- python版本:3.6.8
- UI应用版本:PyQt5
- PDF文件操作非标准库:PyPDF2
- PNG图片生成库:PyMuPDF
pip install PyQt5 pip install PyPDF2 pip install PyMuPDF==1.18.17
# Importing all the classes from the PyQt5.QtGui module. from PyQt5.QtGui import * # Importing all the classes from the PyQt5.QtCore module. from PyQt5.QtCore import * # Importing all the classes from the PyQt5.QtWidgets module. from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * # Importing the `fitz` module. import fitz # Importing the PyPDF2 module. import PyPDF2 # Importing the `sys` module. import sys # Importing the os module. import os # Importing the traceback module. import traceback
# This class is a widget that contains a button and a text box. When the button is clicked, the text box is populated with # the path to the converted file class PdfToPngUI(QWidget): def __init__(self): """ A constructor. It is called when an object is created from a class and it allows the class to initialize the attributes of a class. """ super(PdfToPngUI, self).__init__() self.init_ui() def init_ui(self): """ This function initializes the UI. """ self.setWindowTitle('PDF图片转换工具 公众号:Python 集中营') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('analysis.ico')) self.resize(600, 400) self.source_pdf_path = QLineEdit() self.source_pdf_path.setPlaceholderText('PDF文件路径') self.source_pdf_path.setReadOnly(True) self.source_pdf_btn = QPushButton() self.source_pdf_btn.setText('导入') self.source_pdf_btn.clicked.connect(self.source_pdf_btn_click) self.target_png_path = QLineEdit() self.target_png_path.setPlaceholderText('目标图片存储路径') self.target_png_path.setReadOnly(True) self.target_png_btn = QPushButton() self.target_png_btn.setText('路径') self.target_png_btn.clicked.connect(self.target_png_btn_click) self.start_btn = QPushButton() self.start_btn.setText('PDF一键生成PNG图片') self.start_btn.clicked.connect(self.start_btn_click) self.brower = QTextBrowser() self.brower.setReadOnly(True) self.brower.setFont(QFont('宋体', 8)) self.brower.setPlaceholderText('日志处理过程区域...') self.brower.ensureCursorVisible() grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(self.source_pdf_path, 0, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.source_pdf_btn, 0, 2, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(self.target_png_path, 1, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.target_png_btn, 1, 2, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(self.start_btn, 2, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(self.brower, 3, 0, 1, 3) self.pdf_thread = WorkThread(self) self.pdf_thread.message.connect(self.show_message) self.pdf_thread.finished.connect(self.finished) self.setLayout(grid) def show_message(self, text): """ It shows a message :param text: The text to be displayed """ cursor = self.brower.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End) self.brower.append(text) self.brower.setTextCursor(cursor) self.brower.ensureCursorVisible() def source_pdf_btn_click(self): """ It opens a file dialog box to select the source PDF file. """ source_pdf_path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "选取文件", os.getcwd(), "PDF File (*.pdf)") self.source_pdf_path.setText(source_pdf_path[0]) def target_png_btn_click(self): """ A function that is called when the target_png_btn is clicked. """ target_png_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, '选择文件夹', os.getcwd()) self.target_png_path.setText(target_png_path) def start_btn_click(self): """ A function that is called when the start button is clicked. """ self.pdf_thread.start() self.start_btn.setEnabled(False) def finished(self, finished): """ A function that is called when the target_png_btn is clicked """ if finished is True: self.start_btn.setEnabled(True)
# It's a QThread that runs a function in a separate thread class WorkThread(QThread): message = pyqtSignal(str) finished = pyqtSignal(bool) def __init__(self, parent=None): """ A constructor that initializes the class. :param parent: The parent widget """ super(WorkThread, self).__init__(parent) self.working = True self.parent = parent def __del__(self): """ A destructor. It is called when the object is destroyed. """ self.working = False def run(self): """ PDF转换图片的业务函数。 """ try: source_pdf_path = self.parent.source_pdf_path.text().strip() target_png_path = self.parent.target_png_path.text().strip() if source_pdf_path == '' or target_png_path == '': self.message.emit('来源文件路径或目标存储路径不能为空!') self.finished.emit(True) return self.message.emit('源文件路径:{}'.format(source_pdf_path)) self.message.emit('目标文件路径:{}'.format(target_png_path)) pdf_ = self.message.emit('成功打开PDF文件对象!') reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(source_pdf_path) self.message.emit('PDF文件流处理完成!') page_num = reader.getNumPages() self.message.emit('PDF文件页数读取完成!') for n in range(0, page_num): page = pdf_.load_page(n) pix_ = page.get_pixmap(), str(n) + '.png')) self.message.emit('图片保存成功:{}'.format(os.path.join(target_png_path, str(n) + '.png'))) self.message.emit('PNG图片全部转换完成!') self.finished.emit(True) except: traceback.print_exc() self.message.emit('程序运行出现错误,请检查参数是否设置正确!') self.finished.emit(True)
if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) main = PdfToPngUI() sys.exit(app.exec_())
以上就是Python自制一个PDF转PNG图片小工具的详细内容,更多关于Python PDF转PNG的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!
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