

class Page {
    // 分页栏每页显示的页数
    public $rollPage = 6;
    // 页数跳转时要带的参数
    public $parameter  ;
    // 默认列表每页显示行数
    public $listRows = 20;
    // 起始行数
    public $firstRow ;
    // 分页总页面数
    protected $totalPages  ;
    // 总行数
    protected $totalRows  ;
    // 当前页数
    protected $nowPage    ;
    // 分页的栏的总页数
    protected $coolPages   ;
    // 分页显示定制
    protected $config  = array(
     'theme'=>' <div class="part1">%upPage% %first%  %prePage%  %linkPage%  %nextPage% %downPage%</div> <div class="part2">共  %totalPage% 页');
    // 默认分页变量名
    protected $varPage;

     * 架构函数
     * @access public
     * @param array $totalRows  总的记录数
     * @param array $listRows  每页显示记录数
     * @param array $parameter  分页跳转的参数
    public function __construct($totalRows,$listRows='',$parameter='') {
        $this->totalRows = $totalRows;
        $this->parameter = $parameter;
        $this->varPage = C('VAR_PAGE') ? C('VAR_PAGE') : 'p' ;
        if(!empty($listRows)) {
            $this->listRows = intval($listRows);
        $this->totalPages = ceil($this->totalRows/$this->listRows);     //总页数
        $this->coolPages  = ceil($this->totalPages/$this->rollPage);
        $this->nowPage = intval($_GET[$this->varPage]);
        $this->nowPage = $this->nowPage > 0 ? $this->nowPage : 1;

if(!empty($this->totalPages) && $this->nowPage>$this->totalPages) {
            $this->nowPage = $this->totalPages;
        $this->firstRow = $this->listRows*($this->nowPage-1);

public function setConfig($name,$value) {
        if(isset($this->config[$name])) {
            $this->config[$name]    =   $value;

     * 分页显示输出
     * @access public
    public function show() {

if(0 == $this->totalRows) return '';

        $p = $this->varPage;
        $url  =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?')?'':"?").$this->parameter;
        $parse = parse_url($url);
        if(isset($parse['query'])) {
            $url   =  $parse['path'].'?'.http_build_query($params);

/* 分页逻辑  */

        if ($this->totalPages <= $this->rollPage) {
         $start = 1;
         $end   = $this->totalPages;
         if  ($this->nowPage <= $this->rollPage - 1) {
          $start = 1;
          $end   = $this->rollPage;

$islast = true;
         else if ($this->nowPage > $this->totalPages - $this->rollPage + 1) {
          $start = $this->totalPages - ($this->rollPage - 1);
          $end   = $this->totalPages;

$isfirst = true;
          $size = floor($this->rollPage / 2);

$start = $this->nowPage - $size;
          $end   = $this->nowPage + $size;

$isfirst = true;
          $islast = true;

        $upRow   = $this->nowPage - 1;
        $downRow = $this->nowPage + 1;

/* 拼装HTML */

//< 1...     ...last >
        if ($isfirst){
         $theFirst = "<a class='firstPage' href='".$url."&".$p."=1' >".$this->config['first']."</a>";
        if ($islast){
         $theEnd = "<a class='lastPage' href='".$url."&".$p."=$this->totalPages' >".$this->config['last']."</a>";

if ($upRow > 0){
         $upPage = "<a class='upPage' href='".$url."&".$p."=$upRow'>".$this->config['prev']."</a>";

if ($downRow <= $this->totalPages){
         $downPage = "<a class='downPage' href='".$url."&".$p."=$downRow'>".$this->config['next']."</a>";

         $linkPage .= "<a href='".$url."&".$p."=2'>2</a>";
         $linkPage .= "<a href='".$url."&".$p."=2'>2</a> <span class='noEndClass'>...</span>";
        //1 2 3 4 5
          $linkPage .= " <a href='".$url."&".$p."=$i'> ".$i." </a>";
          $linkPage .= " <span class='current'>".$i."</span>";
           $linkPage .= " <span class='noEndClass'>...</span>";

$pageStr = str_replace(

//显示模式  普通false 带跳转ture
        if (!empty($this->config['redirect'])){
         $html = $pageStr;

         if($this->totalPages > 1){
          $redirect = " 到第 <form method='get' action=''><input name=".$p." type='text' class='page_text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='" . $this->nowPage ."'/> 页 <input type='submit' class='page_btn' value='确定' />";
          if ($params){
           foreach($params as $k => $v){
            $string .= "<input type='hidden' name='" . $k . "' value='" . $v . "'/>";
           $redirect = $redirect . $string . '</form></div>';
           $redirect = $redirect . '</form></div>';
         $html = $pageStr . $redirect;      
        return $html;




  • ThinkPHP使用心得分享-分页类Page的用法

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    一.首先需要在MsgManage控制器中加入分页方法 知识点:1.count函数的试用2.Page类实例化操作及相关参数了解3.limit函数了用4.show函数了解 编辑文件admin/Lib/Action/MsgManageAction.class.php 代码如下: 复制代码 代码如下: class MsgManageAction extends CommonAction {    public function index(){     import('ORG.Util.Page'); 
