浅谈pandas中Dataframe的查询方法([], loc, iloc, at, iat, ix)




In [5]: rnd_1 = [random.randrange(1,20) for x in xrange(1000)]
  ...: rnd_2 = [random.randrange(1,20) for x in xrange(1000)]
  ...: rnd_3 = [random.randrange(1,20) for x in xrange(1000)]
  ...: fecha = pd.date_range('2012-4-10', '2015-1-4')
  ...: data = pd.DataFrame({'fecha':fecha, 'rnd_1': rnd_1, 'rnd_2': rnd_2, 'rnd_3': rnd_3})
In [6]: data.describe()
       rnd_1    rnd_2    rnd_3
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean   9.946000   9.825000   9.894000
std    5.553911   5.559432   5.423484
min    1.000000   1.000000   1.000000
25%    5.000000   5.000000   5.000000
50%   10.000000  10.000000  10.000000
75%   15.000000  15.000000  14.000000
max   19.000000  19.000000  19.000000



# 行选择
In [7]: data[1:5]
    fecha rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
1 2012-04-11   1   16   3
2 2012-04-12   7   6   1
3 2012-04-13   2   16   7
4 2012-04-14   4   17   7
# 列选择
In [10]: data[['rnd_1', 'rnd_3']]
   rnd_1 rnd_3
0    8   12
1    1   3
2    7   1
3    2   7
4    4   7
5    12   8
6    2   12
7    9   8
8    13   17
9    4   7
10   14   14
11   19   16
12    2   12
13   15   18
14   13   18
15   13   11
16   17   7
17   14   10
18    9   6
19   11   15
20   16   13
21   18   9
22    1   18
23    4   3
24    6   11
25    2   13
26    7   17
27   11   8
28    3   12
29    4   2
..   ...  ...
970   8   14
971   19   5
972   13   2
973   8   10
974   8   17
975   6   16
976   3   2
977   12   6
978   12   10
979   15   13
980   8   4
981   17   3
982   1   17
983   11   5
984   7   7
985   13   14
986   6   19
987   13   9
988   3   15
989   19   6
990   7   11
991   11   7
992   19   12
993   2   15
994   10   4
995   14   13
996   12   11
997   11   15
998   17   14
999   3   8
[1000 rows x 2 columns]
# 区块选择
In [11]: data[:7][['rnd_1', 'rnd_2']]
  rnd_1 rnd_2
0   8   17
1   1   16
2   7   6
3   2   16
4   4   17
5   12   19
6   2   7


In [12]: data[['rnd_1':'rnd_3']]
 File "<ipython-input-13-6291b6a83eb0>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax



In [13]: data.loc[1:5]
    fecha rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
1 2012-04-11   1   16   3
2 2012-04-12   7   6   1
3 2012-04-13   2   16   7
4 2012-04-14   4   17   7
5 2012-04-15   12   19   8


data.loc[2:4, ['rnd_2', 'fecha']]
  rnd_2   fecha
2   6 2012-04-12
3   16 2012-04-13
4   17 2012-04-14


In [15]: data_fecha = data.set_index('fecha')
  ...: data_fecha.head()
      rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
2012-04-10   8   17   12
2012-04-11   1   16   3
2012-04-12   7   6   1
2012-04-13   2   16   7
2012-04-14   4   17   7
In [16]: # 生成两个特定日期
  ...: fecha_1 = dt.datetime(2013, 4, 14)
  ...: fecha_2 = dt.datetime(2013, 4, 18)
  ...: # 生成切片数据
  ...: data_fecha.loc[fecha_1: fecha_2]
      rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
2013-04-14   17   10   5
2013-04-15   14   4   9
2013-04-16   1   2   18
2013-04-17   9   15   1
2013-04-18   16   7   17

更新:如果没有特殊需求,强烈建议使用loc而尽量少使用[],因为loc在对DataFrame进行重新赋值操作时会避免chained indexing问题,使用[]时编译器很可能会给出SettingWithCopy的警告。




# 行选择
In [17]: data_fecha[10: 15]
      rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
2012-04-20   14   6   14
2012-04-21   19   14   16
2012-04-22   2   6   12
2012-04-23   15   8   18
2012-04-24   13   8   18
# 列选择
In [18]: data_fecha.iloc[:,[1,2]].head()
      rnd_2 rnd_3
2012-04-10   17   12
2012-04-11   16   3
2012-04-12   6   1
2012-04-13   16   7
2012-04-14   17   7
# 切片选择
In [19]: data_fecha.iloc[[1,12,34],[0,2]]
      rnd_1 rnd_3
2012-04-11   1   3
2012-04-22   2   12
2012-05-14   17   10



In [20]: timeit data_fecha.at[fecha_1,'rnd_1']
The slowest run took 3783.11 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 11.3 µs per loop
In [21]: timeit data_fecha.loc[fecha_1,'rnd_1']
The slowest run took 121.24 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 192 µs per loop
In [22]: data_fecha.at[fecha_1,'rnd_1']
Out[22]: 17



In [23]: data_fecha.iat[1,0]
Out[23]: 1
In [24]: timeit data_fecha.iat[1,0]
The slowest run took 6.23 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100000 loops, best of 3: 8.77 µs per loop
In [25]: timeit data_fecha.iloc[1,0]
10000 loops, best of 3: 158 µs per loop



In [28]: date_1 = dt.datetime(2013, 1, 10, 8, 30)
  ...: date_2 = dt.datetime(2013, 1, 13, 4, 20)
  ...: # 生成切片数据
  ...: data_fecha.ix[date_1: date_2]
      rnd_1 rnd_2 rnd_3
2013-01-11   19   17   19
2013-01-12   10   9   17
2013-01-13   15   3   10


以上这篇浅谈pandas中Dataframe的查询方法([], loc, iloc, at, iat, ix)就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持我们。


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