
我想可能很多朋友都会用这样的方法“response.write ”,然后输出相关的语句来看看是否正确。前几天写了一个千行的页面,里面大概有七八个SUB/FUNCTION,调试的时候用了有三十几个response.write ,天,调试完后把这三十个一个个删除,累!


<!--#INCLUDE FILE="debuggingConsole.asp"-->
Set debugstr = New debuggingConsole
debugstr.Enabled = true
   debugstr.Print "参数output的值", output
Set debugstr = Nothing



Class debuggingConsole
   private dbg_Enabled
   private dbg_Show
   private dbg_RequestTime
   private dbg_FinishTime
   private dbg_Data
   private dbg_DB_Data
   private dbg_AllVars
   private dbg_Show_default
   private DivSets(2)
'Construktor => set the default values
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
   dbg_RequestTime = Now()
   dbg_AllVars = false
   Set dbg_Data = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
DivSets(0) = "<TR><TD style='cursor:hand;' onclick=""javascript:if (document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display=='none'){document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display='block';}else{document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display='none';}""><DIV id=sect#sectname# style=""font-weight:bold;cursor:hand;background:#7EA5D7;color:white;padding-left:4;padding-right:4;padding-bottom:2;"">|#title#| <DIV id=data#sectname# style=""cursor:text;display:none;background:#FFFFFF;padding-left:8;"" onclick=""window.event.cancelBubble = true;"">|#data#| </DIV>|</DIV>|"
   DivSets(1) = "<TR><TD><DIV id=sect#sectname# style=""font-weight:bold;cursor:hand;background:#7EA5D7;color:white;padding-left:4;padding-right:4;padding-bottom:2;"" onclick=""javascript:if (document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display=='none'){document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display='block';}else{document.getElementById('data#sectname#').style.display='none';}"">|#title#| <DIV id=data#sectname# style=""cursor:text;display:block;background:#FFFFFF;padding-left:8;"" onclick=""window.event.cancelBubble = true;"">|#data#| </DIV>|</DIV>|"
   DivSets(2) = "<TR><TD><DIV id=sect#sectname# style=""background:#7EA5D7;color:lightsteelblue;padding-left:4;padding-right:4;padding-bottom:2;"">|#title#| <DIV id=data#sectname# style=""display:none;background:lightsteelblue;padding-left:8"">|#data#| </DIV>|</DIV>|"
   dbg_Show_default = "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
End Sub
Public Property Let Enabled(bNewValue) ''[bool] Sets "enabled" to true or false
   dbg_Enabled = bNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Enabled ''[bool] Gets the "enabled" value
   Enabled = dbg_Enabled
End Property
Public Property Let Show(bNewValue) ''[string] Sets the debugging panel. Where each digit in the string represents a debug information pane in order (11 of them). 1=open, 0=closed
   dbg_Show = bNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Show ''[string] Gets the debugging panel.
   Show = dbg_Show
End Property
Public Property Let AllVars(bNewValue) ''[bool] Sets wheather all variables will be displayed or not. true/false
   dbg_AllVars = bNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get AllVars ''[bool] Gets if all variables will be displayed.
   AllVars = dbg_AllVars
End Property
''@SDESCRIPTION: Adds a variable to the debug-informations.
''@PARAM: - label [string]: Description of the variable
''@PARAM: - output [variable]: The variable itself
Public Sub Print(label, output)
   If dbg_Enabled Then
     if err.number > 0 then
       call dbg_Data.Add(ValidLabel(label), "!!! Error: " & err.number & " " & err.Description)
       uniqueID = ValidLabel(label)
       response.write uniqueID
       call dbg_Data.Add(uniqueID, output)
     end if
   End If
End Sub
'* ValidLabel
Private Function ValidLabel(byval label)
   dim i, lbl
   i = 0
   lbl = label
   if not dbg_Data.Exists(lbl) then exit do
   i = i + 1
   lbl = label & "(" & i & ")"
   loop until i = i
   ValidLabel = lbl
End Function
'* PrintCookiesInfo
Private Sub PrintCookiesInfo(byval DivSetNo)
   dim tbl, cookie, key, tmp
   For Each cookie in Request.Cookies
   If Not Request.Cookies(cookie).HasKeys Then
     tbl = AddRow(tbl, cookie, Request.Cookies(cookie))
     For Each key in Request.Cookies(cookie)
     tbl = AddRow(tbl, cookie & "(" & key & ")", Request.Cookies(cookie)(key))
   End If
   tbl = MakeTable(tbl)
   if Request.Cookies.count <= 0 then DivSetNo = 2
   tmp = replace(replace(replace(DivSets(DivSetNo),"#sectname#","COOKIES"),"#title#","COOKIES"),"#data#",tbl)
   Response.Write replace(tmp,"|", vbcrlf)
end sub
'* PrintSummaryInfo
Private Sub PrintSummaryInfo(byval DivSetNo)
   dim tmp, tbl
   tbl = AddRow(tbl, "Time of Request",dbg_RequestTime)
   tbl = AddRow(tbl, "Elapsed Time",DateDiff("s", dbg_RequestTime, dbg_FinishTime) & " seconds")
   tbl = AddRow(tbl, "Request Type",Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD"))
   tbl = AddRow(tbl, "Status Code",Response.Status)
   tbl = AddRow(tbl, "Script Engine",ScriptEngine & " " & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineBuildVersion)
   tbl = MakeTable(tbl)
   tmp = replace(replace(replace(DivSets(DivSetNo),"#sectname#","SUMMARY"),"#title#","SUMMARY INFO"),"#data#",tbl)
   Response.Write replace(tmp,"|", vbcrlf)
End Sub
''@SDESCRIPTION: Adds the Database-connection object to the debug-instance. To display Database-information
''@PARAM: - oSQLDB [object]: connection-object
Public Sub GrabDatabaseInfo(byval oSQLDB)
   dbg_DB_Data = AddRow(dbg_DB_Data, "ADO Ver",oSQLDB.Version)
   dbg_DB_Data = AddRow(dbg_DB_Data, "OLEDB Ver",oSQLDB.Properties("OLE DB Version"))
   dbg_DB_Data = AddRow(dbg_DB_Data, "DBMS",oSQLDB.Properties("DBMS Name") & " Ver: " & oSQLDB.Properties("DBMS Version"))
   dbg_DB_Data = AddRow(dbg_DB_Data, "Provider",oSQLDB.Properties("Provider Name") & " Ver: " & oSQLDB.Properties("Provider Version"))
End Sub
'* PrintDatabaseInfo
Private Sub PrintDatabaseInfo(byval DivSetNo)
   dim tbl
   tbl = MakeTable(dbg_DB_Data)
   tbl = replace(replace(replace(DivSets(DivSetNo),"#sectname#","DATABASE"),"#title#","DATABASE INFO"),"#data#",tbl)
   Response.Write replace(tbl,"|", vbcrlf)
End Sub
'* PrintCollection
Private Sub PrintCollection(Byval Name, ByVal Collection, ByVal DivSetNo, ByVal ExtraInfo)
   Dim vItem, tbl, Temp
   For Each vItem In Collection
     if isobject(Collection(vItem)) and Name <> "SERVER VARIABLES" and Name <> "QUERYSTRING" and Name <> "FORM" then
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, vItem, "{object}")
     elseif isnull(Collection(vItem)) then
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, vItem, "{null}")
     elseif isarray(Collection(vItem)) then
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, vItem, "{array}")
       if dbg_AllVars then
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, "<nobr>" & vItem & "</nobr>", server.HTMLEncode(Collection(vItem)))
     elseif (Name = "SERVER VARIABLES" and vItem <> "ALL_HTTP" and vItem <> "ALL_RAW") or Name <> "SERVER VARIABLES" then
       if Collection(vItem) <> "" then
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, vItem, server.HTMLEncode(Collection(vItem))) ' & " {" & TypeName(Collection(vItem)) & "}")
       tbl = AddRow(tbl, vItem, "...")
       end if
     end if
   end if
   if ExtraInfo <> "" then tbl = tbl & "<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><HR></TR>" & ExtraInfo
   tbl = MakeTable(tbl)
   if Collection.count <= 0 then DivSetNo =2
     tbl = replace(replace(DivSets(DivSetNo),"#title#",Name),"#data#",tbl)
     tbl = replace(tbl,"#sectname#",replace(Name," ",""))
     Response.Write replace(tbl,"|", vbcrlf)
End Sub
'* AddRow
Private Function AddRow(byval t, byval var, byval val)
   t = t & "|<TR valign=top>|<TD>|" & var & "|<TD>= " & val & "|</TR>"
   AddRow = t
End Function
'* MakeTable
Private Function MakeTable(byval tdata)
   tdata = "|<table border=0 style=""font-size:10pt;font-weight:normal;"">" + tdata + "</Table>|"
   MakeTable = tdata
End Function
''@SDESCRIPTION: Draws the Debug-panel
Public Sub draw()
   If dbg_Enabled Then
     dbg_FinishTime = Now()
   Dim DivSet, x
   DivSet = split(dbg_Show_default,",")
   dbg_Show = split(dbg_Show,",")
   For x = 0 to ubound(dbg_Show)
     divSet(x) = dbg_Show(x)
   Response.Write "<BR><Table width=100% cellspacing=0 border=0 style=""font-family:arial;font-size:9pt;font-weight:normal;""><TR><TD><DIV style=""background:#005A9E;color:white;padding:4;font-size:12pt;font-weight:bold;"">Debugging-console:</DIV>"
   Call PrintSummaryInfo(divSet(0))
   Call PrintCollection("VARIABLES", dbg_Data,divSet(1),"")
   Call PrintCollection("QUERYSTRING", Request.QueryString(), divSet(2),"")
   Call PrintCollection("FORM", Request.Form(),divSet(3),"")
   Call PrintCookiesInfo(divSet(4))
   Call PrintCollection("SESSION", Session.Contents(),divSet(5),AddRow(AddRow(AddRow("","Locale ID",Session.LCID & " (&H" & Hex(Session.LCID) & ")"),"Code Page",Session.CodePage),"Session ID",Session.SessionID))
   Call PrintCollection("APPLICATION", Application.Contents(),divSet(6),"")
   Call PrintCollection("SERVER VARIABLES", Request.ServerVariables(),divSet(7),AddRow("","Timeout",Server.ScriptTimeout))
   Call PrintDatabaseInfo(divSet(8))
   Call PrintCollection("SESSION STATIC OBJECTS", Session.StaticObjects(),divSet(9),"")
   Call PrintCollection("APPLICATION STATIC OBJECTS", Application.StaticObjects(),divSet(10),"")
   Response.Write "</Table>"
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
   Set dbg_Data = Nothing
End Sub
End Class


CLASS debuggingConsole
Version: 1.2
Public Properties
Property Let Enabled(bNewValue)===[bool] Sets "enabled" to true or false
Property Get Enabled===[bool] Gets the "enabled" value
Property Let Show(bNewValue)===[string] Sets the debugging panel. Where each digit in the string represents a debug information pane in order (11 of them). 1=open, 0=closed
Property Get Show===[string] Gets the debugging panel.
Property Let AllVars(bNewValue)===[bool] Sets wheather all variables will be displayed or not. true/false
Property Get AllVars===[bool] Gets if all variables will be displayed.
Public Methods
public sub===Print (label, output)
   Adds a variable to the debug-informations.
public sub===GrabDatabaseInfo (byval oSQLDB)
   Adds the Database-connection object to the debug-instance. To display Database-information
public sub===draw ()
   Draws the Debug-panel
Methods Detail
public sub===Print (label, output)
   - label [string]: Description of the variable
   - output [variable]: The variable itself
public sub===GrabDatabaseInfo (byval oSQLDB)
   - oSQLDB [object]: connection-object



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    在实际工作中,我发现程序员对脚本抱怨最多的就是脚本程序很难调试这个缺点,特别是调试.vbs等WSH程序的时候,总是: 1. 在资源管理器里面双击一个.vbs文件. 2. 程序里面发生了一个错误,例如异常,或者编程逻辑错误. 3. 一行行阅读源文件,然后在估计发生错误的地方,添加很多的Msgbox.Show,打印一些变量的值. 4. 重新执行.vbs文件 5. "当当当",一系列的 "确定"点完了以后,人也晕了,重新回到第三步继续-- 其实我们也是可以用Visual

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    by sssa2000 我们来看一看怎么利用fso来进行文件操作.Fso时vbs里进行文件操作的核心.作为黑客,不管学习什么语言,对文件的操作都应该是要了如指掌的,所以请大家仔细学习. 不说废话,先看fso由哪几个对象组成: drive对象:包含储存设备的信息,包括硬盘,光驱,ram盘,网络驱动器 drives集合:提供一个物理和逻辑驱动器的列表 file  对象:检查和处理文件 files 集合:提供一个文件夹中的文件列表 folder对象:检查和处理文件夹 folders集合:提供文件夹中子

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  • ASP、vbscript编码模板

    <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado20.tlb" --> <%@ Language=VBScript %> <%Option Explicit%> <% '加入的文件 %> <!-- #include virtual|file="需要包含的文件" --> <

  • ASP基础知识VBScript基本元素讲解

    VBScript数据类型 VBScript只有一种数据类型,即Variant,称为变体型.Varriant是一种特殊的数据类型,根据使用的方式,它可以包含不同类别的信息.因为Variant是VBScript中惟一的数据类型,所以它也是VBScript中所有函数的返回值的数据类型. 最简单的Variant可以包含数字或字符串信息.Variant 用于数字上下文中时作为数字处理,用于字符串上下文中时作为字符串处理.也就是说,如果使用看起来像是数字的数据,则VBScript会假定其为数字并以适用于数字
