


"Twolow-level networking APIs that used to return a MAC address now return thefixed value 02:00:00:00:00:00. The APIs in question are sysctl(NET_RT_IFLIST) and ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF). Developers using the value of the MAC address should migrate toidentifiers such as -[UIDevice identifierForVendor].This change affects all apps running on iOS 7”。


#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>


// Return the local MAC addy
// Courtesy of FreeBSD hackers email list
// Accidentally munged during previous update. Fixed thanks to mlamb.
- (NSString *) macaddress

  int         mib[6];
  size_t       len;
  char        *buf;
  unsigned char    *ptr;
  struct if_msghdr  *ifm;
  struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; 

  mib[0] = CTL_NET;
  mib[1] = AF_ROUTE;
  mib[2] = 0;
  mib[3] = AF_LINK;
  mib[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST; 

  if ((mib[5] = if_nametoindex("en0")) == 0) {
    printf("Error: if_nametoindex error/n");
    return NULL;

  if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
    printf("Error: sysctl, take 1/n");
    return NULL;

  if ((buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
    printf("Could not allocate memory. error!/n");
    return NULL;

  if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
    printf("Error: sysctl, take 2");
    return NULL;

  ifm = (struct if_msghdr *)buf;
  sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(ifm + 1);
  ptr = (unsigned char *)LLADDR(sdl);
  NSString *outstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4), *(ptr+5)]; 

//  NSString *outstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", *ptr, *(ptr+1), *(ptr+2), *(ptr+3), *(ptr+4), *(ptr+5)]; 

  NSLog(@"outString:%@", outstring); 


  return [outstring uppercaseString];


 - (NSString *)getMacAddress
  int         mgmtInfoBase[6];
  char        *msgBuffer = NULL;
  size_t       length;
  unsigned char    macAddress[6];
  struct if_msghdr  *interfaceMsgStruct;
  struct sockaddr_dl *socketStruct;
  NSString      *errorFlag = NULL; 

  // Setup the management Information Base (mib)
  mgmtInfoBase[0] = CTL_NET;    // Request network subsystem
  mgmtInfoBase[1] = AF_ROUTE;    // Routing table info
  mgmtInfoBase[2] = 0;
  mgmtInfoBase[3] = AF_LINK;    // Request link layer information
  mgmtInfoBase[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST; // Request all configured interfaces 

  // With all configured interfaces requested, get handle index
  if ((mgmtInfoBase[5] = if_nametoindex("en0")) == 0)
    errorFlag = @"if_nametoindex failure";
    // Get the size of the data available (store in len)
    if (sysctl(mgmtInfoBase, 6, NULL, &length, NULL, 0) < 0)
      errorFlag = @"sysctl mgmtInfoBase failure";
      // Alloc memory based on above call
      if ((msgBuffer = malloc(length)) == NULL)
        errorFlag = @"buffer allocation failure";
        // Get system information, store in buffer
        if (sysctl(mgmtInfoBase, 6, msgBuffer, &length, NULL, 0) < 0)
          errorFlag = @"sysctl msgBuffer failure";

  // Befor going any further...
  if (errorFlag != NULL)
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", errorFlag);
    return errorFlag;

  // Map msgbuffer to interface message structure
  interfaceMsgStruct = (struct if_msghdr *) msgBuffer; 

  // Map to link-level socket structure
  socketStruct = (struct sockaddr_dl *) (interfaceMsgStruct + 1); 

  // Copy link layer address data in socket structure to an array
  memcpy(&macAddress, socketStruct->sdl_data + socketStruct->sdl_nlen, 6); 

  // Read from char array into a string object, into traditional Mac address format
  NSString *macAddressString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
                 macAddress[0], macAddress[1], macAddress[2],
                 macAddress[3], macAddress[4], macAddress[5]];
  NSLog(@"Mac Address: %@", macAddressString); 

  // Release the buffer memory

  return macAddressString;




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    方法一:将本机地址与局域网内其他机器区分开来 /** * 根据IP地址获取mac地址 * @param ipAddress * @return * @throws SocketException * @throws UnknownHostException */ public static String getLocalMac(String ipAddress) throws SocketException, UnknownHostException { // TODO Au

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