C++ list的实例详解

 C++ list的实例详解


#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;   

typedef list<int> LISTINT;  //创建一个list容器的实例LISTINT
typedef list<int> LISTCHAR; //创建一个list容器的实例LISTCHAR
int main(void) {
  LISTINT listOne;  //用LISTINT创建一个名为listOne的list对象
  LISTINT::iterator i;  //声明i为迭代器
  listOne.push_front (2); //从前面向listOne容器中添加数据
  listOne.push_front (1);
  listOne.push_back (3); //从后面向listOne容器中添加数据
  listOne.push_back (4);    

  cout<<"listOne.begin()--- listOne.end():"<<endl;  //从前向后显示listOne中的数据
  for (i = listOne.begin(); i != listOne.end(); ++i)
    cout << *i << " ";
  cout << endl;      

  LISTINT::reverse_iterator ir;  //从后向后显示listOne中的数据
  for (ir =listOne.rbegin(); ir!=listOne.rend();ir++)
    cout << *ir << " ";
  cout << endl;      

  int result = accumulate(listOne.begin(), listOne.end(),0); //使用STL的accumulate(累加)算法

  LISTCHAR listTwo;  //用LISTCHAR创建一个名为listOne的list对象
  LISTCHAR::iterator j;   //声明j为迭代器
  listTwo.push_front ('A'); //从前面向listTwo容器中添加数据
  listTwo.push_front ('B');
  listTwo.push_back ('x');  //从后面向listTwo容器中添加数据
  listTwo.push_back ('y');
  cout<<"listTwo.begin()---listTwo.end():"<<endl; //从前向后显示listTwo中的数据
  for (j = listTwo.begin(); j != listTwo.end(); ++j)
    cout << char(*j) << " ";
  cout << endl;
  cout << "The maximum element in listTwo is: "<<char(*j)<<endl;
  return 0;


[work@db-testing-com06-vm3.db01.baidu.com c++]$ g++ -o list list.cpp
[work@db-testing-com06-vm3.db01.baidu.com c++]$ ./list
listOne.begin()--- listOne.end():
1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
B A x y
The maximum element in listTwo is: y




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