

#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
import cPickle
class Hangman(object):
  '''A simple hangman game that tries to improve your vocabulary a bit '''
  def __init__(self):
    # the variables used, this is not necessary
    self.dumpfile = ''    #the dictionary file
    self.dictionary = {}   #the pickled dict
    self.words = []     #list of words used
    self.secret_word = ''  #the 'key'
    self.length = 0     #length of the 'key'
    self.keys = []      #inputs that match the 'key'
    self.used_keys = []   #keys that are already used
    self.guess = ''     #player's guess
    self.mistakes = 0    #number of incorrect inputs
    return self.load_dict()
  #insert some random hints for the player
  def insert_random(self, length):
    randint = random.randint
    # 3 hints
    if length >= 7: hint = 3
    else: hint = 1
    for x in xrange(hint):
        a = randint(1, length - 1)
        self.keys[a-1] = self.secret_word[a-1]
  def test_input(self):
    #if the guessed letter matches
    if self.guess in self.secret_word:
      indexes = [i for i, item in enumerate(self.secret_word) if item == self.guess]
      for index in indexes:
        self.keys[index] = self.guess
        print "used letters ",set(self.used_keys),'\n'
    #if the guessed letter didn't match
      self.mistakes += 1
      print "used letters ",set(self.used_keys),'\n'
  # load the pickled word dictionary and unpickle them
  def load_dict(self):
    try :
      self.dumpfile = open("~/python/hangman/wordsdict.pkl", "r")
    except IOError:
      print "Couldn't find the file 'wordsdict.pkl'"
    self.dictionary = cPickle.load(self.dumpfile)
    self.words = self.dictionary.keys()
    return self.prepare_word()
  #randomly choose a word for the challenge
  def prepare_word(self):
    self.secret_word = random.choice(self.words)
    #don't count trailing spaces
    self.length = len(self.secret_word.rstrip())
    self.keys = ['_' for x in xrange(self.length)]
    return self.ask()
  #display the challenge
  def ask(self):
    print ' '.join(self.keys), ":", self.dictionary[self.secret_word]
    return self.input_loop()
  #take input from the player
  def input_loop(self):
    #four self.mistakes are allowed
    chances = len(set(self.secret_word)) + 4
    while chances != 0 and self.mistakes < 5:
        self.guess = raw_input("> ")
      except EOFError:
      print ' '.join(self.keys)
      if '_' not in self.keys:
        print 'well done!'
      chances -= 1
    if self.mistakes > 4: print 'the word was', ''.join(self.secret_word).upper()
    return self.quit_message()
  def quit_message(self):
    print "\n"
    print "Press 'c' to continue, or any other key to quit the game. "
    print "You can always quit the game by pressing 'Ctrl+D'"
      command = raw_input('> ')
      if command == 'c': return self.__init__() #loopback
      else : exit(0)
    except EOFError: exit(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
  game = Hangman()




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