











image.php 文件:

 * author:LSGOZJ
 * description: 绘制二叉树图像
class image
  private $level_high = 100;
  private $leaf_width = 50;
  private $rad = 20;
  private $leave = 20;
  private $tree;
  private $level;
  private $maxCount;
  private $width;
  private $height;
  private $bg = array(
    220, 220, 220
  private $nodeColor = array(
    255, 192, 203
  private $image;
   * 构造函数,类属性初始化
   * @param $tree 传递一个树的对象
   * @return null
  public function __construct($tree)
    $this->tree = $tree;
    $this->level = $this->getLevel();
    $this->maxCount = $this->GetMaxCount($this->level);
    $this->width = ($this->rad * 2 * $this->maxCount) + $this->maxCount * $this->leaf_width;
    $this->height = $this->level * ($this->rad * 2) + $this->level_high * ($this->level - 1) + $this->leave;
    $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); //新建一个真彩色图像,默认背景是黑色
    $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->bg[0], $this->bg[1], $this->bg[2]);
    imagefill($this->image, 0, 0, $bgcolor);
   * 返回传进来的树对象对应的完全二叉树中最底层叶子结点数量
   * @param $level 树的层数
   * @return 结点数量
  function GetMaxCount($level)
    return pow(2, $level - 1);
   * 获取树对象的层数
   * @param null
   * @return 树的层数
  function getLevel()
    return $this->tree->Depth();
   * 显示二叉树图像
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function show()
    $this->draw($this->tree->root, 1, 0, 0);
   * (递归)画出二叉树的树状结构
   * @param $root,根节点(树或子树) $i,该根节点所处的层 $p_x,父节点的x坐标 $p_y,父节点的y坐标
   * @return null
  private function draw($root, $i, $p_x, $p_y)
    if ($i <= $this->level) {
      $root_y = $i * $this->rad + ($i - 1) * $this->level_high;
      if (!is_null($parent = $root->parent)) {
        if ($root == $parent->left) {
          $root_x = $p_x - $this->width / (pow(2, $i));
        } else {
          $root_x = $p_x + $this->width / (pow(2, $i));
      } else {
        $root_x = (1 / 2) * $this->width;
        $root_y += $this->leave;
      $method = 'draw' . get_class($this->tree) . 'Node';
      $this->$method($root_x, $root_y, $root);
      $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
      if (!is_null($parent = $root->parent)) {
        imageline($this->image, $p_x, $p_y, $root_x, $root_y, $black);
      if (!is_null($root->left)) {
        $this->draw($root->left, $i + 1, $root_x, $root_y);
      if (!is_null($root->right)) {
        $this->draw($root->right, $i + 1, $root_x, $root_y);
   * 画搜索二叉树结点
   * @param $x,当前节点的x坐标 $y,当前节点的y坐标 $node,当前节点的引用
   * @return null
  private function drawBstNode($x, $y, $node)
    $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
    $nodeColor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->nodeColor[0], $this->nodeColor[1], $this->nodeColor[2]);
    imageellipse($this->image, $x, $y, $this->rad * 2, $this->rad * 2, $black);
    imagefill($this->image, $x, $y, $nodeColor);
    imagestring($this->image, 4, $x, $y, $node->key, $black);
   * 画平衡二叉树结点
   * @param $x,当前节点的x坐标 $y,当前节点的y坐标 $node,当前节点的引用
   * @return null
  private function drawAvlNode($x, $y, $node)
    $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
    $nodeColor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->nodeColor[0], $this->nodeColor[1], $this->nodeColor[2]);
    imageellipse($this->image, $x, $y, $this->rad * 2, $this->rad * 2, $black);
    imagefill($this->image, $x, $y, $nodeColor);
    imagestring($this->image, 4, $x, $y, $node->key . '(' . $node->bf . ')', $black);
   * 画红黑树结点
   * @param $x,当前节点的x坐标 $y,当前节点的y坐标 $node,当前节点的引用
   * @return null
  private function drawRbtNode($x, $y, $node)
    $black = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 0, 0, 0);
    $gray = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 180, 180, 180);
    $pink = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 255, 192, 203);
    imageellipse($this->image, $x, $y, $this->rad * 2, $this->rad * 2, $black);
    if ($node->IsRed == TRUE) {
      imagefill($this->image, $x, $y, $pink);
    } else {
      imagefill($this->image, $x, $y, $gray);
    imagestring($this->image, 4, $x, $y, $node->key, $black);



class Client
  public static function Main()
    try {
      function autoload($class)
        include strtolower($class) . '.php';
      $arr = array(62, 88, 58, 47, 35, 73, 51, 99, 37, 93);
//      $tree = new Bst();  //搜索二叉树
      $tree = new Avl();  //平衡二叉树
//      $tree = new Rbt();  //红黑树
      $tree->init($arr);   //树的初始化
//      $tree->Delete(62);
//      $tree->Insert(100);
//      $tree->MidOrder();  //树的中序遍历(这也是调试的一个手段,看看数字是否从小到大排序)
      $image = new image($tree);
      $image->show();  //显示图像
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      echo $e->getMessage();



 * author:zhongjin
 * description: 二叉查找树
class Node
  public $key;
  public $parent;
  public $left;
  public $right;
  public function __construct($key)
    $this->key = $key;
    $this->parent = NULL;
    $this->left = NULL;
    $this->right = NULL;
class Bst
  public $root;
   * 初始化树结构
   * @param $arr 初始化树结构的数组
   * @return null
  public function init($arr)
    $this->root = new Node($arr[0]);
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
   * (对内)中序遍历
   * @param $root (树或子树的)根节点
   * @return null
  private function mid_order($root)
    if ($root != NULL) {
      echo $root->key . " ";
   * (对外)中序遍历
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function MidOrder()
   * 查找树中是否存在$key对应的节点
   * @param $key 待搜索数字
   * @return $key对应的节点
  function search($key)
    $current = $this->root;
    while ($current != NULL) {
      if ($current->key == $key) {
        return $current;
      } elseif ($current->key > $key) {
        $current = $current->left;
      } else {
        $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 查找树中的最小关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最小关键字对应的节点
  function search_min($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->left != NULL) {
      $current = $current->left;
    return $current;
   * 查找树中的最大关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最大关键字对应的节点
  function search_max($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->right != NULL) {
      $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接前驱节点
   * @param $x 待查找前驱节点的节点引用
   * @return 前驱节点引用
  function predecessor($x)
    if ($x->left != NULL) {
      return $this->search_max($x->left);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->left) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接后继节点
   * @param $x 待查找后继节点的节点引用
   * @return 后继节点引用
  function successor($x)
    if ($x->right != NULL) {
      return $this->search_min($x->right);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->right) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * 将$key插入树中
   * @param $key 待插入树的数字
   * @return null
  function Insert($key)
    if (!is_null($this->search($key))) {
      throw new Exception('结点' . $key . '已存在,不可插入!');
    $root = $this->root;
    $inode = new Node($key);
    $current = $root;
    $prenode = NULL;
    while ($current != NULL) {
      $prenode = $current;
      if ($current->key > $inode->key) {
        $current = $current->left;
      } else {
        $current = $current->right;
    $inode->parent = $prenode;
    //如果$prenode == NULL, 则证明树是空树
    if ($prenode == NULL) {
      $this->root = $inode;
    } else {
      if ($inode->key < $prenode->key) {
        $prenode->left = $inode;
      } else {
        $prenode->right = $inode;
    //return $root;
   * 在树中删除$key对应的节点
   * @param $key 待删除节点的数字
   * @return null
  function Delete($key)
    if (is_null($this->search($key))) {
      throw new Exception('结点' . $key . "不存在,删除失败!");
    $root = $this->root;
    $dnode = $this->search($key);
    if ($dnode->left == NULL || $dnode->right == NULL) { #如果待删除结点无子节点或只有一个子节点,则c = dnode
      $c = $dnode;
    } else { #如果待删除结点有两个子节点,c置为dnode的直接后继,以待最后将待删除结点的值换为其后继的值
      $c = $this->successor($dnode);
    if ($c->left != NULL) {
      $s = $c->left;
    } else {
      $s = $c->right;
    if ($s != NULL) { #将c的子节点的父母结点置为c的父母结点,此处c只可能有1个子节点,因为如果c有两个子节点,则c不可能是dnode的直接后继
      $s->parent = $c->parent;
    if ($c->parent == NULL) { #如果c的父母为空,说明c=dnode是根节点,删除根节点后直接将根节点置为根节点的子节点,此处dnode是根节点,且拥有两个子节点,则c是dnode的后继结点,c的父母就不会为空,就不会进入这个if
      $this->root = $s;
    } else if ($c == $c->parent->left) { #如果c是其父节点的左右子节点,则将c父母的左右子节点置为c的左右子节点
      $c->parent->left = $s;
    } else {
      $c->parent->right = $s;
    if ($c != $dnode) {
      $dnode->key = $c->key;
//    return $root;
   * (对内)获取树的深度
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 树的深度
  private function getdepth($root)
    if ($root == NULL) {
      return 0;
    $dl = $this->getdepth($root->left);
    $dr = $this->getdepth($root->right);
    return ($dl > $dr ? $dl : $dr) + 1;
   * (对外)获取树的深度
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function Depth()
    return $this->getdepth($this->root);


 * author:zhongjin
 * description: 平衡二叉树
class Node
  public $key;
  public $parent;
  public $left;
  public $right;
  public $bf; //平衡因子
  public function __construct($key)
    $this->key = $key;
    $this->parent = NULL;
    $this->left = NULL;
    $this->right = NULL;
    $this->bf = 0;
class Avl
  public $root;
  const LH = +1; //左高
  const EH = 0;  //等高
  const RH = -1; //右高
   * 初始化树结构
   * @param $arr 初始化树结构的数组
   * @return null
  public function init($arr)
    $this->root = new Node($arr[0]);
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
   * (对内)中序遍历
   * @param $root (树或子树的)根节点
   * @return null
  private function mid_order($root)
    if ($root != NULL) {
      echo $root->key . "-" . $root->bf . " ";
   * (对外)中序遍历
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function MidOrder()
   * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做右旋处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  private function R_Rotate($root)
    $L = $root->left;
    if (!is_NULL($root->parent)) {
      $P = $root->parent;
      if ($root == $P->left) {
        $P->left = $L;
      } else {
        $P->right = $L;
      $L->parent = $P;
    } else {
      $L->parent = NULL;
    $root->parent = $L;
    $root->left = $L->right;
    $L->right = $root;
    if ($L->parent == NULL) {
      $this->root = $L;
   * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做左旋处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  private function L_Rotate($root)
    $R = $root->right;
    if (!is_NULL($root->parent)) {
      $P = $root->parent;
      if ($root == $P->left) {
        $P->left = $R;
      } else {
        $P->right = $R;
      $R->parent = $P;
    } else {
      $R->parent = NULL;
    $root->parent = $R;
    $root->right = $R->left;
    $R->left = $root;
    if ($R->parent == NULL) {
      $this->root = $R;
   * 对以$root所指结点为根节点的二叉树作左平衡处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  public function LeftBalance($root)
    $L = $root->left;
    $L_bf = $L->bf;
    switch ($L_bf) {
      case self::LH:  //新结点插入在root的左孩子的左子树上,要做单右旋处理
        $root->bf = $L->bf = self::EH;
      case self::RH:  //新节点插入在root的左孩子的右子树上,要做双旋处理
        $L_r = $L->right;  //root左孩子的右子树根
        $L_r_bf = $L_r->bf;
        switch ($L_r_bf) {
          case self::LH:
            $root->bf = self::RH;
            $L->bf = self::EH;
          case self::EH:
            $root->bf = $L->bf = self::EH;
          case self::RH:
            $root->bf = self::EH;
            $L->bf = self::LH;
        $L_r->bf = self::EH;
   * 对以$root所指结点为根节点的二叉树作右平衡处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  public function RightBalance($root)
    $R = $root->right;
    $R_bf = $R->bf;
    switch ($R_bf) {
      case self::RH:  //新结点插入在root的右孩子的右子树上,要做单左旋处理
        $root->bf = $R->bf = self::EH;
      case self::LH:  //新节点插入在root的右孩子的左子树上,要做双旋处理
        $R_l = $R->left;  //root右孩子的左子树根
        $R_l_bf = $R_l->bf;
        switch ($R_l_bf) {
          case self::RH:
            $root->bf = self::LH;
            $R->bf = self::EH;
          case self::EH:
            $root->bf = $R->bf = self::EH;
          case self::LH:
            $root->bf = self::EH;
            $R->bf = self::RH;
        $R_l->bf = self::EH;
   * 查找树中是否存在$key对应的节点
   * @param $key 待搜索数字
   * @return $key对应的节点
  public function search($key)
    $current = $this->root;
    while ($current != NULL) {
      if ($current->key == $key) {
        return $current;
      } elseif ($current->key > $key) {
        $current = $current->left;
      } else {
        $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 查找树中的最小关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最小关键字对应的节点
  function search_min($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->left != NULL) {
      $current = $current->left;
    return $current;
   * 查找树中的最大关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最大关键字对应的节点
  function search_max($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->right != NULL) {
      $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接前驱节点
   * @param $x 待查找前驱节点的节点引用
   * @return 前驱节点引用
  private function predecessor($x)
    if ($x->left != NULL) {
      return $this->search_max($x->left);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->left) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接后继节点
   * @param $x 待查找后继节点的节点引用
   * @return 后继节点引用
  private function successor($x)
    if ($x->left != NULL) {
      return $this->search_min($x->right);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->right) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * (对内)插入结点,如果结点不存在则插入,失去平衡要做平衡处理
   * @param $root 根节点 $key 待插入树的数字
   * @return null
  private function insert_node(&$root, $key)
    if (is_null($root)) {
      $root = new Node($key);
      return TRUE;
    } else {
      if ($key == $root->key) {
        return FALSE;
      } //在root的左子树中继续搜索
      elseif ($key < $root->key) {
        if (!($this->insert_node($root->left, $key))) {
          return FALSE;
        if (is_null($root->left->parent)) {
          $root->left->parent = $root;
        switch ($root->bf) {
          case self::EH:
            $root->bf = self::LH;
            return TRUE;
          case self::LH:
            return FALSE;
          case self::RH:
            $root->bf = self::EH;
            return FALSE;
      } //在root的右子树中继续搜索
      else {
        if (!$this->insert_node($root->right, $key)) {
          return FALSE;
        if (is_null($root->right->parent)) {
          $root->right->parent = $root;
        switch ($root->bf) {
          case self::EH:
            $root->bf = self::RH;
            return TRUE;
          case self::LH:
            $root->bf = self::EH;
            return FALSE;
          case self::RH:
            return FALSE;
   * (对外)将$key插入树中
   * @param $key 待插入树的数字
   * @return null
  public function Insert($key)
    $this->insert_node($this->root, $key);
   * 获取待删除的节点(删除的最终节点)
   * @param $key 待删除的数字
   * @return 最终被删除的节点
  private function get_del_node($key)
    $dnode = $this->search($key);
    if ($dnode == NULL) {
      throw new Exception("结点不存在!");
    if ($dnode->left == NULL || $dnode->right == NULL) { #如果待删除结点无子节点或只有一个子节点,则c = dnode
      $c = $dnode;
    } else { #如果待删除结点有两个子节点,c置为dnode的直接后继,以待最后将待删除结点的值换为其后继的值
      $c = $this->successor($dnode);
    $dnode->key = $c->key;
    return $c;
   * (对内)删除指定节点,处理该结点往上结点的平衡因子
   * @param $node 最终该被删除的节点
   * @return null
  private function del_node($node)
    if ($node == $this->root) {
      $this->root = NULL;
    $current = $node;
    $P = $current->parent;
    $lower = TRUE;
    while ($lower == TRUE && !is_null($P)) {
      if ($current == $P->left) {
        if($current == $node){
          if (!is_null($current->left)) {
            $P->left = $current->left;
          } else {
            $P->left = $current->left;
        $P_bf = $P->bf;
        switch ($P_bf) {
          case self::LH:
            $P->bf = self::EH;
            $lower = TRUE;
            $current = $P;
            $P = $current->parent;
          case self::EH:
            $P->bf = self::RH;
            $lower = FALSE;
          case self::RH:
            $lower = TRUE;
            $current = $P->parent;
            $P = $current->parent;
      } //右结点
      else {
        if($current == $node){
          if (!is_null($current->left)) {
            $P->right = $current->left;
          } else {
            $P->right = $current->left;
        $P_bf = $P->bf;
        switch ($P_bf) {
          case self::LH:
            $lower = TRUE;
            $current = $P->parent;
            $P = $current->parent;
          case self::EH:
            $P->bf = self::LH;
            $lower = FALSE;
          case self::RH:
            $P->bf = self::LH;
            $lower = TRUE;
            $current = $P;
            $P = $current->parent;
   * (对外)删除指定节点
   * @param $key 删除节点的key值
   * @return null
  public function Delete($key)
    $del_node = $this->get_del_node($key);
   * (对内)获取树的深度
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 树的深度
  private function getdepth($root)
    if ($root == NULL) {
      return 0;
    $dl = $this->getdepth($root->left);
    $dr = $this->getdepth($root->right);
    return ($dl > $dr ? $dl : $dr) + 1;
   * (对外)获取树的深度
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function Depth()
    return $this->getdepth($this->root);


 * author:zhongjin
 * description: 红黑树
class Node
  public $key;
  public $parent;
  public $left;
  public $right;
  public $IsRed; //分辨红节点或黑节点
  public function __construct($key, $IsRed = TRUE)
    $this->key = $key;
    $this->parent = NULL;
    $this->left = NULL;
    $this->right = NULL;
    $this->IsRed = $IsRed;
class Rbt
  public $root;
   * 初始化树结构
   * @param $arr 初始化树结构的数组
   * @return null
  public function init($arr)
    $this->root = new Node($arr[0], FALSE);
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($arr); $i++) {
   * (对内)中序遍历
   * @param $root (树或子树的)根节点
   * @return null
  private function mid_order($root)
    if ($root != NULL) {
      echo $root->key . "-" . ($root->IsRed ? 'r' : 'b') . ' ';
   * (对外)中序遍历
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function MidOrder()
   * 查找树中是否存在$key对应的节点
   * @param $key 待搜索数字
   * @return $key对应的节点
  function search($key)
    $current = $this->root;
    while ($current != NULL) {
      if ($current->key == $key) {
        return $current;
      } elseif ($current->key > $key) {
        $current = $current->left;
      } else {
        $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做右旋处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  private function R_Rotate($root)
    $L = $root->left;
    if (!is_null($root->parent)) {
      $P = $root->parent;
      if($root == $P->left){
        $P->left = $L;
        $P->right = $L;
      $L->parent = $P;
    } else {
      $L->parent = NULL;
    $root->parent = $L;
    $root->left = $L->right;
    $L->right = $root;
    if ($L->parent == NULL) {
      $this->root = $L;
   * 将以$root为根节点的最小不平衡二叉树做左旋处理
   * @param $root(树或子树)根节点
   * @return null
  private function L_Rotate($root)
    $R = $root->right;
    if (!is_null($root->parent)) {
      $P = $root->parent;
      if($root == $P->right){
        $P->right = $R;
        $P->left = $R;
      $R->parent = $P;
    } else {
      $R->parent = NULL;
    $root->parent = $R;
    $root->right = $R->left;
    $R->left = $root;
    if ($R->parent == NULL) {
      $this->root = $R;
   * 查找树中的最小关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最小关键字对应的节点
  function search_min($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->left != NULL) {
      $current = $current->left;
    return $current;
   * 查找树中的最大关键字
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 最大关键字对应的节点
  function search_max($root)
    $current = $root;
    while ($current->right != NULL) {
      $current = $current->right;
    return $current;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接前驱节点
   * @param $x 待查找前驱节点的节点引用
   * @return 前驱节点引用
  function predecessor($x)
    if ($x->left != NULL) {
      return $this->search_max($x->left);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->left) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * 查找某个$key在中序遍历时的直接后继节点
   * @param $x 待查找后继节点的节点引用
   * @return 后继节点引用
  function successor($x)
    if ($x->left != NULL) {
      return $this->search_min($x->right);
    $p = $x->parent;
    while ($p != NULL && $x == $p->right) {
      $x = $p;
      $p = $p->parent;
    return $p;
   * 将$key插入树中
   * @param $key 待插入树的数字
   * @return null
  public function Insert($key)
    if (!is_null($this->search($key))) {
      throw new Exception('结点' . $key . '已存在,不可插入!');
    $root = $this->root;
    $inode = new Node($key);
    $current = $root;
    $prenode = NULL;
    while ($current != NULL) {
      $prenode = $current;
      if ($current->key > $inode->key) {
        $current = $current->left;
      } else {
        $current = $current->right;
    $inode->parent = $prenode;
    //如果$prenode == NULL, 则证明树是空树
    if ($prenode == NULL) {
      $this->root = $inode;
    } else {
      if ($inode->key < $prenode->key) {
        $prenode->left = $inode;
      } else {
        $prenode->right = $inode;
   * 对插入节点的位置及往上的位置进行颜色调整
   * @param $inode 插入的节点
   * @return null
  private function InsertFixUp($inode)
    while (($parent = $inode->parent) != NULL && $parent->IsRed == TRUE) {
      $gparent = $parent->parent;
      if ($parent == $gparent->left) {
        $uncle = $gparent->right;
        if ($uncle != NULL && $uncle->IsRed == TRUE) {
          $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
          $uncle->IsRed = FALSE;
          $gparent->IsRed = TRUE;
          $inode = $gparent;
          continue;  //经过这一步之后,组父节点作为新节点存在(跳到case2)
        if ($inode == $parent->right) {
          $temp = $parent;
          $parent = $inode;
          $inode = $temp;
        $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
        $gparent->IsRed = TRUE;
      } //如果父节点是祖父结点的右子结点,与上面完全相反
      else {
        $uncle = $gparent->left;
        if ($uncle != NULL && $uncle->IsRed == TRUE) {
          $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
          $uncle->IsRed = FALSE;
          $gparent->IsRed = TRUE;
          $inode = $gparent;
          continue;  //经过这一步之后,组父节点作为新节点存在(跳到case2)
        if ($inode == $parent->left) {
          $temp = $parent;
          $parent = $inode;
          $inode = $temp;
        $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
        $gparent->IsRed = TRUE;
    if ($inode == $this->root) {
      $this->root->IsRed = FALSE;
    if ($inode->parent != NULL && $inode->parent->IsRed == FALSE) {
   * (对外)删除指定节点
   * @param $key 删除节点的key值
   * @return null
  function Delete($key)
    if (is_null($this->search($key))) {
      throw new Exception('结点' . $key . "不存在,删除失败!");
    $dnode = $this->search($key);
    if ($dnode->left == NULL || $dnode->right == NULL) { #如果待删除结点无子节点或只有一个子节点,则c = dnode
      $c = $dnode;
    } else { #如果待删除结点有两个子节点,c置为dnode的直接后继,以待最后将待删除结点的值换为其后继的值
      $c = $this->successor($dnode);
    $parent = $c->parent;
    if ($c->left != NULL) {  //这里不会出现,除非选择的是删除结点的前驱
      $s = $c->left;
    } else {
      $s = $c->right;
    if ($s != NULL) { #将c的子节点的父母结点置为c的父母结点,此处c只可能有1个子节点,因为如果c有两个子节点,则c不可能是dnode的直接后继
      $s->parent = $c->parent;
    if ($c->parent == NULL) { #如果c的父母为空,说明c=dnode是根节点,删除根节点后直接将根节点置为根节点的子节点,此处dnode是根节点,且拥有两个子节点,则c是dnode的后继结点,c的父母就不会为空,就不会进入这个if
      $this->root = $s;
    } else if ($c == $c->parent->left) { #如果c是其父节点的左右子节点,则将c父母的左右子节点置为c的左右子节点
      $c->parent->left = $s;
    } else {
      $c->parent->right = $s;
    $dnode->key = $c->key;
    $node = $s;
    if ($c->IsRed == FALSE) {
   * 删除节点后对接点周围的其他节点进行调整
   * @param $key 删除节点的子节点和父节点
   * @return null
  private function DeleteFixUp($node,$parent)
    if ($node != NULL && $node->IsRed == TRUE) {
      $node->IsRed = FALSE;
    while (($node == NULL || $node->IsRed == FALSE) && ($node != $this->root)) {
      if ($node == $parent->left) {
        $brother = $parent->right;
        if ($brother->IsRed == TRUE) {
          $brother->IsRed = FALSE;
          $parent->IsRed = TRUE;
          $brother = $parent->right; //在左旋处理后,$parent->right指向的是原来兄弟结点的左子节点
        if (($brother->left == NULL || $brother->left->IsRed == FALSE) && ($brother->right == NULL || $brother->right->IsRed == FALSE)) {
          $brother->IsRed = TRUE;
          $node = $parent;
          $parent = $node->parent;
        } else {
          if ($brother->right == NULL || $brother->right->IsRed == FALSE) {
            $brother->IsRed = TRUE;
            $brother->left->IsRed = FALSE;
            $brother = $parent->right;
          $brother->IsRed = $parent->IsRed;
          $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
          $brother->right->IsRed = FALSE;
          $node = $this->root;
      } //node是父节点的右子节点
      else {
        $brother = $parent->left;
        if ($brother->IsRed == TRUE) {
          $brother->IsRed = FALSE;
          $parent->IsRed = TRUE;
          $brother = $parent->left; //在右旋处理后,$parent->left指向的是原来兄弟结点的右子节点
        if (($brother->left == NULL || $brother->left->IsRed == FALSE) && ($brother->right == NULL || $brother->right->IsRed == FALSE)) {
          $brother->IsRed = TRUE;
          $node = $parent;
          $parent = $node->parent;
        } else {
          if ($brother->left == NULL || $brother->left->IsRed == FALSE) {
            $brother->IsRed = TRUE;
            $brother->right = FALSE;
            $brother = $parent->left;
          $brother->IsRed = $parent->IsRed;
          $parent->IsRed = FALSE;
          $brother->left->IsRed = FALSE;
          $node = $this->root;
    if ($node != NULL) {
      $this->root->IsRed = FALSE;
   * (对内)获取树的深度
   * @param $root 根节点
   * @return 树的深度
  private function getdepth($root)
    if ($root == NULL) {
      return 0;
    $dl = $this->getdepth($root->left);
    $dr = $this->getdepth($root->right);
    return ($dl > $dr ? $dl : $dr) + 1;
   * (对外)获取树的深度
   * @param null
   * @return null
  public function Depth()
    return $this->getdepth($this->root);





  • PHP Class&Object -- 解析PHP实现二叉树

    二叉树及其变体是数据结构家族里的重要组成部分.最为链表的一种变体,二叉树最适合处理需要一特定次序快速组织和检索的数据. 复制代码 代码如下: <?php// Define a class to implement a binary treeclass Binary_Tree_Node {    // Define the variable to hold our data:    public $data;    // And a variable to hold the left and ri

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  • Java实现规则几何图形的绘制与周长面积计算详解

    目录 1.背景 2.开发工具 3.数据存储设计 4.项目功能设计 5.部分代码展示 6.项目结构 7.总结 1.背景 规则几何图形问题求解的程序是对根据输入规则几何图形的一些特定的参数来实现对规则几何图形的面积和周长求解,以及根据输入的参数对对他们进行绘制相应的图形. 在程序中通过规则几何的类型来输入相应的参数有程序得到相应的解和图形.这从而达到了对图形的计算便利计算和直观的求出图形,从而帮助计算人员拥有更高的计算效率. 关键字:Java,swing,规则几何图形,文件操作 2.开发工具 本程序

  • Python可视化绘制图表的教程详解

    目录 1.Matplotlib 程序包 2.绘图命令的基本架构及其属性设置 3.Seaborn 模块介绍 3.1 未加Seaborn 模块的效果 4.描述性统计图形概览 4.1制作数据 4.2 频数分析 python 有许多可视化工具,但本书只介绍Matplotlib.Matplotlib是一种2D的绘图库,它可以支持硬拷贝和跨系统的交互,它可以在python脚本,IPython的交互环境下.Web应用程序中使用.该项目是由John Hunter 于2002年启动,其目的是为python构建MA
