
  • mybatis判断list不为空
  • mybatis判断两个集合是否为空


    <if test="status != null and status.size()>0" >
      and s.orderstatus in 
      <foreach collection="status" item="listItem" open="(" close=")" separator="," >


    <if test="status != null and status.size() &gt; 0" >
      and s.orderstatus in 
      <foreach collection="status" item="listItem" open="(" close=")" separator="," >


在工作中遇到mybatis中判断两个集合是否为空,不为空的话遍历;都为空执行  1=0 or 1=0,则查询出来空集合

select login,name,email from users u where
    <when test="sameEmailList != null and sameEmailList.size > 0 ">
        email in <foreach collection="sameEmailList" item="email" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        #{email, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
        1 = 0
    <when test="sameNameList != null and sameNameList.size > 0">
        or name in <foreach collection="sameNameList" item="name" open="(" separator="," close=")">
        #{name, jdbcType=VARCHAR}
        or 1 = 0
ORDER by name, email ASC




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