


 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: yangyulong
 * Date: 2015/5/26
 * Time: 13:45
class Mongo_db
  private static $instanceof = NULL;
  public $mongo;
  private $host = 'localhost';
  private $port = '27017';

  private $db;
  public $dbname;
  private $table = NULL;

   * 初始化类,得到mongo的实例对象
  public function __construct($host = NULL, $port = NULL, $dbname = NULL, $table = NULL)

    if (NULL === $dbname) {

    if (NULL !== $host) {
      $this->host = $host;

    if (NULL !== $port) {
      $this->port = $port;

    $this->table = $table;

    $this->mongo = new MongoClient($this->host . ':' . $this->port);
    if ($this->getVersion() >= '0.9.0') {
      $this->dbname = $this->mongo->selectDB($dbname);
      $this->db = $this->dbname->selectCollection($table);
    } else {
      $this->db = $this->mongo->$dbname->$table;

  public function getVersion()
    return MongoClient::VERSION;

   * 单例模式
   * @return Mongo|null
  //public static function getInstance($host=null, $port=null, $dbname=null, $table=null){
  //  if(!(self::$instanceof instanceof self)){
  //    self::$instanceof = new self($host, $port, $dbname, $table);
  //  }
  //  return self::$instanceof;

   * 插入一条数据
   * @param array $doc
  public function insert($doc = array())
    if (empty($doc)) {
    try {
      if (!$this->db->insert($doc)) {
        throw new MongoException('插入数据失败');
    } catch (MongoException $e) {

   * 插入多条数据信息
   * @param array $doc
  public function insertMulti($doc = array())
    if (empty($doc)) {
    foreach ($doc as $key => $val) {
      if (is_array($val)) {

   * 查找一条记录
   * @return array|null
  public function findOne($where = NULL)
    if (NULL === $where) {
      try {
        if ($result = $this->db->findOne()) {
          return $result;
        } else {
          throw new MongoException('查找数据失败');
      } catch (MongoException $e) {
    } else {
      try {
        if ($result = $this->db->findOne($where)) {
          return $result;
        } else {
          throw new MongoException('查找数据失败');
      } catch (MongoException $e) {


   * todo 带条件的随后做
   * 查找所有的文档
   * @return MongoCursor
  public function find($where = NULL)
    if (NULL === $where) {

      try {
        if ($result = $this->db->find()) {

        } else {
          throw new MongoException('查找数据失败');
      } catch (MongoException $e) {
    } else {
      try {
        if ($result = $this->db->find($where)) {

        } else {
          throw new MongoException('查找数据失败');
      } catch (MongoException $e) {

    $arr = array();
    foreach ($result as $id => $val) {
      $arr[] = $val;

    return $arr;

   * 获取记录条数
   * @return int
  public function getCount()
    try {
      if ($count = $this->db->count()) {
        return $count;
      } else {
        throw new MongoException('查找总数失败');
    } catch (MongoException $e) {

   * 获取所有的数据库
   * @return array
  public function getDbs()
    return $this->mongo->listDBs();

   * 删除数据库
   * @param null $dbname
   * @return mixed
  public function dropDb($dbname = NULL)
    if (NULL !== $dbname) {
      $retult = $this->mongo->dropDB($dbname);
      if ($retult['ok']) {
        return TRUE;
      } else {
        return FALSE;

   * 强制关闭数据库的链接
  public function closeDb()

   * 输出错误信息
   * @param $errorInfo 错误内容
  public function throwError($errorInfo='')
    echo "<h3>出错了:$errorInfo</h3>";





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