




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

def readFile(path):
 # 打开文件(注意路径)
 f = open(path)
 # 逐行进行处理
 first_ele = True
 for data in f.readlines():
  ## 去掉每行的换行符,"\n"
  data = data.strip('\n')
  ## 按照 空格进行分割。
  nums = data.split(',')
  ## 添加到 matrix 中。
  if first_ele:
   ### 加入到 matrix 中 。
   matrix = np.array(nums)
   first_ele = False
   matrix = np.c_[matrix,nums]
 matrix = matrix.transpose()
 a = []
 for x in range(0,125):
  result = [float(item) for item in matrix[x]]
 return arr
# test.
if __name__ == '__main__':


[[ 8.1305 1.0349 5.4217 ..., 0.74017 0.30053 -0.05773 ]
 [ 8.1305 1.0202 5.3843 ..., 0.73937 0.30183 -0.057514]
 [ 8.1604 1.0201 5.3622 ..., 0.73955 0.30052 -0.057219]
 [ 7.9517 1.1466 5.6081 ..., 0.73945 0.30342 -0.056789]
 [ 7.9743 1.1542 5.5038 ..., 0.7403 0.30027 -0.056704]
 [ 7.9812 1.0945 5.6005 ..., 0.73897 0.30275 -0.056262]]
Process finished with exit code 0




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    原文件: 7.8094,1.0804,5.7632,0.012269,0.008994,-0.003469,-0.79279,-0.064686,0.11635,0.68827,5.7169,7.9329,0.010264,0.003557,-0.011691,-0.57559,-0.56121, 原文件数据比较多,是一个125行,45类float数字. 代码: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np def readFile(path): # 打开

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    注意,本文代码是使用在txt文档上,同时txt文档中的内容每一行代表的是图片的名字. #coding:utf-8 import shutil readDir = "原文件绝对路经" writeDir = "写入文件的绝对路径" #txtDir = "/home/fuxueping/Desktop/1" lines_seen = set() outfile=open(writeDir,"w") f = open(readDir,

  • python在TXT文件中按照某一字符串取出该字符串所在的行方法

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