<!--pages/study/video/videoplay/videoplay.wxml--> <view class="page-body"> <view class="page-section tc"> <video id="myVideo" src="http://wxsnsdy.tc.qq.com/105/20210/snsdyvideodownload?filekey=30280201010421301f0201690402534804102ca905ce620b1241b726bc41dcff44e00204012882540400&bizid=1023&hy=SH&fileparam=302c020101042530230204136ffd93020457e3c4ff02024ef202031e8d7f02030f42400204045a320a0201000400" binderror="videoErrorCallback" danmu-list="{{danmuList}}" enable-danmu danmu-btn show-center-play-btn='{{false}}' show-play-btn="{{true}}" controls picture-in-picture-mode="{{['push', 'pop']}}" bindenterpictureinpicture='bindVideoEnterPictureInPicture' bindleavepictureinpicture='bindVideoLeavePictureInPicture' ></video> <view style="margin: 30rpx auto" class="weui-label">弹幕内容</view> <input bindblur="bindInputBlur" class="weui-input" type="text" placeholder="在此处输入弹幕内容" /> <button style="margin: 30rpx auto" bindtap="bindSendDanmu" class="page-body-button" type="primary" formType="submit">发送弹幕</button> <navigator style="margin: 30rpx auto" url="picture-in-picture" hover-class="other-navigator-hover"> <button type="primary" class="page-body-button" bindtap="bindPlayVideo">小窗模式</button> </navigator> </view> </view>
// pages/study/video/videoplay/videoplay.js var that; function getRandomColor() { const rgb = [] for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { let color = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256).toString(16) color = color.length === 1 ? '0' + color : color rgb.push(color) } return '#' + rgb.join('') } Page({ onShareAppMessage() { return { title: 'video', path: 'page/component/pages/video/video' } }, onReady() { that = this; this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('myVideo') }, onHide() { }, inputValue: '', data: { src: '', danmuList: [{ text: '第 1s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff0000', time: 1 }, { text: '第 3s 出现的弹幕', color: '#ff00ff', time: 3 }], }, bindInputBlur(e) { this.inputValue = e.detail.value }, bindButtonTap() { const that = this wx.chooseVideo({ sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], maxDuration: 60, camera: ['front', 'back'], success(res) { that.setData({ src: res.tempFilePath }) } }) }, bindVideoEnterPictureInPicture() { console.log('进入小窗模式') }, bindVideoLeavePictureInPicture() { console.log('退出小窗模式') }, bindPlayVideo() { this.videoContext.play() }, bindSendDanmu() { // 利用循环和随机数调整位置 var ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); var danmuList = []; for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) { danmuList.push(''); } danmuList[ranNum] = this.inputValue; for (let index = 0; index < danmuList.length; index++) { this.videoContext.sendDanmu({ text: danmuList[index], color: '#ff0000' }); } }, videoErrorCallback(e) { console.log('视频错误信息:') console.log(e.detail.errMsg) } })
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