CentOS 7.2配置Apache服务httpd(下)

一、Perl + mod_perl


[1] 安装mod_perl
# 从EPEL安装
[root@linuxprobe ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install mod_perl
[2] 配置PerlRun模式,总是将Perl解释器放在RAM上。
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf
# line 15: 取消注释 ( check codes and output warnings to logs )

PerlSwitches -w
# line 24: 取消注释

PerlSwitches -T
# line 30-36: 取消注释像下面一样

Alias /perl /var/www/perl
<Directory /var/www/perl> # the directory for mod_perl environment

  SetHandler perl-script # processes files as perl-scripts under this directory

#  AddHandler perl-script .cgi
# set specific extension if do do not want to processes all files as CGI

#  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
# specify PerlRun mode

  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
# line 43-49: 取消注释并添加如下信息

<Location /perl-status>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status
  Require ip
# add access permission

#  Order deny,allow
#  Deny from all
#  Allow from .example.com
[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd

[3] 创建测试脚本以确保设置不是ploblem。如果显示如下所示的结果,就可以。
[root@linuxprobe ~]# mkdir /var/www/perl
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /var/www/perl/test-mod_perl.cgi


use strict;
use warnings;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n<body>\n";
print "<div style=\"width:100%; font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;\">";

my $a = 0;

print "</div>\n</body>\n</html>";

sub number {
  print "number \$a = $a";

[root@linuxprobe ~]# chmod 705 /var/www/perl/test-mod_perl.cgi

[4]  配置在RAM上具有代码缓存的注册表模式

[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf
Alias /perl /var/www/perl
<Directory /var/www/perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry # uncomment

  PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun # comment out

  PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  Options +ExecCGI
[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd

[5] 访问作为[4]节的示例的测试脚本,然后变量通过重新加载而增加,因为变量被高速缓存在RAM上。所以有必要编辑注册表模式的代码,这里浏览器没刷新一次,$a值加一。

[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /var/www/perl/test-mod_perl.cgi


use strict;
use warnings;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html>\n<body>\n";
print "<div style=\"width:100%; font-size:40px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;\">";

my $a = 0;


print "</div>\n</body>\n</html>";

sub number {

  my($a) = @_;

  print "number \$a = $a";

[6]顺便说一下,可以看到mod_perl的状态来访问“http://(主机名或IP地址)/ perl-status”。



[root@linuxprobe ~]# yum -y install php-fpm
[3]   配置Apache httpd。
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf
# line 5: change like follows
<FilesMatch \.php$>
  SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
  SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl start php-fpm
[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl enable php-fpm
[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd

[4]创建phpinfo并访问它,然后如果“FPM / FastCGI”显示,它是确定。
[root@linuxprobe ~]# echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' > /var/www/html/info.php

三、Python + mod_wsgi


[1] 安装mod_wsgi .
[root@linuxprobe ~]# yum -y install mod_wsgi
[2] 例如,将mod_wsgi配置为可以访问/ test_wsgi,后端是/var/www/html/test_wsgi.py.
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf
# create new

WSGIScriptAlias /test_wsgi /var/www/html/test_wsgi.py
[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd

[3] 创建您在上面设置的测试脚本.
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /var/www/html/test_wsgi.py
# create new

def application(environ,start_response):
  status = '200 OK'
  html = '<html>\n' \
      '<body>\n' \
      '<div style="width: 100%; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">\n' \
      'mod_wsgi Test Page\n' \
      '</div>\n' \
      '</body>\n' \
  response_header = [('Content-type','text/html')]
  return [html]

[4]配置如果你使用Django。 ([参考安装Django](http://blog.csdn.net/wh211212/article/details/52992413))例如,在“wang”下拥有的“/home/wang/ venv/testproject”下配置“testapp”

[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/django.conf
# create new

WSGIDaemonProcess testapp python-path=/home/wang/venv/testproject:/home/wang/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup testapp
WSGIScriptAlias /django /home/wang/venv/testproject/testproject/wsgi.py

<Directory /home/wang/venv/testproject>
  Require all granted

[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd



[1] 安装AWstats。

# install from EPEL
[root@linuxprobe ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install awstats
# awstats.(hostname).conf是自动生成的
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/awstats/awstats.linuxprobe.org.conf
# line 122: change
# if your config for log format in httpd.conf is 'combined' Set here '1'
# If log-config is 'common' set here '4', but in this case, some informations can't be get (browser info and so on)
# line 153: specify your hostname
# line 168: set IP address you'd like to exclude
HostAliases="localhost REGEX[server\.world$] REGEX[^10\.1\.1\.]
[root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/awstats.conf
# line 30: IP address you permit to access
Require ip

[root@linuxprobe ~]# systemctl restart httpd
# generate reports ( reports are updated for hourly by Cron )

[root@linuxprobe ~]# /usr/share/awstats/linuxproberoot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=linuxprobe.org -update

Create/Update database for config "/etc/awstats/awstats.linuxprobe.org.conf" by AWStats version 7.4 (build 20150714)
From data in log file "/var/log/httpd/access_log"...
Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record...
Searching new records from beginning of log file...
Phase 2 : Now process new records (Flush history on disk after 20000 hosts)...
Jumped lines in file: 0
Parsed lines in file: 165
 Found 0 dropped records,
 Found 0 comments,
 Found 0 blank records,
 Found 0 corrupted records,
 Found 0 old records,
 Found 165 new qualified records.





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    一.Perl + mod_perl 安装mod_perl使Perl脚本速度快 [1] 安装mod_perl # 从EPEL安装 [root@linuxprobe ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install mod_perl [2] 配置PerlRun模式,总是将Perl解释器放在RAM上. [root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf # line 15: 取消注释 ( check codes and out

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