件发送功能在网站应用程序中经常会用到,包括大家经常看到的博客,在添加评论后,系统会自动发送邮件通知到我邮箱的,把系统发送邮件的功能整理了下,本文展示了一个客户端Demo,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮助.运行效果如下图所示: 核心代码如下: 复制代码 代码如下: using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Text; namespace HC.Email {     /// <summary>   

  • 使用SmtpClient发送邮件的方法

    程序是这样的: 复制代码 代码如下: static void Main(string[] args){    SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();    client.Host = "localhost"; MailAddress from = new MailAddress("");    MailAddress to = new MailAddress(""

  • php下使用SMTP发邮件的代码

    最近一个项目需要用到SMTP发送邮件,之前的库类不存在了,又不喜欢安装pear或者使用pear的net/smtp类,感觉太复杂了.就直接从discuz中抽取出核心稍微修改了下.    从协议分析网上,查找到SMTP协议的命令和应答,SMTP协议在发送SMTP和接收SMTP之间的会话是靠发送SMTP的SMTP命令和接收SMTP反馈的应答来完成的.常用的命令如下:    HELLO<domain><CRLF>识别发送方到接收SMTP的一个HELLO命令    MAIL FROM:<

  • .net SMTP发送Email邮件且可带附件示例

    复制代码 代码如下: public static void sendEmail(string toAddress, string emailbody) { var fromAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailAddress"]; string fromPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailPassword"].ToString(); const

  • PHP的一个完整SMTP类(解决邮件服务器需要验证时的问题)

    smtp.php <?phpclass smtp { /* Public Variables */ var $smtp_port; var $time_out; var $host_name; var $log_file; var $relay_host; var $debug; var $auth; var $user; var $pass; /* Private Variables */ var $sock; /* Constractor */ function smtp($relay_ho

  • SMTP客户端未通过身份验证等多种错误解决方案分享

    最近在做邮件发送接口 把遇到的问题和解决方法告诉大家  希望对了解邮件的人有所帮助 原程序部分代码如下 //设置邮件信息 发件人地址.收件人地址.标题.主题 MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("", "", "标题", "主题"); //设置邮件主题格式 mail.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; //

  • Python httplib,smtplib使用方法

    例一:使用httplib访问某个url然后获取返回的内容: Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) -->import httplibconn=httplib.HTTPConnection("")conn.request("GET", "/coderzh/archive
