









Step 1. 种群初始化。选择一种编码方案然后在解空间内通过随机生成的方式初始化一定数量的个体构成GA的种群。

Step 2. 评估种群。利用启发式算法对种群中的个体(矩形件的排入顺序)生成排样图并依此计算个体的适应函数值(利用率),然后保存当前种群中的最优个体作为搜索到的最优解。

Step 3. 选择操作。根据种群中个体的适应度的大小,通过轮盘赌或者期望值方法,将适应度高的个体从当前种群中选择出来。

Step 4. 交叉操作。将上一步骤选择的个体,用一定的概率阀值Pc控制是否利用单点交叉、多点交叉或者其他交叉方式生成新的交叉个体。

Step 5. 变异操作。用一定的概率阀值Pm控制是否对个体的部分基因执行单点变异或多点变异。

Step 6. 终止判断。若满足终止条件,则终止算法,否则返回Step 2。



3.1 种群初始化


3.2 评价种群


3.3 选择操作


P(Xj) = fit(Xj)/(fit(X1)+fit(X2)+fit(X3)+fit(X4)),j=1,2,3,4


3.4 交叉操作


3.5 变异操作







#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 

import random
import math
from operator import itemgetter 

class Gene:
 This is a class to represent individual(Gene) in GA algorithom
 each object of this class have two attribute: data, size
 def __init__(self,**data):
  self.size = len(data['data'])#length of gene 

class GA:
 This is a class of GA algorithm.
 def __init__(self,parameter):
  Initialize the pop of GA algorithom and evaluate the pop by computing its' fitness value .
  The data structure of pop is composed of several individuals which has the form like that: 

  {'Gene':a object of class Gene, 'fitness': 1.02(for example)} 

  Representation of Gene is a list: [b s0 u0 sita0 s1 u1 sita1 s2 u2 sita2] 

  #parameter = [CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize, low, up]
  self.parameter = parameter 

  low = self.parameter[4]
  up = self.parameter[5] 

  self.bound = []

  pop = []
  for i in range(self.parameter[3]):
   geneinfo = []
   for pos in range(len(low)):
    geneinfo.append(random.uniform(self.bound[0][pos], self.bound[1][pos]))#initialise popluation 

   fitness = evaluate(geneinfo)#evaluate each chromosome
   pop.append({'Gene':Gene(data = geneinfo), 'fitness':fitness})#store the chromosome and its fitness 

  self.pop = pop
  self.bestindividual = self.selectBest(self.pop)#store the best chromosome in the population 

 def selectBest(self, pop):
  select the best individual from pop
  s_inds = sorted(pop, key = itemgetter("fitness"), reverse = False)
  return s_inds[0] 

 def selection(self, individuals, k):
  select two individuals from pop
  s_inds = sorted(individuals, key = itemgetter("fitness"), reverse=True)#sort the pop by the reference of 1/fitness
  sum_fits = sum(1/ind['fitness'] for ind in individuals) #sum up the 1/fitness of the whole pop 

  chosen = []
  for i in xrange(k):
   u = random.random() * sum_fits#randomly produce a num in the range of [0, sum_fits]
   sum_ = 0
   for ind in s_inds:
    sum_ += 1/ind['fitness']#sum up the 1/fitness
    if sum_ > u:
     #when the sum of 1/fitness is bigger than u, choose the one, which means u is in the range of [sum(1,2,...,n-1),sum(1,2,...,n)] and is time to choose the one ,namely n-th individual in the pop

  return chosen  

 def crossoperate(self, offspring):
  cross operation
  dim = len(offspring[0]['Gene'].data) 

  geninfo1 = offspring[0]['Gene'].data#Gene's data of first offspring chosen from the selected pop
  geninfo2 = offspring[1]['Gene'].data#Gene's data of second offspring chosen from the selected pop 

  pos1 = random.randrange(1,dim)#select a position in the range from 0 to dim-1,
  pos2 = random.randrange(1,dim) 

  newoff = Gene(data = [])#offspring produced by cross operation
  temp = []
  for i in range(dim):
   if (i >= min(pos1,pos2) and i <= max(pos1,pos2)):
    #the gene data of offspring produced by cross operation is from the second offspring in the range [min(pos1,pos2),max(pos1,pos2)]
    #the gene data of offspring produced by cross operation is from the frist offspring in the range [min(pos1,pos2),max(pos1,pos2)]
  newoff.data = temp 

  return newoff 

 def mutation(self, crossoff, bound):
  mutation operation

  dim = len(crossoff.data) 

  pos = random.randrange(1,dim)#chose a position in crossoff to perform mutation. 

  crossoff.data[pos] = random.uniform(bound[0][pos],bound[1][pos])
  return crossoff 

 def GA_main(self):
  main frame work of GA

  popsize = self.parameter[3] 

  print("Start of evolution") 

  # Begin the evolution
  for g in range(NGEN): 

   print("-- Generation %i --" % g)  

   #Apply selection based on their converted fitness
   selectpop = self.selection(self.pop, popsize)  

   nextoff = []
   while len(nextoff) != popsize:
    # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring    

    # Select two individuals
    offspring = [random.choice(selectpop) for i in xrange(2)] 

    if random.random() < CXPB: # cross two individuals with probability CXPB
     crossoff = self.crossoperate(offspring)
     fit_crossoff = evaluate(self.xydata, crossoff.data)# Evaluate the individuals    

     if random.random() < MUTPB: # mutate an individual with probability MUTPB
      muteoff = self.mutation(crossoff,self.bound)
      fit_muteoff = evaluate(self.xydata, muteoff.data)# Evaluate the individuals

   # The population is entirely replaced by the offspring
   self.pop = nextoff 

   # Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats
   fits = [ind['fitness'] for ind in self.pop] 

   length = len(self.pop)
   mean = sum(fits) / length
   sum2 = sum(x*x for x in fits)
   std = abs(sum2 / length - mean**2)**0.5
   best_ind = self.selectBest(self.pop) 

   if best_ind['fitness'] < self.bestindividual['fitness']:
    self.bestindividual = best_ind 

   print("Best individual found is %s, %s" % (self.bestindividual['Gene'].data,self.bestindividual['fitness']))
   print(" Min fitness of current pop: %s" % min(fits))
   print(" Max fitness of current pop: %s" % max(fits))
   print(" Avg fitness of current pop: %s" % mean)
   print(" Std of currrent pop: %s" % std) 

  print("-- End of (successful) evolution --")  

if __name__ == "__main__": 

 CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize = 0.8, 0.3, 50, 100#control parameters 

 up = [64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64]#upper range for variables
 low = [-64, -64, -64, -64, -64, -64, -64, -64, -64, -64]#lower range for variables
 parameter = [CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, popsize, low, up] 

 run = GA(parameter)



  • python实现简单遗传算法
  • Python实现简单遗传算法(SGA)
  • Python使用遗传算法解决最大流问题
  • 详解用python实现简单的遗传算法
  • 遗传算法之Python实现代码


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  • 遗传算法之Python实现代码

    写在前面 之前的文章中已经讲过了遗传算法的基本流程,并且用MATLAB实现过一遍了.这一篇文章主要面对的人群是看过了我之前的文章,因此我就不再赘述遗传算法是什么以及基本的内容了,假设大家已经知道我是怎么写遗传算法的了. Python的遗传算法主函数 我的思想是,创建一个染色体的类,其中包括了两个变量:染色体chrom与适应度fitness.因此我们就可以通过直接建立对象来作为种群中的个体. #染色体的类 class Chrom: chrom = [] fitness = 0 def showCh

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    本文实例为大家分享了python遗传算法的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 1.基本概念 遗传算法(GA)是最早由美国Holland教授提出的一种基于自然界的"适者生存,优胜劣汰"基本法则的智能搜索算法.该法则很好地诠释了生物进化的自然选择过程.遗传算法也是借鉴该基本法则,通过基于种群的思想,将问题的解通过编码的方式转化为种群中的个体,并让这些个体不断地通过选择.交叉和变异算子模拟生物的进化过程,然后利用"优胜劣汰"法则选择种群中适应性较强的个体构成子种群,然后让

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