

可使用jQuery Actual Plugin插件来完成,其源码如下:

;( function ( $ ){
 $.fn.addBack = $.fn.addBack || $.fn.andSelf;
  actual : function ( method, options ){
   // check if the jQuery method exist
   if( !this[ method ]){
    throw '$.actual => The jQuery method "' + method + '" you called does not exist';
   var defaults = {
    absolute   : false,
    clone     : false,
    includeMargin : false,
    display    : 'block'
   var configs = $.extend( defaults, options );
   var $target = this.eq( 0 );
   var fix, restore;
   if( configs.clone === true ){
    fix = function (){
     var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ';
     // this is useful with css3pie
     $target = $target.
      attr( 'style', style ).
      appendTo( 'body' );
    restore = function (){
     // remove DOM element after getting the width
    var tmp  = [];
    var style = '';
    var $hidden;
    fix = function (){
     // get all hidden parents
     $hidden = $target.parents().addBack().filter( ':hidden' );
     style  += 'visibility: hidden !important; display: ' + configs.display + ' !important; ';
     if( configs.absolute === true ) style += 'position: absolute !important; ';
     // save the origin style props
     // set the hidden el css to be got the actual value later
     $hidden.each( function (){
      // Save original style. If no style was set, attr() returns undefined
      var $this   = $( this );
      var thisStyle = $this.attr( 'style' );
      tmp.push( thisStyle );
      // Retain as much of the original style as possible, if there is one
      $this.attr( 'style', thisStyle ? thisStyle + ';' + style : style );
    restore = function (){
     // restore origin style values
     $hidden.each( function ( i ){
      var $this = $( this );
      var _tmp = tmp[ i ];

      if( _tmp === undefined ){
       $this.removeAttr( 'style' );
       $this.attr( 'style', _tmp );
   // get the actual value with user specific methed
   // it can be 'width', 'height', 'outerWidth', 'innerWidth'... etc
   // configs.includeMargin only works for 'outerWidth' and 'outerHeight'
   var actual = /(outer)/.test( method ) ?
    $target[ method ]( configs.includeMargin ) :
    $target[ method ]();
   // IMPORTANT, this plugin only return the value of the first element
   return actual;


;( function ( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
  // AMD. Register module depending on jQuery using requirejs define.
  define( ['jquery'], factory );
} else {
  // No AMD.
  factory( jQuery );
}( function ( $ ){
 $.fn.addBack = $.fn.addBack || $.fn.andSelf;
  actual : function ( method, options ){
   // check if the jQuery method exist
   if( !this[ method ]){
    throw '$.actual => The jQuery method "' + method + '" you called does not exist';
   var defaults = {
    absolute   : false,
    clone     : false,
    includeMargin : false,
    display    : 'block'
   var configs = $.extend( defaults, options );
   var $target = this.eq( 0 );
   var fix, restore;
   if( configs.clone === true ){
    fix = function (){
     var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; ';
     // this is useful with css3pie
     $target = $target.
      attr( 'style', style ).
      appendTo( 'body' );
    restore = function (){
     // remove DOM element after getting the width
    var tmp  = [];
    var style = '';
    var $hidden;
    fix = function (){
     // get all hidden parents
     $hidden = $target.parents().addBack().filter( ':hidden' );
     style  += 'visibility: hidden !important; display: ' + configs.display + ' !important; ';
     if( configs.absolute === true ) style += 'position: absolute !important; ';
     // save the origin style props
     // set the hidden el css to be got the actual value later
     $hidden.each( function (){
      // Save original style. If no style was set, attr() returns undefined
      var $this   = $( this );
      var thisStyle = $this.attr( 'style' );
      tmp.push( thisStyle );
      // Retain as much of the original style as possible, if there is one
      $this.attr( 'style', thisStyle ? thisStyle + ';' + style : style );
    restore = function (){
     // restore origin style values
     $hidden.each( function ( i ){
      var $this = $( this );
      var _tmp = tmp[ i ];

      if( _tmp === undefined ){
       $this.removeAttr( 'style' );
       $this.attr( 'style', _tmp );
   // get the actual value with user specific methed
   // it can be 'width', 'height', 'outerWidth', 'innerWidth'... etc
   // configs.includeMargin only works for 'outerWidth' and 'outerHeight'
   var actual = /(outer)/.test( method ) ?
    $target[ method ]( configs.includeMargin ) :
    $target[ method ]();
   // IMPORTANT, this plugin only return the value of the first element
   return actual;


//get hidden element actual width
//get hidden element actual innerWidth
//get hidden element actual outerWidth
//get hidden element actual outerWidth and set the `includeMargin` argument
//get hidden element actual height
//get hidden element actual innerHeight
//get hidden element actual outerHeight
// get hidden element actual outerHeight and set the `includeMargin` argument
//if the page jumps or blinks, pass a attribute '{ absolute : true }'
//be very careful, you might get a wrong result depends on how you makrup your html and css
// if you use css3pie with a float element
// for example a rounded corner navigation menu you can also try to pass a attribute '{ clone : true }'
// please see demo/css3pie in action




  • jquery如何获取元素的滚动条高度等实现代码

    主要功能: 获取浏览器显示区域(可视区域)的高度 : $(window).height(); 获取浏览器显示区域(可视区域)的宽度 : $(window).width(); 获取页面的文档高度 $(document).height(); 获取页面的文档宽度 : $(document).width(); 浏览器当前窗口文档body的高度: $(document.body).height(); 浏览器当前窗口文档body的宽度: $(document.body).width(); 获取滚动条到顶部的

  • js获取浏览器高度 窗口高度 元素尺寸 偏移属性的方法

    如下所示: screen.width screen.height screen.availHeight //获取去除状态栏后的屏幕高度 screen.availWidth //获取去除状态栏后的屏幕高度 一.通过浏览器获得屏幕的尺寸 二.获取浏览器窗口内容的尺寸 //高度 window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight //宽度 window.innerWidth

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    第一种情况就是宽高都写在样式表里,就比如#div1{width:120px;}.这中情况通过#div1.style.width拿不到宽度,而通过#div1.offsetWidth才可以获取到宽度. 第二种情况就是宽和高是写在行内中,比如style="width:120px;",这中情况通过上述2个方法都能拿到宽度. 小结,因为id.offsetWidth和id.offsetHeight无视样式写在样式表还是行内,所以我们获取元素宽和高的时候最好用这2个属性.注意如果不是写在行内styl

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    网页可见区域宽: document.body.clientWidth; 网页可见区域高: document.body.clientHeight; 网页可见区域宽: document.body.offsetWidth (包括边线和滚动条的宽); 网页可见区域高: document.body.offsetHeight (包括边线的宽); 网页正文全文宽: document.body.scrollWidth; 网页正文全文高: document.body.scrollHeight; 网页被卷去的高(f

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    js获取可见元素的尺寸还是比较方便的,这个可以直接使用这个方法: 复制代码 代码如下: function getDefaultStyle(obj,attribute){ // 返回最终样式函数,兼容IE和DOM,设置参数:元素对象.样式特性 return obj.currentStyle?obj.currentStyle[attribute]:document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,false)[attribute];} 但是如果这个元素是隐藏(dis

  • 一个JavaScript获取元素当前高度的实例

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>每天一个JavaScript实例-获取元素当前高度</title> <style> #date{width:90%;height:25%;padding:10px;back

  • jQuery获取页面及个元素高度、宽度的总结——超实用

    下面把jQuery获取页面及个元素高度.宽度的方法汇总,分享给大家. 获取浏览器显示区域(可视区域)的高度 : 复制代码 代码如下: $(window).height(); 获取浏览器显示区域(可视区域)的宽度 : 复制代码 代码如下: $(window).width(); 获取页面的文档高度 复制代码 代码如下: $(document).height(); 获取页面的文档宽度 : 复制代码 代码如下: $(document).width(); 浏览器当前窗口文档body的高度: 复制代码 代码

  • 无法获取隐藏元素宽度和高度的解决方案

    在实际开发中会遇到确实需要获取隐藏元素的宽高,这儿所说的隐藏元素是display为none的元素. 可使用jQuery Actual Plugin插件来完成,其源码如下: ;( function ( $ ){ $.fn.addBack = $.fn.addBack || $.fn.andSelf; $.fn.extend({ actual : function ( method, options ){ // check if the jQuery method exist if( !this[

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  • JS获取屏幕,浏览器窗口大小,网页高度宽度(实现代码)

    网页可见区域宽:document.body.clientWidth 网页可见区域高:document.body.clientHeight 网页可见区域宽:document.body.offsetWidth (包括边线的宽) 网页可见区域高:document.body.offsetHeight (包括边线的宽) 网页正文全文宽:document.body.scrollWidth 网页正文全文高:document.body.scrollHeight 网页被卷去的高:document.body.scr
