








#include <stdexcept>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>

#pragma once
template <typename T> class ListSZ
 T* _mArray;
 int _capacity;
 int _elementCount;

 const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 8;

 void EnsureCapacity(int newCount)
 if ((__int64) _elementCount + newCount >= INT_MAX)
  throw std::out_of_range("ListSZ supports up to 2^31 - 1 elements.");

 //If _elementCount = _capacity - 1, the buffer is full
 if (_elementCount + newCount > _capacity)

  int new_capacity = _capacity >= INT_MAX / 2 ? INT_MAX : _capacity << 1;

  if (new_capacity < _elementCount + newCount)
  new_capacity = std::min((__int64) INT_MAX, (__int64) (_elementCount + newCount) << 1);

  /*if (new_capacity < _elementCount + newCount)
  new_capacity = ((__int64) (_elementCount + newCount) << 1) >= INT_MAX ? INT_MAX, (_elementCount + newCount) << 1;
  T* new_buffer = new T[new_capacity];
  memcpy(new_buffer, _mArray, sizeof(T) * _elementCount);

  delete [] _mArray;

  _mArray = new_buffer;
  _capacity = new_capacity;

 void MakeRoom(int index, int count)
 if (index >= _elementCount - 1) return;


 int move_count = _elementCount - index;

 memmove(_mArray + index + count, _mArray + index, move_count * sizeof(T));
 memset(_mArray + index, 0, count * sizeof(T));



 ListSZ(int capacity)
 if (capacity <= 0)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The capacity of the list cannot be less than 1.");

 _capacity = capacity;

 _mArray = new T[_capacity];
 //_mArray = (T*) malloc(sizeof(T) * _capacity);
 memset(_mArray, 0, _capacity * sizeof(T));

 ListSZ(const T* source, int elementCount) : ListSZ(elementCount)
 Insert(source, 0, elementCount, 0);

 delete [] _mArray;

 T GetElement(int index)
 if (index < 0 || index >= _elementCount)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The index is outsize of the boundary of list.");

 return *(_mArray + index);

 void Add(T value)

 *(_mArray + _elementCount) = value;

 void AddRange(T* source, int count)
 Insert(source, 0, count, _elementCount);

 void Insert(T value, int index)
 if (index < 0 || index >= _elementCount)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The index is outsize of the boundary of list.");

 MakeRoom(index, 1);

 *(_mArray + index) = value;

 void Insert(const T* source, int elementCount, int insertIndex)
 Insert(source, 0, elementCount, insertIndex);

 void Insert(const T* source, int startIndex, int count, int insertIndex)
 if (count <= 0)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The count of elements to be inserted cannot less than 1.");

 if (insertIndex < 0 || insertIndex > _elementCount)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The target index is outside of the boundary of list.");

 EnsureCapacity(_elementCount + count);

 MakeRoom(insertIndex, count);

 memcpy(_mArray + insertIndex, source + startIndex, count * sizeof(T));

 _elementCount += count;

 T Remove()
 if (_elementCount > 0)
  return *(_mArray + _elementCount);

 return NULL;

 T Remove(int index)
 if (index < 0 || index >= _elementCount)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The index is outsize of the boundary of list.");

 T ret_value = *(_mArray + index);

 RemoveRange(index, 1);

 return ret_value;

 void RemoveRange(int startIndex, int count)
 if (count <= 0)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The removing count must greater than 0.");

 if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex + count >= _elementCount)
  throw std::invalid_argument("The arguments are removing elements outsize the boundary of the list.");

 memmove(_mArray + startIndex, _mArray + startIndex + count, (_elementCount - startIndex - count) * sizeof(T));

 _elementCount -= count;

 inline int Count() { return _elementCount; }





[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall), ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptInstance, Cer.MayFail), SecurityCritical]
internal static extern void Copy(Array sourceArray, int sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length, bool reliable);

这个InternalCall和Native Code一样,都是C++写的,因此性能差不多。


最后要说一句,在特定环境下.NET的程序甚至比C++写的程序更快,因为JIT会根据运行平台(比如CPU的架构类型等)生成对应的Native Code,而编译式的程序就没有这个优势,除非是针对了特定的平台做过优化,否则为了兼容各平台只能选用最小的指令集。




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