python tkinter canvas 显示图片的示例


create_image(position, **options) [#]
Draws an image on the canvas.

Image position, given as two coordinates.
Image options.
Where to place the image relative to the given position. Default is CENTER.
The image object. This should be a PhotoImage or BitmapImage, or a compatible object (such as the PIL PhotoImage). The application must keep a reference to the image object.
Item state. One of NORMAL, DISABLED, or HIDDEN.
A tag to attach to this item, or a tuple containing multiple tags.
The item id.


The image object. This should be a

1.This should be a PhotoImage or BitmapImage, or a compatible object (such as the PIL PhotoImage).

2.The application must keep a reference to the image object.


image ="img.jpg")
im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) 

canvas.create_image(300,50,image = im)



image = None
im = None



def method():
  global image
  global im
  image ="img.jpg")
  im = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

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