
  • 技术背景
  • 打格点算法实现
  • 打格点算法加速
  • 总结概要






from numba import jit
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np

def grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

if __name__=='__main__':
    atoms = 4
    grid_size = 0.1
    crd = np.random.random((atoms,3)).astype(np.float32)
    xmin = min(crd[:,0])
    ymin = min(crd[:,1])
    zmin = min(crd[:,2])
    xmax = max(crd[:,0])
    ymax = max(crd[:,1])
    zmax = max(crd[:,2])
    xgrids = int((xmax-xmin)/grid_size)+1
    ygrids = int((ymax-ymin)/grid_size)+1
    zgrids = int((zmax-zmin)/grid_size)+1
    rxyz = np.array([xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_size], dtype=np.float32)

    grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
    grids = grids.astype(np.float32)
    grids_cpu = grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)
    print (crd)
    print (grids_cpu)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(crd[:,0], crd[:,1], 'o', color='red')
    for grid in range(ygrids+1):
        plt.plot([xmin,xmin+grid_size*xgrids], [ymin+grid_size*grid,ymin+grid_size*grid], color='black')
    for grid in range(xgrids+1):
        plt.plot([xmin+grid_size*grid,xmin+grid_size*grid], [ymin,ymin+grid_size*ygrids], color='black')


$ python3
[[4.17021990e-01 7.20324516e-01 1.14374816e-04]
 [3.02332580e-01 1.46755889e-01 9.23385918e-02]
 [1.86260208e-01 3.45560730e-01 3.96767467e-01]
 [5.38816750e-01 4.19194520e-01 6.85219526e-01]]
[[2. 5. 0.]
 [1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 3.]
 [3. 2. 6.]]






from numba import jit
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np

def grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_gpu(crd, rxyz, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    i,j = cuda.grid(2)
    grids[i][j] = int((crd[i][j]-rxyz[j])/rxyz[3])

if __name__=='__main__':
    atoms = 4
    grid_size = 0.1
    crd = np.random.random((atoms,3)).astype(np.float32)
    xmin = min(crd[:,0])
    ymin = min(crd[:,1])
    zmin = min(crd[:,2])
    xmax = max(crd[:,0])
    ymax = max(crd[:,1])
    zmax = max(crd[:,2])
    xgrids = int((xmax-xmin)/grid_size)+1
    ygrids = int((ymax-ymin)/grid_size)+1
    zgrids = int((zmax-zmin)/grid_size)+1
    rxyz = np.array([xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_size], dtype=np.float32)
    crd_cuda = cuda.to_device(crd)
    rxyz_cuda = cuda.to_device(rxyz)

    grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
    grids = grids.astype(np.float32)
    grids_cpu = grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)

    grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
    grids_jit = grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)

    grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
    grids_cuda = cuda.to_device(grids)


    print (crd)
    print (grids_cpu)
    print (grids_jit)
    print (grids_cuda.copy_to_host())


$ python3
/home/dechin/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numba/cuda/ NumbaPerformanceWarning: Grid size (12) < 2 * SM count (72) will likely result in GPU under utilization due to low occupancy.
[[4.17021990e-01 7.20324516e-01 1.14374816e-04]
 [3.02332580e-01 1.46755889e-01 9.23385918e-02]
 [1.86260208e-01 3.45560730e-01 3.96767467e-01]
 [5.38816750e-01 4.19194520e-01 6.85219526e-01]]
[[2. 5. 0.]
 [1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 3.]
 [3. 2. 6.]]
[[2. 5. 0.]
 [1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 3.]
 [3. 2. 6.]]
[[2. 5. 0.]
 [1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 3.]
 [3. 2. 6.]]



from numba import jit
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np

def grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_gpu(crd, rxyz, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    i,j = cuda.grid(2)
    grids[i][j] = int((crd[i][j]-rxyz[j])/rxyz[3])

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from tqdm import trange

    atoms = 100000
    grid_size = 0.1
    crd = np.random.random((atoms,3)).astype(np.float32)
    xmin = min(crd[:,0])
    ymin = min(crd[:,1])
    zmin = min(crd[:,2])
    xmax = max(crd[:,0])
    ymax = max(crd[:,1])
    zmax = max(crd[:,2])
    xgrids = int((xmax-xmin)/grid_size)+1
    ygrids = int((ymax-ymin)/grid_size)+1
    zgrids = int((zmax-zmin)/grid_size)+1
    rxyz = np.array([xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_size], dtype=np.float32)
    crd_cuda = cuda.to_device(crd)
    rxyz_cuda = cuda.to_device(rxyz)

    cpu_time = 0
    jit_time = 0
    gpu_time = 0

    for i in trange(100):
        grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
        grids = grids.astype(np.float32)
        time0 = time.time()
        grids_cpu = grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)
        time1 = time.time()

        grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
        time2 = time.time()
        grids_jit = grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)
        time3 = time.time()

        grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
        grids_cuda = cuda.to_device(grids)
        time4 = time.time()
        time5 = time.time()

        if i != 0:
            cpu_time += time1 - time0
            jit_time += time3 - time2
            gpu_time += time5 - time4

    print ('The time cost of CPU calculation is: {}s'.format(cpu_time))
    print ('The time cost of JIT calculation is: {}s'.format(jit_time))
    print ('The time cost of GPU calculation is: {}s'.format(gpu_time))


$ python3
100%|███████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:23<00:00,  4.18it/s]
The time cost of CPU calculation is: 23.01943016052246s
The time cost of JIT calculation is: 0.04810166358947754s
The time cost of GPU calculation is: 0.01806473731994629s



from numba import jit
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np

def grid_by_cpu(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    for i in range(atoms):
        grids[i][0] = int((crd[i][0]-rxyz[0])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][1] = int((crd[i][1]-rxyz[1])/rxyz[3])
        grids[i][2] = int((crd[i][2]-rxyz[2])/rxyz[3])
    return grids

def grid_by_gpu(crd, rxyz, grids):
    """Transform coordinates [x,y,z] into grids [nx,ny,nz].
        crd(list): The 3-D coordinates of atoms.
        rxyz(list): The list includes xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_num.
        atoms(int): The total number of atoms.
        grids(list): The transformed grids matrix.
    i,j = cuda.grid(2)
    grids[i][j] = int((crd[i][j]-rxyz[j])/rxyz[3])

if __name__=='__main__':
    import time
    from tqdm import trange

    atoms = 5000000
    grid_size = 0.1
    crd = np.random.random((atoms,3)).astype(np.float32)
    xmin = min(crd[:,0])
    ymin = min(crd[:,1])
    zmin = min(crd[:,2])
    xmax = max(crd[:,0])
    ymax = max(crd[:,1])
    zmax = max(crd[:,2])
    xgrids = int((xmax-xmin)/grid_size)+1
    ygrids = int((ymax-ymin)/grid_size)+1
    zgrids = int((zmax-zmin)/grid_size)+1
    rxyz = np.array([xmin,ymin,zmin,grid_size], dtype=np.float32)
    crd_cuda = cuda.to_device(crd)
    rxyz_cuda = cuda.to_device(rxyz)

    jit_time = 0
    gpu_time = 0

    for i in trange(100):
        grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
        time2 = time.time()
        grids_jit = grid_by_jit(crd, rxyz, atoms, grids)
        time3 = time.time()

        grids = np.ones_like(crd)*(-1)
        grids_cuda = cuda.to_device(grids)
        time4 = time.time()
        time5 = time.time()

        if i != 0:
            jit_time += time3 - time2
            gpu_time += time5 - time4

    print ('The time cost of JIT calculation is: {}s'.format(jit_time))
    print ('The time cost of GPU calculation is: {}s'.format(gpu_time))


$ python3
100%|███████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:09<00:00, 10.15it/s]
The time cost of JIT calculation is: 2.3743042945861816s
The time cost of GPU calculation is: 0.022843599319458008s







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    目录 学习前言 讲解构架 模型训练的流程 1.设置参数 2.读取数据集 3.建立ssd网络. 4.预处理数据集 5.框的编码 6.计算loss值 7.训练模型并保存 开始训练 学习前言 ……又看了很久的SSD算法,今天讲解一下训练部分的代码.预测部分的代码可以参照 讲解构架 本次教程的讲解主要是对训练部分的代码进行讲解,该部分讲解主要是对训练函数的执行过程与执行思路进行详

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