c# 如何更简单的使用Polly


  • 超时与重试(Timeout and Retry)
  • 熔断器(Circuit Breaker)
  • 舱壁隔离(Bulkhead Isolation)
  • 回退(Fallback)


// Retry multiple times, calling an action on each retry
// with the current exception and retry count
 .Retry(3, onRetry: (exception, retryCount) =>
 // Add logic to be executed before each retry, such as logging

当然是使用 Norns.Urd 这些AOP框架封装我们常用的东西做成 Attribute 啦


我们来尝试将 Retry功能 做成 RetryAttribute吧

1.安装 AOP 框架


dotnet add package Norns.Urd

2.编写 Retry InterceptorAttribute

 public class RetryAttribute : AbstractInterceptorAttribute
 private readonly int retryCount;

 public RetryAttribute(int retryCount)
  this.retryCount = retryCount;

 public override async Task InvokeAsync(AspectContext context, AsyncAspectDelegate next)
  await Policy.Handle<Exception>()
  .ExecuteAsync(() => next(context));

3.考虑到 async 和 sync 在Polly 有差异,那么我们兼容一下吧

 public class RetryAttribute : AbstractInterceptorAttribute
 private readonly int retryCount;

 public RetryAttribute(int retryCount)
  this.retryCount = retryCount;

 public override void Invoke(AspectContext context, AspectDelegate next)
  .Execute(() => next(context));

 public override async Task InvokeAsync(AspectContext context, AsyncAspectDelegate next)
  await Policy.Handle<Exception>()
  .ExecuteAsync(() => next(context));


 public class RetryTest
 public class DoRetryTest
  public int Count { get; set; }

  [Retry(2)] // 使用 Retry
  public virtual void Do()
  if (Count < 50)
   Count++; // 每调用一次就加1
   throw new FieldAccessException();

 public DoRetryTest Mock()
  return new ServiceCollection()

 public void RetryWhenSync()
  var sut = Mock();
  Assert.Throws<FieldAccessException>(() => sut.Do());
  Assert.Equal(3, sut.Count); //我们期望调用总共 3 次

是的,就是这样,我们可以在任何地方使用 RetryAttribute

当然,一些常见的方法已经封装在了 Norns.Urd.Extensions.Polly


如何启用 Norns.Urd + Polly, 只需使用EnablePolly()


new ServiceCollection()
 .ConfigureAop(i => i.EnablePolly())


[Timeout(seconds: 1)] // timeout 1 seconds, when timeout will throw TimeoutRejectedException
double Wait(double seconds);

[Timeout(timeSpan: "00:00:00.100")] // timeout 100 milliseconds, only work on async method when no CancellationToken
async Task<double> WaitAsync(double seconds, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);

[Timeout(timeSpan: "00:00:01")] // timeout 1 seconds, but no work on async method when no CancellationToken
async Task<double> NoCancellationTokenWaitAsync(double seconds);


[Retry(retryCount: 2, ExceptionType = typeof(AccessViolationException))] // retry 2 times when if throw Exception
void Do()


[CircuitBreaker(exceptionsAllowedBeforeBreaking: 3, durationOfBreak: "00:00:01")]
[AdvancedCircuitBreaker(failureThreshold: 0.1, samplingDuration: "00:00:01", minimumThroughput: 3, durationOfBreak: "00:00:01")]
void Do()


[Bulkhead(maxParallelization: 5, maxQueuingActions: 10)]
void Do()

有关 Norns.Urd, 大家可以查看 https://fs7744.github.io/Norns.Urd/zh-cn/index.html

以上就是c# 如何更简单的使用Polly的详细内容,更多关于c# 使用Polly的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!



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