
Zabbix 是一款强大的开源网管监控工具,该工具的客户端与服务端是分开的,我们可以直接使用自带的zabbix_get命令来实现拉取客户端上的各种数据,在本地组装参数并使用Popen开子线程执行该命令,即可实现批量监测。

封装Engine类: 该类的主要封装了Zabbix接口的调用,包括最基本的参数收集.

import subprocess,datetime,time,math

class Engine():
    def __init__(self,address,port):
        self.address = address
        self.port = port

    def GetValue(self,key):
            command = "get.exe -s {0} -p {1} -k {2}".format(self.address,self.port,key).split(" ")
            start =
            process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
            while process.poll() is None:
                now =
                if (now - start).seconds > 2:
                    return 0
            return str(process.stdout.readlines()[0].split()[0],"utf-8")
        except Exception:
            return 0

    # ping检测
    def GetPing(self):
        ref_dict = {"Address":0,"Ping":0}
        ref_dict["Address"] = self.address
        ref_dict["Ping"] = self.GetValue("")
        if ref_dict["Ping"] == "1":
            return ref_dict
            ref_dict["Ping"] = "0"
            return ref_dict
        return ref_dict

    # 获取主机组基本信息
    def GetSystem(self):
        ref_dict = { "Address" : 0 ,"HostName" : 0,"Uname":0 }
        ref_dict["Address"] = self.address
        ref_dict["HostName"] = self.GetValue("system.hostname")
        ref_dict["Uname"] = self.GetValue("system.uname")
        return ref_dict

    # 获取CPU利用率
    def GetCPU(self):
        ref_dict = { "Address": 0 ,"Core": 0,"Active":0 , "Avg1": 0 ,"Avg5":0 , "Avg15":0 }
        ref_dict["Address"] = self.address
        ref_dict["Core"] = self.GetValue("system.cpu.num")
        ref_dict["Active"] = math.ceil(float(self.GetValue("system.cpu.util")))
        ref_dict["Avg1"] = self.GetValue("system.cpu.load[,avg1]")
        ref_dict["Avg5"] = self.GetValue("system.cpu.load[,avg5]")
        ref_dict["Avg15"] = self.GetValue("system.cpu.load[,avg15]")
        return ref_dict

    # 获取内存利用率
    def GetMemory(self):
        ref_dict = { "Address":"0","Total":"0","Free":0,"Percentage":"0" }
        ref_dict["Address"] = self.address

        fps = self.GetPing()
        if fps['Ping'] != "0":
            ref_dict["Total"] = self.GetValue("vm.memory.size[total]")
            ref_dict["Free"] = self.GetValue("vm.memory.size[free]")
            # 计算百分比: percentage = 100 - int(Free/int(Total/100))
            ref_dict["Percentage"] = str( 100 - int( int(ref_dict.get("Free")) / (int(ref_dict.get("Total"))/100)) ) + "%"
            return ref_dict
            return ref_dict

    # 获取磁盘数据
    def GetDisk(self):
        ref_list = []

        fps = self.GetPing()
        if fps['Ping'] != "0":
            disk_ = eval( self.GetValue("vfs.fs.discovery"))
            for x in range(len(disk_)):
                dict_ = {"Address": 0, "Name": 0, "Type": 0, "Free": 0}
                dict_["Address"] = self.address
                dict_["Name"] = disk_[x].get("{#FSNAME}")
                dict_["Type"] = disk_[x].get("{#FSTYPE}")
                if dict_["Type"] != "UNKNOWN":
                    pfree = self.GetValue("vfs.fs.size[\"{0}\",pfree]".format(dict_["Name"]))
                    dict_["Free"] = str(math.ceil(float(pfree)))
                    dict_["Free"] = -1
            return ref_list
        return ref_list

    # 获取进程状态
    def GetProcessStatus(self,process_name):
        fps = self.GetPing()
        dict_ = {"Address": '0', "ProcessName": '0', "ProcessCount": '0', "Status": '0'}
        if fps['Ping'] != "0":
            proc_id = self.GetValue("proc.num[\"{}\"]".format(process_name))
            dict_['Address'] = self.address
            dict_['ProcessName'] = process_name
            if proc_id != "0":
                dict_['ProcessCount'] = proc_id
                dict_['Status'] = "True"
                dict_['Status'] = "False"
            return dict_
        return dict_

    # 获取端口开放状态
    def GetNetworkPort(self,port):
        dict_ = {"Address": '0', "Status": 'False'}
        dict_['Address'] = self.address
        fps = self.GetPing()
        if fps['Ping'] != "0":
            port_ = self.GetValue("net.tcp.listen[{}]".format(port))
            if port_ == "1":
                dict_['Status'] = "True"
                dict_['Status'] = "False"
            return dict_
        return dict_

    # 检测Web服务器状态 通过本地地址:端口 => 检测目标地址:端口
    def CheckWebServerStatus(self,check_addr,check_port):
        dict_ = {"local_address": "0", "remote_address": "0", "remote_port": "0", "Status":"False"}
        fps = self.GetPing()
        dict_['local_address'] = self.address
        dict_['remote_address'] = check_addr
        dict_['remote_port'] = check_port
        if fps['Ping'] != "0":
            check_ = self.GetValue("net.tcp.port[\"{}\",\"{}\"]".format(check_addr,check_port))
            if check_ == "1":
                dict_['Status'] = "True"
                dict_['Status'] = "False"
            return dict_
        return dict_


from engine import Engine

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ptr_windows = Engine("","10050")
    ret = ptr_windows.GetDisk()
    if len(ret) != 0:
        for item in ret:
            addr = item.get("Address")
            name = item.get("Name")
            type = item.get("Type")
            space = item.get("Free")
            if type != "UNKNOWN" and space != -1:
                print("地址: {} --> 盘符: {} --> 格式: {} --> 剩余空间: {}".format(addr,name,type,space))




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    做运维的朋友应该知道,公司IDC机房经常有上架.下架.报修和报废的服务器.如果服务器数量很多的时候很容易造成监控遗漏. 大的互联网公司把监控系统和CMDB(资产管理系统|配置管理数据库系统)集成在一起,当上架一台新机器的时候CMDB里面会记录相关的信息,Zabbix根据CMDB里面信息自动Link相关的模块,添加|删除监控.很多小的公司没有资产管理系统,但作为监控的负责人应该每天知道上架了哪些新的机器,确保能添加到Zabbix监控里面. 首先给大家说一下脚本思路: 1)通过Nmap工具扫描网段,

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