

# Logistic Regression
# 逻辑回归
# This function shows how to use TensorFlow to
# solve logistic regression.
# y = sigmoid(Ax + b)
# We will use the low birth weight data, specifically:
# y = 0 or 1 = low birth weight
# x = demographic and medical history data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import requests
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
import os.path
import csv


# Create graph
sess = tf.Session()

# Obtain and prepare data for modeling

# name of data file
birth_weight_file = 'birth_weight.csv'

# download data and create data file if file does not exist in current directory
if not os.path.exists(birth_weight_file):
  birthdata_url = 'https://github.com/nfmcclure/tensorflow_cookbook/raw/master/01_Introduction/07_Working_with_Data_Sources/birthweight_data/birthweight.dat'
  birth_file = requests.get(birthdata_url)
  birth_data = birth_file.text.split('\r\n')
  birth_header = birth_data[0].split('\t')
  birth_data = [[float(x) for x in y.split('\t') if len(x)>=1] for y in birth_data[1:] if len(y)>=1]
  with open(birth_weight_file, "w") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

# read birth weight data into memory
birth_data = []
with open(birth_weight_file, newline='') as csvfile:
   csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
   birth_header = next(csv_reader)
   for row in csv_reader:

birth_data = [[float(x) for x in row] for row in birth_data]

# Pull out target variable
y_vals = np.array([x[0] for x in birth_data])
# Pull out predictor variables (not id, not target, and not birthweight)
x_vals = np.array([x[1:8] for x in birth_data])

# set for reproducible results
seed = 99

# Split data into train/test = 80%/20%
# 分割数据集为测试集和训练集
train_indices = np.random.choice(len(x_vals), round(len(x_vals)*0.8), replace=False)
test_indices = np.array(list(set(range(len(x_vals))) - set(train_indices)))
x_vals_train = x_vals[train_indices]
x_vals_test = x_vals[test_indices]
y_vals_train = y_vals[train_indices]
y_vals_test = y_vals[test_indices]

# Normalize by column (min-max norm)
# 将所有特征缩放到0和1区间(min-max缩放),逻辑回归收敛的效果更好
# 归一化特征
def normalize_cols(m):
  col_max = m.max(axis=0)
  col_min = m.min(axis=0)
  return (m-col_min) / (col_max - col_min)

x_vals_train = np.nan_to_num(normalize_cols(x_vals_train))
x_vals_test = np.nan_to_num(normalize_cols(x_vals_test))

# Define Tensorflow computational graph¶

# Declare batch size
batch_size = 25

# Initialize placeholders
x_data = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, 7], dtype=tf.float32)
y_target = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, 1], dtype=tf.float32)

# Create variables for linear regression
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=[7,1]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=[1,1]))

# Declare model operations
model_output = tf.add(tf.matmul(x_data, A), b)

# Declare loss function (Cross Entropy loss)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=model_output, labels=y_target))

# Declare optimizer
my_opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01)
train_step = my_opt.minimize(loss)

# Train model

# Initialize variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Actual Prediction
# 除记录损失函数外,也需要记录分类器在训练集和测试集上的准确度。
# 所以创建一个返回准确度的预测函数
prediction = tf.round(tf.sigmoid(model_output))
predictions_correct = tf.cast(tf.equal(prediction, y_target), tf.float32)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(predictions_correct)

# Training loop
# 开始遍历迭代训练,记录损失值和准确度
loss_vec = []
train_acc = []
test_acc = []
for i in range(1500):
  rand_index = np.random.choice(len(x_vals_train), size=batch_size)
  rand_x = x_vals_train[rand_index]
  rand_y = np.transpose([y_vals_train[rand_index]])
  sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x_data: rand_x, y_target: rand_y})

  temp_loss = sess.run(loss, feed_dict={x_data: rand_x, y_target: rand_y})
  temp_acc_train = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x_data: x_vals_train, y_target: np.transpose([y_vals_train])})
  temp_acc_test = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x_data: x_vals_test, y_target: np.transpose([y_vals_test])})
  if (i+1)%300==0:
    print('Loss = ' + str(temp_loss))

# Display model performance

# 绘制损失和准确度
plt.plot(loss_vec, 'k-')
plt.title('Cross Entropy Loss per Generation')
plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy Loss')

# Plot train and test accuracy
plt.plot(train_acc, 'k-', label='Train Set Accuracy')
plt.plot(test_acc, 'r--', label='Test Set Accuracy')
plt.title('Train and Test Accuracy')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')


Loss = 0.845124
Loss = 0.658061
Loss = 0.471852
Loss = 0.643469
Loss = 0.672077





  • 用TensorFlow实现lasso回归和岭回归算法的示例
  • TensorFlow实现Softmax回归模型
  • 运用TensorFlow进行简单实现线性回归、梯度下降示例
  • 用tensorflow构建线性回归模型的示例代码
  • 用tensorflow实现弹性网络回归算法
  • 用TensorFlow实现戴明回归算法的示例


  • 用TensorFlow实现lasso回归和岭回归算法的示例

    也有些正则方法可以限制回归算法输出结果中系数的影响,其中最常用的两种正则方法是lasso回归和岭回归. lasso回归和岭回归算法跟常规线性回归算法极其相似,有一点不同的是,在公式中增加正则项来限制斜率(或者净斜率).这样做的主要原因是限制特征对因变量的影响,通过增加一个依赖斜率A的损失函数实现. 对于lasso回归算法,在损失函数上增加一项:斜率A的某个给定倍数.我们使用TensorFlow的逻辑操作,但没有这些操作相关的梯度,而是使用阶跃函数的连续估计,也称作连续阶跃函数,其会在截止点跳跃扩

  • 用tensorflow实现弹性网络回归算法

    本文实例为大家分享了tensorflow实现弹性网络回归算法,供大家参考,具体内容如下 python代码: #用tensorflow实现弹性网络算法(多变量) #使用鸢尾花数据集,后三个特征作为特征,用来预测第一个特征. #1 导入必要的编程库,创建计算图,加载数据集 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from sklearn import datasets from tensor

  • 用tensorflow构建线性回归模型的示例代码

    用tensorflow构建简单的线性回归模型是tensorflow的一个基础样例,但是原有的样例存在一些问题,我在实际调试的过程中做了一点自己的改进,并且有一些体会. 首先总结一下tf构建模型的总体套路 1.先定义模型的整体图结构,未知的部分,比如输入就用placeholder来代替. 2.再定义最后与目标的误差函数. 3.最后选择优化方法. 另外几个值得注意的地方是: 1.tensorflow构建模型第一步是先用代码搭建图模型,此时图模型是静止的,是不产生任何运算结果的,必须使用Session

  • TensorFlow实现Softmax回归模型

    一.概述及完整代码 对MNIST(MixedNational Institute of Standard and Technology database)这个非常简单的机器视觉数据集,Tensorflow为我们进行了方便的封装,可以直接加载MNIST数据成我们期望的格式.本程序使用Softmax Regression训练手写数字识别的分类模型. 先看完整代码: import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist imp

  • 用TensorFlow实现戴明回归算法的示例

    如果最小二乘线性回归算法最小化到回归直线的竖直距离(即,平行于y轴方向),则戴明回归最小化到回归直线的总距离(即,垂直于回归直线).其最小化x值和y值两个方向的误差,具体的对比图如下图. 线性回归算法和戴明回归算法的区别.左边的线性回归最小化到回归直线的竖直距离:右边的戴明回归最小化到回归直线的总距离. 线性回归算法的损失函数最小化竖直距离:而这里需要最小化总距离.给定直线的斜率和截距,则求解一个点到直线的垂直距离有已知的几何公式.代入几何公式并使TensorFlow最小化距离. 损失函数是由分

  • 运用TensorFlow进行简单实现线性回归、梯度下降示例

    线性回归属于监督学习,因此方法和监督学习应该是一样的,先给定一个训练集,根据这个训练集学习出一个线性函数,然后测试这个函数训练的好不好(即此函数是否足够拟合训练集数据),挑选出最好的函数(cost function最小)即可. 单变量线性回归: a) 因为是线性回归,所以学习到的函数为线性函数,即直线函数: b) 因为是单变量,因此只有一个x. 我们能够给出单变量线性回归的模型: 我们常称x为feature,h(x)为hypothesis. 上面介绍的方法中,我们肯定有一个疑问,怎样能够看出线性

  • 详解用TensorFlow实现逻辑回归算法

    本文将实现逻辑回归算法,预测低出生体重的概率. # Logistic Regression # 逻辑回归 #---------------------------------- # # This function shows how to use TensorFlow to # solve logistic regression. # y = sigmoid(Ax + b) # # We will use the low birth weight data, specifically: # y

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