

select distinct * into #table_name from table_name
delete from table_name
select * into table_name from #table_name
drop table #table_name

与此相关的是“select into”选项,可以在数据库属性
对话框中,勾起来此项,或者在Query Analyzer中执行
execute sp_dboption 'db_name','select into','true'


backup log register with NO_LOG
backup log register with TRUNCATE_ONLY

/*sql 语法学习*/


获取当前时间(时/分/秒):select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),8)
获取当前年月日:select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)
获取当前年月:select convert(varchar(7),getdate(),120)
获取当前年月:select convert(varchar(10),year(getdate())) + '-' + convert(varchar(10),month(getDate()))

select cast(b as integer) as bb from table1 where b = '11'

select a,case b when '11' then '细细' when '22' then '呵呵' else '哈哈' end as 转换,c from table1

select a,b,case when c = '111' then '细细' when c = '222' then '呵呵' else '哈哈' end as 转换1 from table1

获取当前时间:print current_timestamp


EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp 数据库名.dbo.表名 out d:\1.txt -c -q -U"sa" -P"password"'


declare @s float
set @s = 0.1566134
print round(@s,3)


EXEC [master]..sp_dboption [Database Name], 'autoshrink', 'TRUE'


declare @s varchar(20)
set @s=',,,1->1,'
set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,'')
set @s=stuff(reverse(@s),1,1,'')
select @s

create table A
userID int identity(1,1),
userName varchar(20),
userPwd varchar(20),
userEmail varchar(50)
insert into A(userName,userpwd) select 'qin','qin' union all select 'qin','qin1' union all select 'qin','qin1'
select * from A

--method one
delete from A where userid not in(select min(userid) as userid from A group by username ,userpwd)

--method two
delete from A where exists (select * from A b where a.username = b.username and a.userpwd = b.userpwd and a.userid < b.userid)

--method three
delete from a where userid not in(select min(userid) from A b where a.username = b.username and a.userpwd = b.userpwd and a.userid > b.userID)

select * from A
drop table A


create table t
(st varchar(20),ed varchar(20),km int)
insert t values ('A','B',1000)
insert t values ('A','C',1100)
insert t values ('A','D',900)
insert t values ('A','E',400)
insert t values ('B','D',300)
insert t values ('D','F',600)
insert t values ('E','A',400)
insert t values ('F','G',1000)
insert t values ('C','B',600)
select * from t

create function f_go(@col varchar(10))
returns @t table(col varchar(30),st varchar(20),ed varchar(20),km int,level int)
declare @i int
set @i=1
insert @t select st+'-'+ed,*,@i from t where st=@col
while exists (select * from t a,@t b where
b.ed=a.st and b.level=@i and b.ed<>@col )
set @i=@i+1
insert @t
select b.col+'-'+a.ed,a.st,a.ed,b.km+a.km,@i from t a,@t b
where b.level=@i-1 and b.ed=a.st and b.ed<>@col

--select * from dbo.f_go('A')
select col,km from dbo.f_go('a')

drop function f_go
drop table t


create table t
ClassName varchar(50),
ClassCode varchar(10),
ClassID int identity(1,1)
insert into t
select 'cccc1','002' union all
select 'aaaa','001' union all
select 'bbbb','001' union all
select 'aaaa1','002' union all
select 'cccc','001' union all
select 'dddd','001' union all
select 'bbbb1','002' union all
select 'dddd1','002'
select * from t
select ClassCode = (case when exists(select 1 from t t1 where classCode = t1.ClassCode
and ClassID < t1.ClassID)
then '' else ClassCode end),ClassName from t order by ClassCode,ClassID desc

select count(*),classCode from (select top 100 percent ClassCode = (case when exists(select 1 from t t1 where classCode = t1.ClassCode
and ClassID < t1.ClassID)
then '' else ClassCode end),ClassName from t order by ClassCode,ClassID desc)a group by classcode

select classCode,className from t order by classCode,classID desc
drop table t


create table tb(ProductID varchar(10),PositionID varchar(10))
insert into tb
select '10001','A1'
union all select '10001','B2'
union all select '10002','C3'
union all select '10002','D4'
union all select '10002','E5'

create function dbo.fc_str(@ProductID varchar(10))
returns varchar(100)
declare @sql varchar(1000)
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+','+cast(PositionID as varchar(20)) from tb where ProductID=@ProductID
return stuff(@sql,1,1,'')

select ProductID,dbo.fc_str(ProductID) as PositionID from tb group by ProductID

drop table tb

drop function dbo.fc_str


--取各个类的前n条记录(每个类都取top n条)
Create Table TEST
(ID Int Identity(1,1),
h_id Int)
Insert TEST Select 100
Union All Select 100
Union All Select 100
Union All Select 101
Union All Select 101
Union All Select 101
Union All Select 100
Select * From TEST A Where Id In(Select TOP 3 ID From TEST Where h_id=A.h_id)
Select * From TEST A Where Not Exists (Select 1 From TEST Where h_id=A.h_id And ID<A.ID Having Count(*)>2)
Select * From TEST A Where (Select Count(*) From TEST Where h_id=A.h_id And ID<A.ID)<3
Drop Table TEST

declare @t table(id int,weight int)
insert into @t select 1, 20
insert into @t select 2, 15
insert into @t select 3, 5
insert into @t select 4, 60
insert into @t select 5, 12
insert into @t select 6, 33
insert into @t select 7, 45
insert into @t select 8, 59
insert into @t select 9, 89
insert into @t select 10,110

declare @p int
set @p=10
rtrim(p*@p)+'-'+rtrim((p+1)*@p">p*@p)+'-'+rtrim((p+1)*@p) as p,
(select (weight/@p">weight/@p) as p,count(*) as num from @t where weight between 10 and 100 group by (weight/@p">weight/@p)) a

declare @t table(id int,weight int)
insert into @t select 1, 20
insert into @t select 2, 15
insert into @t select 3, 5
insert into @t select 4, 60
insert into @t select 5, 12
insert into @t select 6, 33
insert into @t select 7, 45
insert into @t select 8, 59
insert into @t select 9, 89
insert into @t select 10,110
select * from @t where id in(2,4,3)
select * from @t where id in(2,4,3) order by charindex(rtrim(id),',2,4,3,')




  • SqlServer2005中使用row_number()在一个查询中删除重复记录的方法

    下面我们来看下,如何利用它来删除一个表中重复记录: 复制代码 代码如下: If Exists(Select * From tempdb.Information_Schema.Tables Where Table_Name Like '#Temp%') Drop Table #temp Create Table #temp ([Id] int, [Name] varchar(50), [Age] int, [Sex] bit default 1) Go Insert Into #temp ([Id

  • SQL语句实现删除ACCESS重复记录的两种方法

    以下就重复记录删除的问题作一阐述. 有两个意义上的重复记录,一是完全重复的记录,也即所有字段均重复的记录,二是部分关键字段重复的记录,比如Name字段重复,而其他字段不一定重复或都重复可以忽略. 1.对于第一种重复,比较容易解决,使用 select distinct * from tableName 就可以得到无重复记录的结果集. 如果该表需要删除重复的记录(重复记录保留1条),可以按以下方法删除 复制代码 代码如下: select distinct * into #Tmp from table

  • mysql删除重复记录语句的方法

    例如: id name value 1 a pp 2 a pp 3 b iii 4 b pp 5 b pp 6 c pp 7 c pp 8 c iii id是主键 要求得到这样的结果 id name value 1 a pp 3 b iii 4 b pp 6 c pp 8 c iii 方法1 delete YourTable where [id] not in ( select max([id]) from YourTable group by (name + value)) 方法2 delet

  • SqlServer 2005中使用row_number()在一个查询中删除重复记录

    下面我们来看下,如何利用它来删除一个表中重复记录: 复制代码 代码如下: If Exists(Select * From tempdb.Information_Schema.Tables Where Table_Name Like '#Temp%') Drop Table #temp Create Table #temp ([Id] int, [Name] varchar(50), [Age] int, [Sex] bit default 1) Go Insert Into #temp ([Id

  • sqlserver 删除重复记录处理(转)

    注:此处"重复"非完全重复,意为某字段数据重复 HZT表结构 ID int Title nvarchar(50) AddDate datetime 数据 一. 查找重复记录 1. 查找全部重复记录 Select * From 表 Where 重复字段 In (Select 重复字段 From 表 Group By 重复字段 Having Count(*)>1) 2. 过滤重复记录(只显示一条) Select * From HZT Where ID In (Select Max(I

  • SQL对冗余数据的删除重复记录只保留单条的说明

    我们先看一下相关数据结构的知识. 在学习线性表的时候,曾有这样一个例题. 已知一个存储整数的顺序表La,试构造顺序表Lb,要求顺序表Lb中只包含顺序表La中所有值不相同的数据元素. 算法思路: 先把顺序表La的第一个元素付给顺序表Lb,然后从顺序表La的第2个元素起,每一个元素与顺序表Lb中的每一个元素进行比较,如果不相同,则把该元素附加到顺序表Lb的末尾. 复制代码 代码如下: public SeqList<int> Purge(SeqList<int> La) { SeqLis

  • sql 删除表中的重复记录

    遇见了表中存在重复的记录的问题,直接写sql删除时最快的,才不要慢慢的复制到excel表中慢慢的人工找呢 如下sql,找出重复的记录,和重复记录中ID值最小的记录(表中ID为自增长) select MIN(ID) as id, StructSN ,Date,UserID,StarCount,COUNT(StructSN) as c from T_Dor_StructStar where Date >= '20160919' group by StructSN ,Date,UserID,StarC

  • SQL语句实现删除重复记录并只保留一条

    复制代码 代码如下: delete WeiBoTopics where Id in(select max(Id) from WeiBoTopics group by WeiBoId,Title having COUNT(*) > 1); SQL:删除重复数据,只保留一条用SQL语句,删除掉重复项只保留一条在几千条记录里,存在着些相同的记录,如何能用SQL语句,删除掉重复的呢 1.查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断 复制代码 代码如下: select * fr

  • MySQL数据库中删除重复记录的方法总结[推荐]

    表结构: mysql> desc demo; +-------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | id | int(11) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL

  • SQL Server2008中删除重复记录的方法分享

    现在让我们来看在SQL SERVER 2008中如何删除这些记录, 首先,可以模拟造一些简单重复记录: 复制代码 代码如下: Create Table dbo.Employee ( [Id] int Primary KEY , [Name] varchar(50), [Age] int, [Sex] bit default 1 ) Insert Into Employee ([Id] , [Name] , [Age] , [Sex] ) Values(1,'James',25,default)
