1.CPU使用率飙升问题 –>用链表动态管理
2.用户自定义聊天,就是想跟谁聊跟谁聊 –> _Client结构体中新增一个ChatName字段,用来表示要和谁聊天,这个字段很重要,因为server转发消息的时候就是按照这个字段来转发的。
3.中途换人聊天,就是聊着聊着,想和别人聊,而且自己还一样能接收到其它人发的消息 –> 这个就要小改客户端的代码了,可以在发送聊天消息之前插入一段代码,用来切换聊天用户。具体做法就是,用getch()函数读取ESC键,如果用户按了这个键,则表示想切换用户,然后会输出一行提示,请输入chat name,就是想要和谁聊天的名字,发送这个名字过去之前要加一个标识符,表示这个消息是切换聊天用户消息。然后server接收到这个消息后会判断第一个字符是不是标识符,第二个字符不能是标识符,则根据这个name来查找当前在线的用户,然后修改想切换聊天用户的ChatName为name这个用户。(可能有点绕,不懂的看代码就清晰易懂了~)
4.下线后提醒对方 –> 还是老套路,只要send对方不通就当对方下线了。
Server code:
#ifndef _CLIENT_LINK_LIST_H_ #define _CLIENT_LINK_LIST_H_ #include <WinSock2.h> #include <stdio.h> //客户端信息结构体 typedef struct _Client { SOCKET sClient; //客户端套接字 char buf[128]; //数据缓冲区 char userName[16]; //客户端用户名 char IP[20]; //客户端IP unsigned short Port; //客户端端口 UINT_PTR flag; //标记客户端,用来区分不同的客户端 char ChatName[16]; //指定要和哪个客户端聊天 _Client* next; //指向下一个结点 }Client, *pClient; /* * function 初始化链表 * return 无返回值 */ void Init(); /* * function 获取头节点 * return 返回头节点 */ pClient GetHeadNode(); /* * function 添加一个客户端 * param client表示一个客户端对象 * return 无返回值 */ void AddClient(pClient client); /* * function 删除一个客户端 * param flag标识一个客户端对象 * return 返回true表示删除成功,false表示失败 */ bool RemoveClient(UINT_PTR flag); /* * function 根据name查找指定客户端 * param name是指定客户端的用户名 * return 返回一个client表示查找成功,返回INVALID_SOCKET表示无此用户 */ SOCKET FindClient(char* name); /* * function 根据SOCKET查找指定客户端 * param client是指定客户端的套接字 * return 返回一个pClient表示查找成功,返回NULL表示无此用户 */ pClient FindClient(SOCKET client); /* * function 计算客户端连接数 * param client表示一个客户端对象 * return 返回连接数 */ int CountCon(); /* * function 清空链表 * return 无返回值 */ void ClearClient(); /* * function 检查连接状态并关闭一个连接 * return 返回值 */ void CheckConnection(); /* * function 指定发送给哪个客户端 * param FromName,发信人 * param ToName, 收信人 * param data, 发送的消息 */ void SendData(char* FromName, char* ToName, char* data); #endif //_CLIENT_LINK_LIST_H_
#include "ClientLinkList.h" pClient head = (pClient)malloc(sizeof(_Client)); //创建一个头结点 /* * function 初始化链表 * return 无返回值 */ void Init() { head->next = NULL; } /* * function 获取头节点 * return 返回头节点 */ pClient GetHeadNode() { return head; } /* * function 添加一个客户端 * param client表示一个客户端对象 * return 无返回值 */ void AddClient(pClient client) { client->next = head->next; //比如:head->1->2,然后添加一个3进来后是 head->next = client; //3->1->2,head->3->1->2 } /* * function 删除一个客户端 * param flag标识一个客户端对象 * return 返回true表示删除成功,false表示失败 */ bool RemoveClient(UINT_PTR flag) { //从头遍历,一个个比较 pClient pCur = head->next;//pCur指向第一个结点 pClient pPre = head; //pPre指向head while (pCur) { // head->1->2->3->4,要删除2,则直接让1->3 if (pCur->flag == flag) { pPre->next = pCur->next; closesocket(pCur->sClient); //关闭套接字 free(pCur); //释放该结点 return true; } pPre = pCur; pCur = pCur->next; } return false; } /* * function 查找指定客户端 * param name是指定客户端的用户名 * return 返回socket表示查找成功,返回INVALID_SOCKET表示无此用户 */ SOCKET FindClient(char* name) { //从头遍历,一个个比较 pClient pCur = head; while (pCur = pCur->next) { if (strcmp(pCur->userName, name) == 0) return pCur->sClient; } return INVALID_SOCKET; } /* * function 根据SOCKET查找指定客户端 * param client是指定客户端的套接字 * return 返回一个pClient表示查找成功,返回NULL表示无此用户 */ pClient FindClient(SOCKET client) { //从头遍历,一个个比较 pClient pCur = head; while (pCur = pCur->next) { if (pCur->sClient == client) return pCur; } return NULL; } /* * function 计算客户端连接数 * param client表示一个客户端对象 * return 返回连接数 */ int CountCon() { int iCount = 0; pClient pCur = head; while (pCur = pCur->next) iCount++; return iCount; } /* * function 清空链表 * return 无返回值 */ void ClearClient() { pClient pCur = head->next; pClient pPre = head; while (pCur) { //head->1->2->3->4,先删除1,head->2,然后free 1 pClient p = pCur; pPre->next = p->next; free(p); pCur = pPre->next; } } /* * function 检查连接状态并关闭一个连接 * return 返回值 */ void CheckConnection() { pClient pclient = GetHeadNode(); while (pclient = pclient->next) { if (send(pclient->sClient, "", sizeof(""), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) { if (pclient->sClient != 0) { printf("Disconnect from IP: %s,UserName: %s\n", pclient->IP, pclient->userName); char error[128] = { 0 }; //发送下线消息给发消息的人 sprintf(error, "The %s was downline.\n", pclient->userName); send(FindClient(pclient->ChatName), error, sizeof(error), 0); closesocket(pclient->sClient); //这里简单的判断:若发送消息失败,则认为连接中断(其原因有多种),关闭该套接字 RemoveClient(pclient->flag); break; } } } } /* * function 指定发送给哪个客户端 * param FromName,发信人 * param ToName, 收信人 * param data, 发送的消息 */ void SendData(char* FromName, char* ToName, char* data) { SOCKET client = FindClient(ToName); //查找是否有此用户 char error[128] = { 0 }; int ret = 0; if (client != INVALID_SOCKET && strlen(data) != 0) { char buf[128] = { 0 }; sprintf(buf, "%s: %s", FromName, data); //添加发送消息的用户名 ret = send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); } else//发送错误消息给发消息的人 { if(client == INVALID_SOCKET) sprintf(error, "The %s was downline.\n", ToName); else sprintf(error, "Send to %s message not allow empty, Please try again!\n", ToName); send(FindClient(FromName), error, sizeof(error), 0); } if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)//发送下线消息给发消息的人 { sprintf(error, "The %s was downline.\n", ToName); send(FindClient(FromName), error, sizeof(error), 0); } }
server cpp:
/* #include <WinSock2.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ClientLinkList.h" #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") SOCKET g_ServerSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; //服务端套接字 SOCKADDR_IN g_ClientAddr = { 0 }; //客户端地址 int g_iClientAddrLen = sizeof(g_ClientAddr); typedef struct _Send { char FromName[16]; char ToName[16]; char data[128]; }Send,*pSend; //发送数据线程 unsigned __stdcall ThreadSend(void* param) { pSend psend = (pSend)param; //转换为Send类型 SendData(psend->FromName, psend->ToName, psend->data); //发送数据 return 0; } //接受数据 unsigned __stdcall ThreadRecv(void* param) { int ret = 0; while (1) { pClient pclient = (pClient)param; if (!pclient) return 1; ret = recv(pclient->sClient, pclient->buf, sizeof(pclient->buf), 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) return 1; if (pclient->buf[0] == '#' && pclient->buf[1] != '#') //#表示用户要指定另一个用户进行聊天 { SOCKET socket = FindClient(&pclient->buf[1]); //验证一下客户是否存在 if (socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { pClient c = (pClient)malloc(sizeof(_Client)); c = FindClient(socket); //只要改变ChatName,发送消息的时候就会自动发给指定的用户了 memset(pclient->ChatName, 0, sizeof(pclient->ChatName)); memcpy(pclient->ChatName , c->userName,sizeof(pclient->ChatName)); } else send(pclient->sClient, "The user have not online or not exits.",64,0); continue; } pSend psend = (pSend)malloc(sizeof(_Send)); //把发送人的用户名和接收消息的用户和消息赋值给结构体,然后当作参数传进发送消息进程中 memcpy(psend->FromName, pclient->userName, sizeof(psend->FromName)); memcpy(psend->ToName, pclient->ChatName, sizeof(psend->ToName)); memcpy(psend->data, pclient->buf, sizeof(psend->data)); _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadSend, psend, 0, NULL); Sleep(200); } return 0; } //开启接收消息线程 void StartRecv() { pClient pclient = GetHeadNode(); while (pclient = pclient->next) _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadRecv, pclient, 0, NULL); } //管理连接 unsigned __stdcall ThreadManager(void* param) { while (1) { CheckConnection(); //检查连接状况 Sleep(2000); //2s检查一次 } return 0; } //接受请求 unsigned __stdcall ThreadAccept(void* param) { _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadManager, NULL, 0, NULL); Init(); //初始化一定不要再while里面做,否则head会一直为NULL!!! while (1) { //创建一个新的客户端对象 pClient pclient = (pClient)malloc(sizeof(_Client)); //如果有客户端申请连接就接受连接 if ((pclient->sClient = accept(g_ServerSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&g_ClientAddr, &g_iClientAddrLen)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("accept failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(g_ServerSocket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } recv(pclient->sClient, pclient->userName, sizeof(pclient->userName), 0); //接收用户名和指定聊天对象的用户名 recv(pclient->sClient, pclient->ChatName, sizeof(pclient->ChatName), 0); memcpy(pclient->IP, inet_ntoa(g_ClientAddr.sin_addr), sizeof(pclient->IP)); //记录客户端IP pclient->flag = pclient->sClient; //不同的socke有不同UINT_PTR类型的数字来标识 pclient->Port = htons(g_ClientAddr.sin_port); AddClient(pclient); //把新的客户端加入链表中 printf("Successfuuly got a connection from IP:%s ,Port: %d,UerName: %s , ChatName: %s\n", pclient->IP, pclient->Port, pclient->userName,pclient->ChatName); if (CountCon() >= 2) //当至少两个用户都连接上服务器后才进行消息转发 StartRecv(); Sleep(2000); } return 0; } //启动服务器 int StartServer() { //存放套接字信息的结构 WSADATA wsaData = { 0 }; SOCKADDR_IN ServerAddr = { 0 }; //服务端地址 USHORT uPort = 18000; //服务器监听端口 //初始化套接字 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) { printf("WSAStartup failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } //判断版本 if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) { printf("wVersion was not 2.2\n"); return -1; } //创建套接字 g_ServerSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (g_ServerSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("socket failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } //设置服务器地址 ServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;//连接方式 ServerAddr.sin_port = htons(uPort);//服务器监听端口 ServerAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);//任何客户端都能连接这个服务器 //绑定服务器 if (SOCKET_ERROR == bind(g_ServerSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&ServerAddr, sizeof(ServerAddr))) { printf("bind failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(g_ServerSocket); return -1; } //设置监听客户端连接数 if (SOCKET_ERROR == listen(g_ServerSocket, 20000)) { printf("listen failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(g_ServerSocket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadAccept, NULL, 0, 0); for (int k = 0;k < 100;k++) //让主线程休眠,不让它关闭TCP连接. Sleep(10000000); //关闭套接字 ClearClient(); closesocket(g_ServerSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; } int main() { StartServer(); //启动服务器 return 0; }
Client code:
#define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS #include <WinSock2.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib") #define RECV_OVER 1 #define RECV_YET 0 char userName[16] = { 0 }; char chatName[16] = { 0 }; int iStatus = RECV_YET; //接受数据 unsigned __stdcall ThreadRecv(void* param) { char buf[128] = { 0 }; while (1) { int ret = recv(*(SOCKET*)param, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { Sleep(500); continue; } if (strlen(buf) != 0) { printf("%s\n", buf); iStatus = RECV_OVER; } else Sleep(100); } return 0; } //发送数据 unsigned __stdcall ThreadSend(void* param) { char buf[128] = { 0 }; int ret = 0; while (1) { int c = getch(); if (c == 27) //ESC ASCII是27 { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); printf("Please input the chat name:"); gets_s(buf); char b[17] = { 0 }; sprintf(b, "#%s", buf); ret = send(*(SOCKET*)param,b , sizeof(b), 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) return 1; continue; } if(c == 72 || c == 0 || c == 68)//为了显示美观,加一个无回显的读取字符函数 continue; //getch返回值我是经过实验得出如果是返回这几个值,则getch就会自动跳过,具体我也不懂。 printf("%s: ", userName); gets_s(buf); ret = send(*(SOCKET*)param, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) return 1; } return 0; } //连接服务器 int ConnectServer() { WSADATA wsaData = { 0 };//存放套接字信息 SOCKET ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;//客户端套接字 SOCKADDR_IN ServerAddr = { 0 };//服务端地址 USHORT uPort = 18000;//服务端端口 //初始化套接字 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData)) { printf("WSAStartup failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } //判断套接字版本 if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) { printf("wVersion was not 2.2\n"); return -1; } //创建套接字 ClientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (ClientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("socket failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } //输入服务器IP printf("Please input server IP:"); char IP[32] = { 0 }; gets_s(IP); //设置服务器地址 ServerAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; ServerAddr.sin_port = htons(uPort);//服务器端口 ServerAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(IP);//服务器地址 printf("connecting......\n"); //连接服务器 if (SOCKET_ERROR == connect(ClientSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&ServerAddr, sizeof(ServerAddr))) { printf("connect failed with error code: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(ClientSocket); WSACleanup(); return -1; } printf("Connecting server successfully IP:%s Port:%d\n", IP, htons(ServerAddr.sin_port)); printf("Please input your UserName: "); gets_s(userName); send(ClientSocket, userName, sizeof(userName), 0); printf("Please input the ChatName: "); gets_s(chatName); send(ClientSocket, chatName, sizeof(chatName), 0); printf("\n\n"); _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadRecv, &ClientSocket, 0, NULL); //启动接收和发送消息线程 _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, ThreadSend, &ClientSocket, 0, NULL); for (int k = 0;k < 1000;k++) Sleep(10000000); closesocket(ClientSocket); WSACleanup(); return 0; } int main() { ConnectServer(); //连接服务器 return 0; }