python super()函数的基本使用


class Parent(object):
  Value = "Hi, Parent value"

  def fun(self):
    print("This is from Parent")

# 定义子类,继承父类
class Child(Parent):
  Value = "Hi, Child value"

  def ffun(self):
    print("This is from Child")

c = Child()

# 输出结果
# This is from Parent
# This is from Child
# Hi, Child value


class Parent(object):
  Value = "Hi, Parent value"

  def fun(self):
    print("This is from Parent")

class Child(Parent):
  Value = "Hi, Child value"

  def fun(self):
    print("This is from Child")
    # 调用父类Parent的fun函数方法

c = Child()

# 输出结果
# This is from Child
# This is from Parent
# 实例化子类Child的fun函数时,首先会打印上条的语句,再次调用父类的fun函数方法


class Parent(object):
  Value = "Hi, Parent value"

  def fun(self):
    print("This is from Parent")

class Child(Parent):
  Value = "Hi, Child value"

  def fun(self):
    print("This is from Child")
    # 相当于用super的方法与上一调用父类的语句置换
    super(Child, self).fun()

c = Child()

# 输出结果
# This is from Child
# This is from Parent
# 实例化子类Child的fun函数时,首先会打印上条的语句,再次调用父类的fun函数方法

以上就是python super()函数的基本使用的详细内容,更多关于python super()函数的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!



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  • Python类super()及私有属性原理解析

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  • Python3里的super()和__class__使用介绍

    子类里访问父类的同名属性,而又不想直接引用父类的名字,因为说不定什么时候会去修改它,所以数据还是只保留一份的好.其实呢,还有更好的理由不去直接引用父类的名字,参见 Python's super() considered super! | Deep Thoughts by Raymond Hettinger. 这时候就该 super() 登场啦-- 复制代码 代码如下: class A:   def m(self):     print('A') class B(A):   def m(self)
