



#coding: utf-8
import base64
import urllib
import urllib2
import time

class SendRequest:
  This class use to set and request the http, and get the info of response.
  e.g. set Authorization Type, request tyep..
  e.g. get html content, state code, cookie..
              data='source=216274069', type='POST', auth='base',
     user='zl2010', password='111111')
  def __init__(self, url, data=None, type='GET', auth=None, user=None, password=None, cookie = None, **header):
    url:request, raise error if none
    date: data for post or get, must be dict type
    type: GET, POST
    auth: option, if has the value must be 'base' or 'cookie'
    user: user for auth
    password: password for auth
    cookie: if request with cookie
    other header info:
    e.g. referer=''   
    self.url = url = data
    self.type = type
    self.auth = auth
    self.user = user
    self.password = password
    self.cookie = cookie

if 'referer' in header:
      self.referer = header[referer]
      self.referer = None

if 'user-agent' in header:
      self.user_agent = header[user-agent]
      self.user_agent = None


def setup_request(self):
    setup a request
    if self.url == None or self.url == '':
      raise 'The url should not empty!'

# set request type
    #print self.url
    #print self.type
    #print self.auth
    #print self.user
    #print self.password 
    if self.type == 'POST': 
      self.Req = urllib2.Request(self.url,
    elif self.type == 'GET':
      if == None:
          self.Req = urllib2.Request(self.url)
        self.Req = urllib2.Request(self.url + '?' +
      print 'The http request type NOT support now!'

##set auth type
    if self.auth == 'base':
      if self.user == None or self.password == None:
        raise 'The user or password was not given!'
        auth_info = base64.encodestring(self.user + ':' + self.password).replace('\n','')
        auth_info = 'Basic ' + auth_info
        #print auth_info  
        self.Req.add_header("Authorization", auth_info)
    elif self.auth == 'cookie':
      if self.cookie == None:
        raise 'The cookie was not given!'
        self.Req.add_header("Cookie", self.cookie)
      pass    ##add other auth type here

##set other header info
    if self.referer:
      self.Req.add_header('referer', self.referer)
    if self.user_agent:
      self.Req.add_header('user-agent', self.user_agent)

def send_request(self): 
    send a request
    # get a response object
      self.Res = urllib2.urlopen(self.Req)
      self.source =
      self.goal_url = self.Res.geturl()
      self.code = self.Res.getcode()
      self.head_dict =
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
      self.code = e.code
      print e

def get_code(self):
    return self.code

def get_url(self):
    return self.goal_url

def get_source(self):       
    return self.source

def get_header_info(self):
    return self.head_dict

def get_cookie(self):
    if 'set-cookie' in self.head_dict:
      return self.head_dict['set-cookie']
      return None

def get_content_type(self):
    if 'content-type' in self.head_dict:
      return self.head_dict['content-type']
      return None

def get_expires_time(self):
    if 'expires' in self.head_dict:
      return self.head_dict['expires']
      return None

def get_server_name(self):
    if 'server' in self.head_dict:
      return self.head_dict['server']
      return None

def __del__(self):

__all__ = [SendRequest,]

if __name__ == '__main__':
  The example for using the SendRequest class
  value = {'source':'216274069'}
  data = urllib.urlencode(value)
  url = ''
  user = 'wz_0001'
  password = '111111'
  auth = 'base'
  type = 'POST'
  t2 = time.time()
  rs = SendRequest('')
  #rs = SendRequest(url, data=data, type=type, auth=auth, user=user, password=password)
  print 't2: ' + str(time.time() - t2)
  print '---------------get_code()---------------'
  print rs.get_code()
  print '---------------get_url()---------------'
  print rs.get_url()
  print '---------------get_source()---------------'
  print rs.get_source()
  print '---------------get_cookie()---------------'
  print rs.get_cookie()
  rs = None



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