
支持 线性图 区域图 柱状图 饼图


用到的是svg  vml


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<div id='zhu' class="cc"></div>
<div id='zhu1' class="cc" style="height:600px;"></div>
<div id='segmentx' class="cc"></div>
<div id='segmenty' class="cc"></div>
<div id='pie' class="cc"></div>
<div id='pies' class="cc"></div>
<div id='vv' class="cc" style='height:300px; width:520px;'></div>
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 var win       = this,
  uuuid     = -1, 
  hasSVG    = win.SVGAngle || doc.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"),
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  path      = hasSVG?'d':'path',
  seal      = hasSVG?'z':'e',
  math      = Math,
  mathRound = math.round,
  mathFloor = math.floor,
  mathCeil  = math.ceil,
  mathMax   = math.max,
  mathMin   = math.min,
  mathAbs   = math.abs,
  mathCos   = math.cos,
  mathSin   = math.sin,    
  M         = 'M',
  L         = 'L';
 win.$$ = function(Id){
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      target[ name ] = copy;                      
  return target;          
 win.each =  function ( object, callback, args ) { 
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  if ( args ) {
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     if ( callback.apply( object[ name ],[name,object[ name ]].concat(args) ) === false ) 
   } else
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     if ( callback.apply( object[ i ],[i,object[ i ]].concat(args)) === false )   //
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     if ( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) 
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 function processPoint( x ){
  return isIE ? ~~x.toFixed(0) : ~~x.toFixed(0) + 0.5;
 function calTextLen(txt, cssStr){
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 function angle(r,center,o,jingdu){
  var hudu = Math.PI*2*(o/360),
   x = center[0]+ r*Math.sin(hudu),
   y = center[1]+ -r*Math.cos(hudu);
  return [x.toFixed(jingdu||0),y.toFixed(jingdu||0)];  
 function xx(a,b,lineNum){
  var t   = 1000,
   stf = ((b*t-a*t)/lineNum)/t,
   arr = [1,2,2.5,5,10],
   c   = 1,
//    分割线的基数是 [1,2,2.5,5,10] 这个步骤是查找 间隔 属于哪个范围
   while( stf<arr[0] ){
    c = c*10;
    arr[i]= o/c;
  }else if(stf>arr[4]){
   while( stf>arr[4] ){
    c = c*10;
    arr[4] = arr[4]*c;
   arr[i]= o*c;
//上面找到间隔后 找到间隔中最接近的一个 
    v = o;
    return false;
  var bj  = (mathAbs(a)*t)/(v*t),
   ba  = 0,
   isZ = bj!==parseInt(bj);
    ? ba = -a%v*t
    : ba = (mathAbs(a)%v-v)*t;  
  a = (a*t+ba)/t;
  b = (b*t+(b%v===0?0:(v-b%v))*t)/t;
  var num = Math.max(0,lineNum - Math.round((b-a)/v));
     a = (a*t-v*t)/t;
    b = (b*t+v*t)/t
     b = (b*t+v*t)/t;
     a = (a*t-v*t)/t
  return {min:a,max:b,stf:v};
//对svg vml元素的一些创建 修改属性 样式 删除 ==  一些的操作
 win.vector = function(){};
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  $c : function(graphic,nodeName){
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     : this[0].style[key] = hash[key];
   return this;
  on: function(eventName, handler){
   var self = this;
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    e = e || win.event;,e);
   return this;
  appendTo: function(parent){
     ? parent.element.appendChild(this.element)
     : parent.appendChild(this.element)
   } else {
   return this;
  addText: function(str){
   var elem = this.element;
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   return this;
  setOpacity : function(v){
   return this;
  setSize : function(v){
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    : this.attr({'stroke-width':v});
   return this;
  toFront: function() {
   return this;
  show: function(){
   this[0].style.display = 'block';
   return this;
  hide: function(){
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   return this;    
  destroy : function(){
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   $c : function(graphic,nodeName){
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     ? doc.createElement(name)
     : doc.createElement('<vml:'+name+' class="vml">'); 
    this.graphic = graphic;
    return this;  
   /*on : function(eventName, handler){
    var self = this;
    this.element.attachEvent("on" + eventName,function(){;
    return this;
   addText : function(txt){
    this[0].innerHTML = txt || '';
    return this;
   setSize : function(v){
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    return this;
   setOpacity : function(v){
    return this;
 win.smipleChart = function(){
 smipleChart.list      = [];
 smipleChart.timer     = null;
 smipleChart.lazyLoad  = function(id){
  id  = id || '0'
 smipleChart.prototype = {
  options : {
   charts : {
    paddingRight : 20,
    radius : 200,
    style  : {
     fontFamily : '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
     fontSize   : '12px',
     background : '#FFFFFF'
   title : {
    text  : '',
    y     : 10,
    style : {
   subTitle : {
    text : '',
    y  : 30,
    style   : {
     color: '#111'   
   yUnit : {
    text  : '',
    style : {
     color: '#111'
    lineNum :10
  init : function(container,options){
   var self      = this;
   this.width    = container.offsetWidth;
   this.height   = container.offsetHeight;
   this.currList = {};
   this.uuuid    = ++uuuid;
   this.timer    = null;
   //主要画图组的集合 形式
   //{id : {dom:xx,show:true}}
   this.mainGroup = {};
   //分段的时候要用到的  知道哪些是隐藏了的  因为要涉及到重绘
   this.hideList  = {};
   //svg 里面画图 必须有一个svg标签 vml就用div了
   this.container = hasSVG
    ? new vector().$c(1,'svg')
      xmlns   : '',
      version : '1.1',
      width : this.width,
      height : this.height
     .css({fontSize : '12px'})
    : new vector().$c(1,'div')
      fontSize : '12px',
      width    : this.width +'px',
      height   : this.height+'px'
   this.loading = container.appendChild(doc.createElement('img'));
   this.loading.setAttribute('src',''); = 'absolute';  = container.offsetHeight/2- this.loading.offsetHeight/2+'px'; = container.offsetWidth/2- this.loading.offsetWidth/2+'px';
   var c     = extend(true,{},this.options),
    opts  = this.opts = extend(true,c,options),
    style = extend(,{
     width  : this.width,
     height : this.height
   smipleChart.list[this.uuuid] = this; 
   smipleChart.timer = setTimeout(function(){
  loadMe : function(){
   var opts  = this.opts,
    self  = this,
    type  = opts.charts.type;
   this.container = this.container
     var elem = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
      self.currList = {}; 
    .createTooltip()         //创建提示信息的框框
    .drawTitle()             //画标题
    &&(opts.charts.panel = 'x');
   ' pie,pies'.indexOf(type)<0
   this.drawLegend(opts.legend.type);  //画色块条
   var type = {
    line    : 'drawLine',
    area    : 'drawArea',
    columns : 'drawColumns',
    pie     : 'drawPie',
    pies    : 'drawPies',
    segment : 'drawSegment'
   this.loading = null; = '';
  createElement : function(nodeName){
   return new vector().$c(this,nodeName);
  group: function(name){
   return this.createElement(hasSVG?'g':'div').attr('mark',name);
  getDrawArea : function(){
   var opts     = this.opts,
    width    = this.width,
    height   = this.height,
    title    = opts.title,
    subTitle = opts.subTitle,
    area     = {
     // 去掉坐标轴左边的刻度文本宽度(预估) 80为定值 左边只留80的间距
     areaWidth  : width - 80, 
     // 去掉坐标轴底下的文本和标线的高度
     areaHeight : height - 40,
     //原点的X位置  下面会计算到
     startX : 0,
     //原点的Y位置  下面会计算到
     startY : 0,
     //中心的x坐标 画饼图的时候需要知道圆心的位置
     centerX: 0,
     //中心的y坐标 画饼图的时候需要知道圆心的位置
     centerY: 0
   //如果主标题存在 减去主标题的高度 否则 减去10的高
   area.areaHeight -=(title.text !== '')
    ? title.y
    : 10;
   // 去掉副标题高度
   area.areaHeight -=(subTitle.text !== '')
    ? subTitle.y
    : 10
   area.startX = 80;
   area.startY = height - 40;
   area.centerX = width / 2;
   area.centerY = height / 2;  
   area.areaWidth -=20;
   area.areaHeight -=15;
   opts.area = area;   
   return this;
  drawTitle : function(){   
   var opts   = this.opts,
    self   = this,
    arr    = [opts.title,opts.subTitle,opts.yUnit],
    config = [
      x : this.width / 2,
      y : opts.title.y
      x : this.width / 2,
      y : opts.subTitle.y      
      x : opts.yUnit.x,
      y : this.height / 2 - 20      
    tpanel ='title')
    var text = title.text;
     var elem = self.baseDraw.span(self,{
       x : mathMax(config[i].x - calTextLen(text,,10),
       y : config[i].y
     //如果为2的时候 就说明是副标题  将它竖过来
       ? elem.attr({transform : 'rotate(270, '+(opts.yUnit.x+10)+', ' + self.height / 2 + ')'})
       : ( ='progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)')      
   return this;
//画盘子  比较麻烦
  drawPanel : function(type){
   var opts = this.opts,
    self = this,
    area = opts.area,
    chartsType = opts.charts.type,
    isSegment  = chartsType === 'segment',
    //盘子的类型 是横盘子 还是纵盘子
    type = opts.charts.panel || 'x';
   // 底板
   var drawAreaWidth  = area.areaWidth,
    drawAreaHeight = area.areaHeight,
    startX = area.startX,
    startY = area.startY;
   var allData  = [],
    minValue = 0,
    maxValue = 10,
    //线的条数 只能在1到10之间
    lineNum  = mathMin(10,mathMax(opts.yUnit.lineNum,1)),
    // 如果是柱状图 是对所有的数据求和
     ? each(,function(j,d){
       ? allData[j] = allData[j] + (~~d)
       : allData[j] = ~~d;
     : allData = allData.concat(
   //给所有的数据排序  为了下面求最大值 最小值
   allData.sort(function(a,b){return a-b});
   //求出最大值 最小值
   maxValue = allData[allData.length - 1];
     minValue = o;
     return false;
   var panel ='panel').appendTo();
   var result = xx(minValue,maxValue,lineNum),
    min    = result.min,
    max    = result.max,
    f      = result.stf;
    &&(min = 0);   
   //表示画的是横坐标 或者是双坐标
    var xPices = drawAreaWidth / opts.xUnit.units.length,
     offset = xPices / 2,
     yPices = drawAreaHeight / lineNum;
    var y = hasSVG?5:10,
     t = 1000,
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : '#C0C0C0',
      isfill      : false,
      path        : [
       processPoint(startX + (i * xPices)),
       processPoint(startX + (i*xPices)),
       processPoint(startY + 5)
     span = self.baseDraw.span(self,{
       x   : startX + offset + (i * xPices),
       y   : startY+y,
        fontFamily : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif',
        fontSize   : '12px'
      &&( = parseInt( - span.offsetWidth/2+'px');
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : '#C0C0C0',
      isfill      : false,
      path        : [M, startX, processPoint(startY - (i * yPices)), L, processPoint(startX + drawAreaWidth), processPoint(startY - (i *yPices))]
     var span = self.baseDraw.span(self,{
      x : startX - 15,
      y : startY - i * yPices-calTextLen(min+i*f+'').h/2,
       'font-family' : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif',
       'font-size'   : '12px',
       width         : '40px',
       display       : 'block',
       textAlign     : 'right'
     if(!hasSVG){  = parseInt( + span.offsetHeight/2 -5+'px'; = parseInt( -35+'px'
    var yPices = drawAreaHeight / (opts.xUnit.units.length),
     offset = Math.round(yPices / 2),
     x      = hasSVG ? 25 : 70,
     y     = hasSVG ? 0 : 5,
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : '#C0C0C0',
      isfill      : false,
      path        : [
       processPoint(startY-i * yPices),
       processPoint(startY-i * yPices),
     span = self.baseDraw.span(self,{
      x   : startX - x,
      y   : startY -i * yPices-offset-calTextLen(d).h/2 + y,
       width   : '60px',
    var xPices = drawAreaWidth / lineNum;
    for(var i=0;i<=lineNum;i++){
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : '#C0C0C0',
      isfill      : false,
      path        : [
       processPoint(startX + (i * xPices)),
       processPoint(startX + (i*xPices)),
       processPoint(startY - drawAreaHeight)
      x   : startX - calTextLen(min+i*f+'').w/2 + i * xPices,
      y   : startY,
   //因为起点很可能不是从0开始的  所以在起点的时候要要加上到0那部分的值
   var jianju =0;
   if(min>0)jianju = min;
   if(max<0)jianju = max;
   startX = opts.charts.panel==='x' ? startX :startX-xPices*(min/f);
   startY = opts.charts.panel==='x' ? startY + yPices*(min/f) : startY;    
   opts.draw = {
     startX  : startX,  // X 轴起点
     startY  : startY ,  // Y 轴起点
     xPices  : xPices,  // X 轴每份的宽度
     yPices  : yPices,  // Y 轴每份的宽度
     offset  : offset,  // X 单分中心点位置偏移量
     jianjuY : jianju*yPices/f,
     jianjuX : jianju*xPices/f,     
     feed    : f    // Y 轴的每份有多少 
   return this;
  createTooltip : function(){
   this.tipC ='tip')
    .css({zIndex: 200,height:'20px',width:'20px',position:'absolute'})
   this.tipBox = this.baseDraw.rect(this,{arc:0.22,fill:'#fff',border:2,borderColor:'#606060'})
   //因为svg里面的g可以直接定位 但是vml里面的group渲染很慢 所以改div  所以这里的父不一洋
   var p = isIE ?this.tipBox :this.tipC;
   this.tipTxtContainer = this.baseDraw.text(this,{fill:'#000000',x:5,y:19,'text-anchor':'left'})
      background: '#FFF'
   this.tipText = doc.createTextNode('');
   return this;
  showTooltip : function(obj, x, y,data){
   /*var txt  = +':' + data,
    size = calTextLen(txt,this.tipTxtContainer[0].style.cssText),
    pos  = {x : x - (size.w + 5 * 2)/2 ,y : y - 32};
     .attr({width  : size.w + 5 * 2,height : size.h + 5 * 2,stroke : obj.color||'#606060'});
     .css({width:size.w + 5 * 2,height : size.h + 5 * 2})
    this.tipBox[0].strokeColor = obj.color||'#000';    
   this.tipText.nodeValue = txt || '';*/
   var txt  = +':' + data,
    self = this,
    size = calTextLen(txt,this.tipTxtContainer[0].style.cssText),
    pos  = {x : x - (size.w + 5 * 2)/2 ,y : y - 32};
     .attr({width  : size.w + 5 * 2,height : size.h + 5 * 2,stroke : obj.color||'#606060'});
     .css({width:size.w + 5 * 2,height : size.h + 5 * 2})
    self.tipBox[0].strokeColor = obj.color||'#000';    
   this.tipText.nodeValue = txt || '';
   if(this.tipC[0].style.display === 'none'){
     ? self.tipC.attr({transform:'translate('+pos.x+','+pos.y+')',pos:pos.x+'-'+pos.y})
     : self.tipC.attr({pos:pos.x+'-'+pos.y}).css({left:pos.x,top:pos.y});
    var move = function(t,b,c,d){
               return c*(t/=d)*t + b;
     t = 0,
     b = self.tipC.attr('pos').split('-'),
     c = [pos.x,pos.y],
     d = 5;
    this.timer = setInterval(function(){
     var x = move(t,~~b[0],(~~c[0])-(~~b[0]),d),
      y = move(t,~~b[1],(~~c[1])-(~~b[1]),d);
      ? self.tipC.attr({transform:'translate('+x+','+y+')',pos:x+'-'+y})
      : self.tipC.attr({pos:x+'-'+y}).css({left:x,top:y});
  hideTooltip: function(){
  drawLegend : function(type,redraw){
   var self   = this,
    opts   = this.opts,
    isLine = opts.charts.type === 'line',
    t_width  = 20,
    t_height = 20,
    t_space  = 5,     
    datas    = opts.chartData,
    len      = datas.length,
    css      =,
    //最大长度 如果是纵着的 需要最大的长度
    maxWidth = 10,
    maxHeight= 30,
    orig_pos = opts.legend.pos?opts.legend.pos:[2,2],
    handle   = function(i){
     var g = self.mainGroup['chart'+i],
      issegment = opts.charts.type==='segment';
      g.chart.hide(); = false;
       ? this.attr({fill:'#ccc'})
       : this[0].style.color = '#ccc';
      //如果是分段图  是会涉及到重画的
       self.hideList[i] ='';
       var mainGroup = self.mainGroup;
       for(var name in mainGroup){ 
        var parent = mainGroup[name].chart,
         nodes  = parent[0].childNodes,
         len    = nodes.length;
        for(var i = len-1;i>=0;i--){[i])
     }else{; = true;
       ? this.attr({fill:'#000'})
       : this[0].style.color = '#000'
       delete self.hideList[i];
       var mainGroup = self.mainGroup;
       for(var name in mainGroup){
        var parent = mainGroup[name].chart,
         nodes  = parent[0].childNodes,
         len    = nodes.length;
        for(var i = len-1;i>=0;i--){[i])
    arr = [];
   type = type ||'lateral'; 
   var legendPanel ='Legend')
    var top  = orig_pos[1] + 5,
     th   = hasSVG?0:3,
     left = orig_pos[0] + 5;
    each(datas, function(i,d){          
     left = i===0 ? left : t_space+left;
     //如果是线性图  按线性图的方式画图
       border      : 1.5,
       borderColor : d.color,
       isfill      : false,
       path        : [
      self.baseDraw[d.dotType || 'circle'](self,{
       x : left+12,     
       y : top+10,
       r : 4,
       fillColor : d.color
       arc         : 0.1,
       fill        : d.color,
       border      : 1,
       borderColor : d.color,
       left        : left,
       top         : top,
       width       : t_width+'px',
       height      : t_height+'px'   
     left = left + t_width+2 + t_space;
     var w = calTextLen(,css).w
      x : left,
      y : top+th
     left = left + w;
      arc         : 0.1,
      fill        : 'none',
      border      : 1.5,
      borderColor : '#666666',
      width       : left+ t_space- orig_pos[0],
      height      : maxHeight,
      left        : orig_pos[0],
      top         : orig_pos[1]
    var top  = orig_pos[1] + 5,
     th   = hasSVG?0:3,
     left = orig_pos[0] + 5;
    each(datas, function(i,d){
     top = i===0 ? top : t_space + top;
      arc         : 0.1,
      fill        : d.color,
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : d.color,
      left        : left,
      top         : top,
      width       : t_width+'px',
      height      : t_height+'px'   
     var h = calTextLen(,css).h;
      x : left+t_width+2+t_space,
      y : top+th
      //如果是多层饼图 不行进隐藏    
     top = top + h+ t_space;
     maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,calTextLen(,css).w);
      arc         : 0.1,
      fill        : 'none',
      border      : 1.5,
      borderColor : '#666666',
      width       : maxWidth+22+15,
      height      : top+t_space-orig_pos[1],
      left        : orig_pos[0],
      top         : orig_pos[1]
   return this;
  drawLine  : function(){
   var self = this,
    opts = this.opts,
    draw = opts.draw;
    var id = 'chart'+i,
     lineGroup =
     chart : lineGroup,
     show  : true
    var path = [M],
     data =,
    for(var i = 0,l = data.length; i < l ; i++){
     if( data[i] == null){
      //如果这个数据不存在 并且不是第一个数据 路径上加 M
      if(path[path.length - 1] !== M)
      //如果不是第一个数据 路径添加L
      i !== 0 && path.push("L");
      //如果前面一个是null 并且不是第一个  把那个L去掉
      if(i > 0 && data[i - 1] == null)
      //计算出 点的x,y的位置 
      var x = draw.startX + draw.offset + (i * draw.xPices),
       y = draw.startY - data[i] * (draw.yPices / draw.feed);
       x = parseInt(x);
       y = parseInt(y);
      var dotType = o.dotType||'circle';
       x : x,     
       y : y,
       r : 4,
       fillColor : o.color
       return function(){
         if([0] === this[0])
        var pos = this.attr('pos').split('-');
        self.showTooltip(o,pos[0],pos[1],this.attr('data'));  = this;
        self.currList.line = line;
      .on('click',function(){lineGroup.toFront(); })
    line = self.baseDraw.path(self,{
     border      : 1.5,
     borderColor : o.color,
     isfill      : false,
     path        : path
   return this;
  drawArea  : function(){
   var self = this,
    opts = this.opts,
    draw = opts.draw;
    var id = 'chart' + i,
     areaGroup =;
    self.mainGroup[id] = {chart : areaGroup,show : true};
    //有2个路径 一个是区域的路径 一个是线的路径
    var areaPath = [M, (draw.startX + draw.offset).toFixed(0), (draw.startY-draw.jianjuY).toFixed(0)],
     path     = [M],
     data     =,
    for(var n=0,l = data.length;n<l;n++){
     var len = areaPath.length;
     if( data[n] === null){
      //如果前面的一个不是m 就重新画 所以加上 M
      if(path[path.length - 1] !== M)
      //如果第1个 或者前面的都为null 修改起点坐标
       &&(areaPath[1] = (draw.startX +(n+1)*draw.xPices + draw.offset).toFixed(0));
      //如果前面一个不是结束标识符  区域图结束 如果第一个数据是null 则不进行下面的操作
      if(areaPath[len - 1] !== seal&&n!==0){
        areaPath[len - 2],
       n !== 0 && path.push(L);
       //如果前面的那个数据是null 把之前的那个L去掉
       if(n > 0 && data[n - 1] == null){
        //如果是第一个为null 不删除L
       var x = draw.startX + draw.offset + (n * draw.xPices),
        y = draw.startY - data[n] * (draw.yPices / draw.feed);
        x = parseInt(x);
        y = parseInt(y);
       if(areaPath[len - 1] === seal){
        areaPath = areaPath.concat([
       if(n === l - 1){ 
       self.baseDraw[o.dotType || 'circle'](self,{
        x : x,     
        y : y,
        r : 4,
        fillColor : o.color
        return function(){
          if([0] === this[0])
         var pos = this.attr('pos').split('-');
         self.showTooltip(o,pos[0],pos[1],this.attr('data'));  = this;
         self.currList.line = line;
       .on('click',function(){areaGroup.toFront(); }) 
     border      : 0,
     isfill      : true,
     fillColor   : o.color,
     opacity     : 0.5,
     path        : areaPath
    line = self.baseDraw.path(self,{
     border      : 1.5,
     borderColor : o.color,
     isfill      : false,
     path        : path
      ? this.attr({'stroke-width':2.5})
      : (this[0].strokeWeight = 2.5);
      ? this.attr({'stroke-width':1.5})
      : (this[0].strokeWeight = 1.5);
    .on('click',function(){areaGroup.toFront(); })    
   return this;
  drawColumns : function(){
   var self = this,
    opts = this.opts,
    draw = opts.draw,
    chartData     = opts.chartData,
    dataLen       = chartData.length,
    columnSpace   = 3,
    //一个位置中 所有的间隔之和
    columnPadding = columnSpace * dataLen + columnSpace,
    columnSize    = self.opts.charts.panel==='x'
     ? Number(((draw.xPices - columnPadding) / dataLen).toFixed(0))
     : Number(((draw.yPices - columnPadding) / dataLen).toFixed(0));
   each(chartData, function(i,o){
    var data     =,
     id       = 'chart' + i,
     isX      = opts.charts.panel==='x',
     colGroup =,
     start    = self.opts.charts.panel==='x'
      ? draw.startX + columnSpace + i*(columnSize+columnSpace)
      : draw.startY + columnSpace + i*(columnSize+columnSpace)
    self.mainGroup[id] = {chart:colGroup,show:true};
    for(var j = 0,l=data.length; j < l ; j++){
     if(data[j]===null) continue;
      var x      = Number((start + j *draw.xPices ).toFixed(0)),
       y      = Number((draw.startY-draw.jianjuY).toFixed(0)),
       height = Number((data[j] * (draw.yPices / draw.feed)-draw.jianjuY).toFixed(0)),
       path   = [
        y -height,
        x + columnSize,
        y - height,
        x + columnSize,
      var pos = [x+columnSize/2,data[j]>0?y-height:draw.startY-draw.jianjuY];
       var x     = Number((draw.startX+draw.jianjuX).toFixed(0)),
         width = Number((data[j]*((draw.xPices / draw.feed))-draw.jianjuX).toFixed(0)),
         y     = Number((start - (j+1) *draw.yPices ).toFixed(0)),
        path  = [
        x+ width,
        y ,
        x + width,
        y + columnSize,
        x ,
        y+ columnSize,
      var pos = [draw.startX+draw.jianjuX+width/2,y];
      border      : 0,
      isfill      : true,
      fillColor   : o.color,
      opacity     : 1,
      path        : path
       return function(){         
         var pos= this.attr('pos').split('-')
   return this;
  drawPie   : function(){
   var self  = this,
    opts  = this.opts,
    area  = opts.area,
    rx    = area.centerX,
    ry    = area.centerY,
    inc   = 0,
    total = 0,
    data  = [],
    cumulative = -0.25, // start at top;
    circ  = 2 * Math.PI,
    radiu = mathMin(opts.charts.radius,mathMin(area.areaWidth/2,area.areaHeight/2)),
    typeof ==='object'
     ? (data.push((function(o){
      var all =0;
      for(var i in o)
      return all 
    total = total + o;
    var pieGroup ='chart'+i).appendTo(),
     s    = inc/total*360,
     e    = (inc + o)/total*360,
     name = opts.chartData[i].name,
     size = calTextLen(name),
     dot  = angle(radiu,[rx,ry],s+(e-s)/2,2),
     x    = rx + (dot[0]-rx)/2 - size.w/2,
     y    = ry + (dot[1]-ry)/2 - size.h/2,
     len  = Math.sqrt((x-rx)*(x-rx)+(y-ry)*(y-ry)),
     moveDisplacement = ((x-rx)*8/len)+','+((y-ry)*8/len);
    inc = inc + o;
    var value = Number(o);
    fraction = total ? value / total : 0;
    half_fraction = total ? (value / 2) / total : 0;
    var start = cumulative * circ;
    half_cumulative = cumulative + half_fraction;
    cumulative += fraction;
    var end = cumulative * circ;
     config  : opts.chartData[i],
     s       : start,
     e       : end,
     r       : radiu,
     innerR  : 0
     var pos = this.attr('pos').split('-');
     var elem = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget;
     //如果碰到里面的文本 或者是提示框  不消失
     var m = this.attr('move') 
       ? this.attr({
        transform: 'translate(0,0)'
       : this.css({
        left : '0px',
        top  : '0px'
      var s= m.split(',');
       ? this.attr({
        transform: 'translate('+m+')'
       : this.css({
        left : s[0]+'px',
        top  : s[1]+'px'
    self.mainGroup['chart'+i] = {
     chart : pieGroup,
     show  : true
      x    : x,
      y    : y,
      fill : '#fff',
       fontFamily : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif',
       fontSize   : '12px',
       position   : 'absolute',
       color      : '#fff',
       cursor     : 'pointer',
       zIndex     : 10
  drawPies  : function(){
   var self  = this,
    opts  = this.opts,
    area  = opts.area,
    rx    = area.centerX,
    ry    = area.centerY,
    total = 0,
    data  = [],
    chartData  = opts.chartData,
    cumulative = -0.25, // start at top;
    circ  = 2 * Math.PI,
    radiu = mathMin(opts.charts.radius,mathMin(area.areaWidth/2,area.areaHeight/2)),
      ? data[j] +=mathAbs(d)
      : data[j] =mathAbs(d)
   var len = data.length,
    innerSpace = radiu / 10;
    Rpice = (radiu - innerSpace) / len;
    var inc = 0;
    if(d===0) return;     
     var outR   = radiu - Rpice * i,
      innerR = radiu - Rpice * (i + 1),
      value  =[i],
      fraction = value / d;
      half_fraction = (value/2)/d ,
      start = cumulative * circ,      
      s     = inc/d*360,
      e     = (inc + value)/d*360,
      id    = 'chart'+j,
      piesGroup = self.mainGroup[id]?self.mainGroup[id];      
      &&(self.mainGroup[id] = {chart:piesGroup,show:true});        
     inc = inc + value;
     var name =,
      size = calTextLen(name),
      dot  = angle(radiu,[rx,ry],s+(e-s)/2,2),
      showDot = angle(radiu- Rpice * i,[rx,ry],s+(e-s)/2,2),
      px   = dot[0]>rx?1:-1,
      py   = dot[1]>ry?1:-1;
     var x    = rx + px*innerSpace + ((dot[0]-rx-px*innerSpace)/len)*(len-i-1)+((dot[0]-rx-px*innerSpace)/len)/2- size.w/2,
      y    = ry + py*innerSpace +((dot[1]-ry-py*innerSpace)/len)*(len-i-1)+((dot[1]-ry-py*innerSpace)/len)/2- size.h/2;   
     half_cumulative = cumulative + half_fraction,
     cumulative += fraction,
     end = cumulative * circ;
      config  :  o,
      s       :  start,
      e       :  end,
      r       :  outR,
      innerR  :  innerR
     .attr({m :  i+'-'+j,data:((e-s)/360*100).toFixed(0)+'%',pos:showDot[0]+'-'+showDot[1]})
      var pos = this.attr('pos').split('-');
      var elem = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget;
       x    : x,
       y    : y,
       fill : '#fff',
      .attr({m :  i+'-'+j})
        fontFamily : 'Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif',
        fontSize   : '12px',
        position   : 'absolute',
        color      : '#fff',
        cursor     : 'pointer',
        zIndex     : 10
  drawSegment  : function(){
   var self = this,
    opts = this.opts,
    draw = opts.draw,
    chartData  = opts.chartData,
    typeIsX    = opts.charts.panel==='x',
    columnPad  = 5,
    prev       = [],
    columnSize = ~~(typeIsX?draw.xPices:draw.yPices) - columnPad * 2;
    if(i in self.hideList)
    var id    = 'chart' + i,
     segmentGroup = self.mainGroup[id]?self.mainGroup[id];
    self.mainGroup[id] = {chart : segmentGroup,show : true};
      var start  = draw.startX + columnPad,
       x      = ~~(start + j*draw.xPices).toFixed(0),
       y      = ~~(draw.startY-(prev[j]?prev[j]:0)).toFixed(0),
       size   = ~~(d*draw.yPices / draw.feed ).toFixed(0),
       path   = [
        y - size,
        x + columnSize,
        y - size,
        x + columnSize,
      var pos = [x + columnSize/2,y-size]; 
      var start  = draw.startY - columnPad,
       x      = ~~(draw.startX+(prev[j]?prev[j]:0)).toFixed(0) ,
       y      = ~~(start- j*draw.yPices).toFixed(0),
       size   = ~~(d*draw.xPices / draw.feed ).toFixed(0),
       path   = [
        x + size,
        y ,
        x + size,
        y - columnSize,
        x ,
        y - columnSize,
      var pos = [x+size/2,y - columnSize]; 
      border      : 0,
      isfill      : true,
      fillColor   : c.color,
      opacity     : 1,
      path        : path
      var pos = this.attr('pos').split('-');
      ? prev[j] = prev[j] + size
      : prev[j] = size;
  baseDraw  : {
   rect : function(o,config){
    return o.createElement('rect')
      rx             : config.arc*30 || 5,
      ry             : config.arc*30 || 5,
      width          : config.width  || 50,
      height         : config.height || 50,
      fill           : config.fill   || '#fff',
      'fill-opacity' : config.opacity || 0.85,
      'stroke-width' : config.border  || 2,
      stroke         : config.borderColor  || '#606060',
      transform      : 'translate('+(config.left||0)+','+(||0)+')'
   text : function(o,config){
    return o.createElement('text')
   span : function(o,config,v){
    return o.createElement('text')
      y : config.y+(v||15)
   path : function(o,config){
    var set = {};
    set['stroke-width'] = config.border;
    set.stroke = config.borderColor || '#C0C0C0';
    set.fill   = config.isfill?config.fillColor:'none';
    set.d      = config.path;
     &&(set['fill-opacity'] = config.opacity);
    return o.createElement('path')
   circle : function(o,config){
    var set  = {};   = config.x;   = config.y;
    set['stroke-width'] = 0;
    set.stroke = config.borderColor || '#C0C0C0';
    set.r    = config.r;
    set.fill = config.fillColor;
    return o.createElement('circle')
   square : function(o,config){  
    var x    = config.x,
     y    = config.y,
     r    = config.r,
     color= config.fillColor,
     len  = r,
     path = [
     return o.baseDraw.path(o,{
      border      : 1,
      borderColor : color,
      isfill      : true,
      fillColor   : color,
      path        : path     
   triangle : function(o,config){
    var x     = config.x,
     y     = config.y,
     r     = config.r+0.1,
     color = config.fillColor,
     path  = [
    return o.baseDraw.path(o,{
     border      : 1,
     borderColor : color,
     isfill      : true,
     fillColor   : color,
     path        : path     
   diamond : function(o,config){
    var x     = config.x,
     y     = config.y,
     r     = 1.35*config.r,
     color = config.fillColor,
     path  = [
    return o.baseDraw.path(o,{
     border      : 1,
     borderColor : color,
     isfill      : true,
     fillColor   : color,
     path        : path     
   pie    : function(o,config){
    var opts     = o.opts,
     s        = config.s,
     r        = config.r,
     e        = config.e - 0.000001,
     id       = 'chart'+config.index,
     area     = opts.area,
     rx       = area.centerX,
     ry       = area.centerY,
     cosStart = mathCos(s),
     sinStart = mathSin(s),
     cosEnd   = mathCos(e),
     sinEnd   = mathSin(e),    
     color    = config.config.color,
     innerR   = config.innerR,           
     longArc  = e - s < Math.PI ? 0 : 1,
     path  = [
      rx + r * cosStart,
      ry + r * sinStart,
      rx + r * cosEnd,
      ry + r * sinEnd,
      rx + innerR * cosEnd,
      ry + innerR * sinEnd,
      'A', // arcTo
      innerR, // x radius
      innerR, // y radius
      0, // slanting
      longArc, // long or short arc
      0, // clockwise
      rx + innerR * cosStart,
      ry + innerR * sinStart,
    return o.baseDraw.path(o,{
     border      : 1,
     border      : '#fff',
     isfill      : true,
     fillColor   : color,
     opacity     : 1,
     path        : path
//如果是vml 修改smipleChart.prototype中的一些方法
   rect : function(o,config){  
    var attr = {},
     css  = {};
    attr.arcsize       = config.arc || 0.2 +'';
     attr.filled    = 'f'
     attr.filled    = 't';   
     attr.fillcolor = config.fill || '#fff';
    attr.strokeWeight  = config.border  || 2;
    attr.strokeColor   = config.borderColor  || '#606060';
    css.width   = config.width || 50 +'px';
    css.height  = config.height || 50 +'px';
    css.zIndex  = 10;
    css.left    = config.left||0+'px';     = ||0+'px';
    return o.createElement('roundrect')
   text : function(o,config){
    return o.createElement('TextBox')
     .attr({inset : "2px,2px,2px,2px" })
   span : function(o,config){
    return o.createElement('span').
      left : config.x+'px',
      top  : config.y+'px'
   path : function(o,config){   
    var attr   = {},
     width  = o.width,
     height = o.height,
     css    = {
       width    : width+'px',
       height   : height+'px'
     attr.Stroked = 'f';
     attr.strokeWeight =0;
     attr.strokeWeight = config.border||1 ;
    attr.strokeColor  = config.borderColor || "#C0C0C0";
    attr.filled       = config.isfill?'t':'f';
    attr.coordsize    = width+','+height;
    attr.path         = config.path;
    var elem = o.createElement()
     var fill =  o.createElement('fill')
       type     : 'fill',
       color    : config.fillColor||"#C0C0C0",
       opacity  : config.opacity
     //那这个对象的一个属性引用设置透明的元素 以后会用到
     elem.opacity = fill[0];
    return elem;
   circle : function(o,config){
    var width  = o.width,
     height = o.height,
     attr   = {
      strokeWeight : 1,
      coordsize    : width+','+height,
      filled   : 't'
     css  ={
       width    : width+'px',
       height   : height+'px'
     x = config.x,
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     'wa', // clockwisearcto
     x - r, // left
     y - r, // top
     x + r, // right
     y + r, // bottom
     x + r, // start x
     y,     // start y
     x + r, // end x
     y,     // end y
     'e' // close        
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   pie   : function(o,config){
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     sinEnd = mathSin(e),       
     path  = [
      'wa', // clockwisearcto
      (rx - r).toFixed(0), // left
      (ry - r).toFixed(0), // top
      (rx + r).toFixed(0), // right
      (ry + r).toFixed(0), // bottom
      (rx + r * cosStart).toFixed(0), // start x
      (ry + r * sinStart).toFixed(0), // start y
      (rx + r * cosEnd).toFixed(0), // end x
      (ry + r * sinEnd).toFixed(0), // end y        
      'at', // clockwisearcto
      (rx - innerR).toFixed(0), // left
      (ry - innerR).toFixed(0), // top
      (rx + innerR).toFixed(0), // right
      (ry + innerR).toFixed(0), // bottom
      (rx + innerR * cosEnd).toFixed(0), // start x
      (ry + innerR * sinEnd).toFixed(0), // start y
      (rx + innerR * cosStart).toFixed(0), // end x
      (ry + innerR * sinStart).toFixed(0), // end y
      'x', // finish path
      'e' // close         
    return o.baseDraw.path(o,{
     border      : 1,
     border      : '#fff',
     isfill      : true,
     fillColor   : color,
     opacity     : 1,
     path        : path     
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js浮点精度问题 不好解决 求助。。。。。。。。。

水平有限 难免问题多多 望赐教。。。。。。。



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