

公司的数据分析师,提交一个sql, 一般都三四百行。由于数据安全的需要,不能开放所有的数据库和数据表给数据分析师查询,所以需要解析sql中的数据库和表,与权限管理系统中记录的数据库和表权限信息比对,实现非法查询的拦截。


在解决这个问题前,现在github找了一下轮子,发现python下面除了sql parse没什么好的解析数据库和表的轮轮。到是在java里面找到presto-parser解析的比较准。于是自己结合sql parse源码写了个类,供大家参考,测试了一下,检测还是准的。


b.product_name "产品",
count(a.order_id) "订单量",
b.selling_price_max "销售价",
b.gross_profit_rate_max/100 "毛利率",
case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end "消化模式"
from(select 'CRM签单' label,date(d.update_ymd) close_ymd,c.product_name,c.product_id,
  a.order_id,cast(a.recipient_amount as double) amt,d.cost
  from mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order a
  left join mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order_task b on a.order_id = b.order_id
  left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info c on cast(c.product_id as varchar) = a.product_ids and c.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  inner join (select t1.par_order_id,max(t1.update_ymd) update_ymd,
        sum(case when t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t1.order_hosted_price end) cost
        from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
        left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
        left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
        left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
        left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
        where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
        and t2.valid_state in (100,200) ------有效订单
        and t1.order_mode = 10  --------产品消耗订单
        and t2.complete_state = 1 -----订单已经完成
        group by t1.par_order_id
  ) d on d.par_order_id = b.task_order_id
  where c.product_type = 0 and date(from_unixtime(a.last_recipient_time)) > date('2016-01-01') and a.payee_type <> 1 -----------已收款
  select '企业管家消耗' label,date(c.update_ymd) close_ymd,b.product_name,b.product_id,
  a.task_id,(case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 1 then b.selling_price_min else a.yb_price end) amt,
  (case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 2 then 0 when b.product2_type = 1 and e.shop_id is not null then e.price else c.order_hosted_price end) cost
  from mysql8.dataview_tprc.tprc_task a
  left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  inner join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order c on a.order_id = c.order_id and c.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
  left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status d on d.order_id = c.order_id and d.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
  left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info e on e.product_id = b.product_id and e.shop_id = c.seller_id
  where d.valid_state in (100,200) and d.complete_state = 1 and c.order_mode = 10
  union ALL
  select '交易管理系统' label,date(t6.close_ymd) close_ymd,t4.product_name,t4.product_id,
  t1.order_id,(t1.order_hosted_price-t1.order_refund_price) amt,
  (case when t1.order_mode <> 11 then t7.user_amount when t1.order_mode = 11 and t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t8.cost end) cost
  from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
  left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_business t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
  left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
  left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
  left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fact_task_ss_daily t6 on t6.task_id = t2.task_id and t6.acct_time=date_format(date_add('day',-1,current_date),'%Y-%m-%d')
  left join (select a.task_id,sum(a.user_amount) user_amount
        from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fn_deal_asyn_order a
        where a.is_new=1 and a.service='Trade_Payment' and a.state=1 and a.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
        group by a.task_id)t7 on t7.task_id = t2.task_id
  left join (select t1.par_order_id,sum(t1.order_hosted_price - t1.order_refund_price) cost
        from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
        where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2) and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype = 4 and t1.order_mode = 12
        group by t1.par_order_id) t8 on t1.order_id = t8.par_order_id
  where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
  and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype in (4,5) and t1.order_mode <> 12 and t4.product_id is not null and t1.order_hosted_price > 0 and t6.is_deal = 1 and t6.close_ymd >= '2018-12-31'
left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
where b.product2_type = 1 -------标品
and close_ymd between DATE_ADD('day',-7,CURRENT_DATE) and DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE)
GROUP BY b.product_name,
case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end
order by count(a.order_id) desc
limit 10



# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sqlparse
from sqlparse.sql import Identifier, IdentifierList
from sqlparse.tokens import Keyword, Name


class BaseExtractor(object):
  def __init__(self, sql_statement):
    self.sql = sqlparse.format(sql_statement, reindent=True, keyword_case='upper')
    self._table_names = set()
    self._alias_names = set()
    self._limit = None
    self._parsed = sqlparse.parse(self.stripped())
    for statement in self._parsed:
      self._limit = self._extract_limit_from_query(statement)
    self._table_names = self._table_names - self._alias_names

  def tables(self):
    return self._table_names

  def limit(self):
    return self._limit

  def is_select(self):
    return self._parsed[0].get_type() == 'SELECT'

  def is_explain(self):
    return self.stripped().upper().startswith('EXPLAIN')

  def is_readonly(self):
    return self.is_select() or self.is_explain()

  def stripped(self):
    return self.sql.strip(' \t\n;')

  def get_statements(self):
    statements = []
    for statement in self._parsed:
      if statement:
        sql = str(statement).strip(' \n;\t')
        if sql:
    return statements

  def __precedes_table_name(token_value):
    for keyword in PRECEDES_TABLE_NAME:
      if keyword in token_value:
        return True
    return False

  def get_full_name(identifier):
    if len(identifier.tokens) > 1 and identifier.tokens[1].value == '.':
      return '{}.{}'.format(identifier.tokens[0].value,
    return identifier.get_real_name()

  def __is_result_operation(keyword):
    for operation in RESULT_OPERATIONS:
      if operation in keyword.upper():
        return True
    return False

  def __is_identifier(token):
    return isinstance(token, (IdentifierList, Identifier))

  def __process_identifier(self, identifier):
    if '(' not in '{}'.format(identifier):

    # store aliases
    if hasattr(identifier, 'get_alias'):
    if hasattr(identifier, 'tokens'):
      # some aliases are not parsed properly
      if identifier.tokens[0].ttype == Name:

  def as_create_table(self, table_name, overwrite=False):
    exec_sql = ''
    sql = self.stripped()
    if overwrite:
      exec_sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {};\n'.format(table_name)
    exec_sql += 'CREATE TABLE {} AS \n{}'.format(table_name, sql)
    return exec_sql

  def __extract_from_token(self, token):
    if not hasattr(token, 'tokens'):

    table_name_preceding_token = False

    for item in token.tokens:
      if item.is_group and not self.__is_identifier(item):

      if item.ttype in Keyword:
        if self.__precedes_table_name(item.value.upper()):
          table_name_preceding_token = True

      if not table_name_preceding_token:

      if item.ttype in Keyword or item.value == ',':
        if (self.__is_result_operation(item.value) or
            item.value.upper() == ON_KEYWORD):
          table_name_preceding_token = False
        # FROM clause is over

      if isinstance(item, Identifier):

      if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
        for token in item.tokens:
          if self.__is_identifier(token):

  def _get_limit_from_token(self, token):
    if token.ttype == sqlparse.tokens.Literal.Number.Integer:
      return int(token.value)
    elif token.is_group:
      return int(token.get_token_at_offset(1).value)

  def _extract_limit_from_query(self, statement):
    limit_token = None
    for pos, item in enumerate(statement.tokens):
      if item.ttype in Keyword and item.value.lower() == 'limit':
        limit_token = statement.tokens[pos + 2]
        return self._get_limit_from_token(limit_token)

  def get_query_with_new_limit(self, new_limit):
    if not self._limit:
      return self.sql + ' LIMIT ' + str(new_limit)
    limit_pos = None
    tokens = self._parsed[0].tokens
    # Add all items to before_str until there is a limit
    for pos, item in enumerate(tokens):
      if item.ttype in Keyword and item.value.lower() == 'limit':
        limit_pos = pos
    limit = tokens[limit_pos + 2]
    if limit.ttype == sqlparse.tokens.Literal.Number.Integer:
      tokens[limit_pos + 2].value = new_limit
    elif limit.is_group:
      tokens[limit_pos + 2].value = (
        '{}, {}'.format(next(limit.get_identifiers()), new_limit)

    str_res = ''
    for i in tokens:
      str_res += str(i.value)
    return str_res

class SqlExtractor(BaseExtractor):

  def get_full_name(identifier, including_dbs=False):
    if len(identifier.tokens) > 1 and identifier.tokens[1].value == '.':
      a = identifier.tokens[0].value
      b = identifier.tokens[2].value
      db_table = (a, b)
      full_tree = '{}.{}'.format(a, b)
      if len(identifier.tokens) == 3:
        return full_tree
        i = identifier.tokens[3].value
        c = identifier.tokens[4].value
        if i == ' ':
          return full_tree
        full_tree = '{}.{}.{}'.format(a, b, c)
        return full_tree
    return None, None

if __name__ == '__main__':
  sql = """select
  b.product_name "产品",
  count(a.order_id) "订单量",
  b.selling_price_max "销售价",
  b.gross_profit_rate_max/100 "毛利率",
  case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end "消化模式"
  from(select 'CRM签单' label,date(d.update_ymd) close_ymd,c.product_name,c.product_id,
    a.order_id,cast(a.recipient_amount as double) amt,d.cost
    from mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order a
    left join mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order_task b on a.order_id = b.order_id
    left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info c on cast(c.product_id as varchar) = a.product_ids and c.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
    inner join (select t1.par_order_id,max(t1.update_ymd) update_ymd,
          sum(case when t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t1.order_hosted_price end) cost
          from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
          left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
          left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
          left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
          left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
          where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
          and t2.valid_state in (100,200) ------有效订单
          and t1.order_mode = 10  --------产品消耗订单
          and t2.complete_state = 1 -----订单已经完成
          group by t1.par_order_id
    ) d on d.par_order_id = b.task_order_id
    where c.product_type = 0 and date(from_unixtime(a.last_recipient_time)) > date('2016-01-01') and a.payee_type <> 1 -----------已收款
    select '企业管家消耗' label,date(c.update_ymd) close_ymd,b.product_name,b.product_id,
    a.task_id,(case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 1 then b.selling_price_min else a.yb_price end) amt,
    (case when a.yb_price = 0 and b.product2_type = 2 then 0 when b.product2_type = 1 and e.shop_id is not null then e.price else c.order_hosted_price end) cost
    from mysql8.dataview_tprc.tprc_task a
    left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
    inner join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order c on a.order_id = c.order_id and c.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
    left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status d on d.order_id = c.order_id and d.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
    left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info e on e.product_id = b.product_id and e.shop_id = c.seller_id
    where d.valid_state in (100,200) and d.complete_state = 1 and c.order_mode = 10
    union ALL
    select '交易管理系统' label,date(t6.close_ymd) close_ymd,t4.product_name,t4.product_id,
    t1.order_id,(t1.order_hosted_price-t1.order_refund_price) amt,
    (case when t1.order_mode <> 11 then t7.user_amount when t1.order_mode = 11 and t4.product2_type = 1 and t5.shop_id is not null then t5.price else t8.cost end) cost
    from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
    left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_business t2 on t1.order_id = t2.order_id and t2.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
    left join mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 on t1.order_id = t3.order_id
    left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 on t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID and t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
    left join mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 on t5.product_id = t4.product_id and t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
    left join hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fact_task_ss_daily t6 on t6.task_id = t2.task_id and t6.acct_time=date_format(date_add('day',-1,current_date),'%Y-%m-%d')
    left join (select a.task_id,sum(a.user_amount) user_amount
          from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fn_deal_asyn_order a
          where a.is_new=1 and a.service='Trade_Payment' and a.state=1 and a.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
          group by a.task_id)t7 on t7.task_id = t2.task_id
    left join (select t1.par_order_id,sum(t1.order_hosted_price - t1.order_refund_price) cost
          from hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
          where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2) and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype = 4 and t1.order_mode = 12
          group by t1.par_order_id) t8 on t1.order_id = t8.par_order_id
    where t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) as varchar),9,2)
    and t1.order_type = 1 and t1.order_stype in (4,5) and t1.order_mode <> 12 and t4.product_id is not null and t1.order_hosted_price > 0 and t6.is_deal = 1 and t6.close_ymd >= '2018-12-31'
  left join mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b on a.product_id = b.product_id and b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  where b.product2_type = 1 -------标品
  and close_ymd between DATE_ADD('day',-7,CURRENT_DATE) and DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE)
  GROUP BY b.product_name,
  case when b.business_type =1 then '自营消化' when b.business_type =2 then '服务商消化' end
  order by count(a.order_id) desc
  limit 10"""
  sql_extractor = SqlExtractor(sql)



{'mysql8.dataview_tprc.tprc_task', 'hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order', 'mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order_task', 'mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order', 'hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_business', 'mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant', 'mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info', 'hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fn_deal_asyn_order', 'hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fact_task_ss_daily', 'mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info', 'hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status'}


SELECT b.product_name "产品",
    count(a.order_id) "订单量",
    b.selling_price_max "销售价",
    b.gross_profit_rate_max/100 "毛利率",
      WHEN b.business_type =1 THEN '自营消化'
      WHEN b.business_type =2 THEN '服务商消化'
    END "消化模式" from
 (SELECT 'CRM签单' label,date(d.update_ymd) close_ymd,c.product_name,c.product_id, a.order_id,cast(a.recipient_amount AS DOUBLE) amt,d.cost
  FROM mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order a
  LEFT JOIN mysql4.dataview_fenxiao.fx_order_task b ON a.order_id = b.order_id
  LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info c ON cast(c.product_id AS varchar) = a.product_ids
  AND c.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
   (SELECT t1.par_order_id,max(t1.update_ymd) update_ymd, sum(CASE
                                  WHEN t4.product2_type = 1
                                     AND t5.shop_id IS NOT NULL THEN t5.price
                                  ELSE t1.order_hosted_price
                                END) cost
   FROM hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
   LEFT JOIN hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status t2 ON t1.order_id = t2.order_id
   AND t2.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
   LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 ON t1.order_id = t3.order_id
   LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 ON t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID
   AND t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
   LEFT JOIN mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 ON t5.product_id = t4.product_id
   AND t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
   WHERE t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
    AND t2.valid_state IN (100,200)------有效订单

    AND t1.order_mode = 10 --------产品消耗订单

    AND t2.complete_state = 1 -----订单已经完成

   GROUP BY t1.par_order_id ) d ON d.par_order_id = b.task_order_id
  WHERE c.product_type = 0
   AND date(from_unixtime(a.last_recipient_time)) > date('2016-01-01')
   AND a.payee_type <> 1 -----------已收款

  UNION ALL SELECT '企业管家消耗' label,date(c.update_ymd) close_ymd,b.product_name,b.product_id, a.task_id,(CASE
                    WHEN a.yb_price = 0
                         AND b.product2_type = 1 THEN b.selling_price_min
                            ELSE a.yb_price
                       END) amt, (CASE
                     WHEN a.yb_price = 0
                       AND b.product2_type = 2 THEN 0
                         WHEN b.product2_type = 1
                           AND e.shop_id IS NOT NULL THEN e.price
                          ELSE c.order_hosted_price
                       END) cost
  FROM mysql8.dataview_tprc.tprc_task a
  LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b ON a.product_id = b.product_id
  AND b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  INNER JOIN hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order c ON a.order_id = c.order_id
  AND c.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
  LEFT JOIN hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_status d ON d.order_id = c.order_id
  AND d.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
  LEFT JOIN mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info e ON e.product_id = b.product_id
  AND e.shop_id = c.seller_id
  WHERE d.valid_state IN (100,200)
   AND d.complete_state = 1
   AND c.order_mode = 10
  UNION ALL SELECT '交易管理系统' label,date(t6.close_ymd) close_ymd,t4.product_name,t4.product_id, t1.order_id,(t1.order_hosted_price-t1.order_refund_price) amt, (CASE
              WHEN t1.order_mode <> 11 THEN t7.user_amount
              WHEN t1.order_mode = 11
                AND t4.product2_type = 1
                AND t5.shop_id IS NOT NULL THEN t5.price
              ELSE t8.cost
            END) cost
  FROM hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
  LEFT JOIN hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order_business t2 ON t1.order_id = t2.order_id
  AND t2.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
  LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.mk_order_merchant t3 ON t1.order_id = t3.order_id
  LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info t4 ON t4.product_id = t3.MERCHANT_ID
  AND t4.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
  LEFT JOIN mysql4.dataview_scrm.sc_tprc_product_info t5 ON t5.product_id = t4.product_id
  AND t5.shop_id = t1.seller_id
  LEFT JOIN hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fact_task_ss_daily t6 ON t6.task_id = t2.task_id
  AND t6.acct_time=date_format(date_add('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE),'%Y-%m-%d')
   (SELECT a.task_id,sum(a.user_amount) user_amount
   FROM hive.bdc_dwd.dw_fn_deal_asyn_order a
   WHERE a.is_new=1
    AND a.service='Trade_Payment'
    AND a.state=1
    AND a.acct_day=substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
   GROUP BY a.task_id)t7 ON t7.task_id = t2.task_id
   (SELECT t1.par_order_id,sum(t1.order_hosted_price - t1.order_refund_price) cost
   FROM hive.bdc_dwd.dw_mk_order t1
   WHERE t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
    AND t1.order_type = 1
    AND t1.order_stype = 4
    AND t1.order_mode = 12
   GROUP BY t1.par_order_id) t8 ON t1.order_id = t8.par_order_id
  WHERE t1.acct_day = substring(cast(DATE_ADD('day',-1,CURRENT_DATE) AS varchar),9,2)
   AND t1.order_type = 1
   AND t1.order_stype IN (4,5)
   AND t1.order_mode <> 12
   AND t4.product_id IS NOT NULL
   AND t1.order_hosted_price > 0
   AND t6.is_deal = 1
   AND t6.close_ymd >= '2018-12-31' )a
LEFT JOIN mysql7.dataview_trade.ddc_product_info b ON a.product_id = b.product_id
AND b.snapshot_version = 'SELLING'
WHERE b.product2_type = 1 -------标品
GROUP BY b.product_name,
       WHEN b.business_type =1 THEN '自营消化'
       WHEN b.business_type =2 THEN '服务商消化'
ORDER BY count(a.order_id) DESC




  • Python操作MySQL数据库9个实用实例

    在Windows平台上安装mysql模块用于Python开发 用python连接mysql的时候,需要用的安装版本,源码版本容易有错误提示.下边是打包了32与64版本. MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe 实例 1.取得 MYSQL 的版本 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #安装 MYSQL DB for python import MySQLdb as mdb con

  • Python如何读取MySQL数据库表数据

    本文实例为大家分享了Python读取MySQL数据库表数据的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 环境:Python 3.6 ,Window 64bit 目的:从MySQL数据库读取目标表数据,并处理 代码: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import pymysql ## 加上字符集参数,防止中文乱码 dbconn=pymysql.connect( host="**********", database="kimbo&

  • Python从数据库读取大量数据批量写入文件的方法

    使用机器学习训练数据时,如果数据量较大可能我们不能够一次性将数据加载进内存,这时我们需要将数据进行预处理,分批次加载进内存. 下面是代码作用是将数据从数据库读取出来分批次写入txt文本文件,方便我们做数据的预处理和训练机器学习模型. #%% import pymssql as MySQLdb #这里是python3 如果你是python2.x的话,import MySQLdb #数据库连接属性 hst = '' usr = 'sa' passwd = 'p@ssw0rd'

  • Python进行数据提取的方法总结

    准备工作 首先是准备工作,导入需要使用的库,读取并创建数据表取名为loandata. import numpy as np import pandas as pd loandata=pd.DataFrame(pd.read_excel('loan_data.xlsx')) 设置索引字段 在开始提取数据前,先将member_id列设置为索引字段.然后开始提取数据. Loandata = loandata.set_index('member_id') 按行提取信息 第一步是按行提取数据,例如提取某个

  • python如何解析复杂sql,实现数据库和表的提取的实例剖析

    需求: 公司的数据分析师,提交一个sql, 一般都三四百行.由于数据安全的需要,不能开放所有的数据库和数据表给数据分析师查询,所以需要解析sql中的数据库和表,与权限管理系统中记录的数据库和表权限信息比对,实现非法查询的拦截. 解决办法: 在解决这个问题前,现在github找了一下轮子,发现python下面除了sql parse没什么好的解析数据库和表的轮轮.到是在java里面找到presto-parser解析的比较准.于是自己结合sql parse源码写了个类,供大家参考,测试了一下,检测还是

  • PHP操作SQL Server数据库实现表的改查与统计

    目录 今天上午做表格数据的检查与修改,涉及到PHP对MS SQL Server数据表的查询.统计与修改. 平时我也不记编码和命令,到了用的时候都再查手册,这往往很耗费时间,现在写博客有个好处就是把有用的代码记录下来,下次就直接复制,修改一下就直接用了. 这样可以省去很多时间. 下面是检索三个表来更新数据,即主表有信息不全,检索两个其他的信息表进行补录. <?php require 'pspLinkConfig.php';//加载数据库 $sql = "select C24 from cwk

  • SQL Server 2012 多表连接查询功能实例代码

    废话不多说了,直接给大家贴代码了,具体代码如下所示: -- 交叉连接产生笛卡尔值 (X*Y) SELECT * FROM Student cross Join dbo.ClassInfo --另外一种写法 SELECT * FROM Student , ClassInfo -- 内连接 (Inner 可以省略) SELECT * FROM Student JOIN dbo.ClassInfo ON dbo.Student.Class = dbo.ClassInfo.ID; -- Inner Jo

  • SQL Server数据库删除数据集中重复数据实例讲解

    SQL Server数据库操作中,有时对于表中的结果集,满足一定规则我们则认为是重复数据,而这些重复数据需要删除.如何删除呢?本文我们通过一个例子来加以说明. 例子如下: 如下只要companyName,invoiceNumber,customerNumber三者都相同,我们则认为是重复数据,下面的例子演示了如何删除. declare @InvoiceListMaster table ( ID int identity primary key , companyName Nchar(20), i

  • SQL Server数据库创建表及其约束条件的操作方法

    目录 1.创建数据库: 2.创建表: 3.约束: 3.1.Not  Null 3.2.UNIQUE 3.3.PRIMARY KEY 3.4.FOREIGN KEY 3.5.check 3.6.DEFAULT 撤销 DEFAULT 约束: 1.创建数据库: CREATE DATABASE my_db; 2.创建表: CREATE TABLE Persons ( Id_P int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), Address varc

  • sql lite 数据库之间表复制的方法

    现在的思路:打开一个目的库,打开一个源库,因为目的库中的某些表内容和源库的表内容不一致,所以需要把源库中的某些表导入到目的库中,步骤如下: 1.通过sql lite打开目的库,然后选中目的库右键,弹出有个date transfer wizard 的菜单,单击后,打开此窗体,里面有二个选项,其中export为导出,import为导入,此时选中import选项. 2.选中import选项后,对应下面资源有三个选项.(1)annother sqllite database  (2)sql script

  • Android Room数据库多表查询的使用实例

    Android-Room数据库(介绍) 前言 在SQLite数据库中,我们可以指定对象之间的关系,因此我们可以将一个或多个对象与一个或多个其他对象绑定.这就是所谓的一对多和多对多的关系. 既然要多表查询,所以表之间就得有关联.这时候我们就得使用新的注解符@ForeignKey 接下来的内容,就需要上节的内容了 @Entity public class Company { @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) private int id; private String

  • SQL Server数据库中批量导入数据的四种方法总结

    在软件项目实施的时候,数据导入一直是项目人员比较头疼的问题.其实,在SQL Server中集成了很多成批导入数据的方法.有些项目实施顾问头疼的问题,在我们数据库管理员眼中,是小菜一碟.现在的重点就是,如何让用户了解这些方法,让数据导入变得轻松一些. 第一:使用Select Into语句 若企业数据库都采用的是SQL Server数据库的话,则可以利用Select Into语句来实现数据的导入.Select Into语句,他的作用就是把数据从另外一个数据库中查询出来,然后加入到某个用户指定的表中.

  • Python 解析pymysql模块操作数据库的方法

    pymysql 是 python 用来操作MySQL的第三方库,下面具体介绍和使用该库的基本方法. 1.建立数据库连接 通过 connect 函数中 parameter 参数 建立连接,连接成功返回Connection对象 import pymysql #建立数据库连接 connection = pymysql.connect(host = 'localhost', user = 'root', password = '123456', database = 'mydb', charset =

  • Python sqlparse解析SQL表血缘追踪实现

    目录 引言 一.主线任务 1.数据治理 2.血缘追踪 3.SQL表血缘 二.实现过程 1.目标效果 2.代码实现 1.功能函数识别 2.SQL标准格式 3.解析AST树 4.最终效果: 引言 SQLparse的开源库解析中就说过自己在寻找在python编程内可行的SQL血缘解析,JAVA去解析Hive的源码实践的话我还是打算放到后期来做,先把Python能够实现的先实现完.主要是HiveSQL的底层就是JAVA代码,怎么改写还是绕不开JAVA的.不过上篇系列我有提到过sqlparse,其实这个库
