<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/game.css" rel="external nofollow" > </head> <body> <section> <input type="button" value="GAME START" id="btn"> <div id="socre"> <p id="num">当前分数为:</p> <p id="historynum">历史最高:</p> </div> </section> <script src="js/tool.js"></script> <script src="js/game.js"></script> </body> </html>
section{ background-image: url(../material/images/startBG.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 320px,570px; width: 320px; height: 570px; margin: auto; margin-top: 30px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } section>input{ width: 150px; position: absolute; bottom: 65px; left: 85px; } #socre{ display: none; }
const section = document.querySelector("section"); const enemy = document.getElementsByClassName("enemys"); let [flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4] = [false, false, false, false]; //小飞机 let splane; //中飞机 let mplane; //大飞机 let bplane; //boss let boss; let shoot; let bossshoot; //得分 let number; let move1; //本地获取数据 let arr = localStorage.getItem("scort"); arr = JSON.parse(arr); //音频 var mp3; var gameover; var bossrun; //游戏开始 btn.addEventListener("click", function () { //console.log(gameover); if (gameover) { gameover.pause(); } mp3 = "./material/audio/bgm.mp3"; mp3 = new Audio(mp3);; //播放mp3这个音频对象 //计算分数 number = 0; num.innerText = `当前分数为:0`; //从本地获取分数 arr = localStorage.getItem("scort"); arr = JSON.parse(arr); const newmyplane = document.getElementById("myplane"); if (newmyplane) { section.removeChild(newmyplane) } //判断本地是否有数据 if (arr == null) { historynum.innerText = `历史最高:0` } else { historynum.innerText = `历史最高:${arr}` } //得分面板 = "block"; = "none"; //更改背景 = "url(./material/images/background_1.png)"; //实例化自身飞机 let myplane = new Myplane(0, 127); //实例化敌机 splane = setInterval( function () { let smallenemys = new Smallenemys(random(0, 286), "material/images/enemy1_fly_1.png", -24, 1); }, 1000) mplane = setInterval( function () { let midenemys = new Midenemys(random(0, 274), "material/images/enemy3_fly_1.png", -60, 3); }, 6000) bplane = setInterval( function () { let bigenemys = new Bigenemys(random(0, 210), "material/images/enemy2_fly_1.png", -164, 10); }, 10000) boss = setInterval( function () { let boss = new Bossenemys(random(0, 210), "material/images/boss.png", -118, 20); bossrun = "./material/audio/bossrun.mp3"; bossrun = new Audio(bossrun);; //播放mp3这个音频对象 //延迟器 setTimeout(() => { bossrun.pause(); }, 3000) }, 50000) }); //己方飞机 class Myplane { constructor(firstbot, firstleft) { this.node = document.createElement("img"); // console.log(this.node); this.firstbot = firstbot; this.firstleft = firstleft; this.init(); } init() { this.create(); this.render(); this.action(); this.crash(); shoot = setInterval(() => { let bullet = new Bullet(this.firstbot + 80, this.firstleft + 31); num.innerText = `当前分数为:${number}` }, 230) } render() { Object.assign(, { position: `absolute`, bottom: `${this.firstbot}px`, left: `${this.firstleft}px`, }) } create() { this.node.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/myPlane.gif'); this.node.setAttribute('id', 'myplane') section.appendChild(this.node); } action() { //键盘按下 document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { if (this.move) { this.move(event); } }); //键盘抬起 document.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { switch (event.key) { case "w": flag1 = false; break; case "a": flag2 = false; break; case "s": flag3 = false; break; case "d": flag4 = false; break; } }) } //移动 move(event) { switch (event.key) { case "w": flag1 = true; break; case "a": flag2 = true; break; case "s": flag3 = true; break; case "d": flag4 = true; break; } if (move1) { clearInterval(move1) } move1 = setInterval(() => { //左侧边框 if (flag2) { if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).left) <= 0) { this.firstleft = 0; } this.firstleft -= 2; this.render() } //上侧边框 else if (flag1) { this.firstbot += 2; if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).bottom) >= 490) { this.firstbot = 490; } this.render() } //右侧边框 else if (flag4) { if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).left) >= 255) { this.firstleft = 255; } this.firstleft += 2; this.render() } //下侧边框 else if (flag3) { if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).bottom) <= 0) { this.firstbot = 0; } this.firstbot -= 2; this.render() } this.render() }, 10) } crash() { let time = setInterval(() => { let bottom = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).bottom); let left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).left); for (let item of enemy) { //碰撞判断 if (bottom <= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).bottom) + parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).height) && bottom >= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).bottom) - parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).height) && left >= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).left) - parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).width) && left <= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).left) + parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width)) { this.node.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/本方飞机爆炸.gif'); this.move = null; //游戏结束时清除除自身外飞机 for (let item1 of enemy) { = 'none'; } clearInterval(bossshoot); clearInterval(time); clearInterval(splane); clearInterval(mplane); clearInterval(bplane); clearInterval(shoot); clearInterval(boss); mp3.pause(); gameover = "./material/audio/gameover.mp3"; gameover = new Audio(gameover);; //播放mp3这个音频对象 if (arr < number) { localStorage.setItem('scort', JSON.stringify(number)); historynum.innerText = `历史最高:${number}`; } = "block"; // alert("游戏结束"); // location.reload(true); } } }, 10) } }; //子弹类 class Bullet { constructor(firstbot, firstleft) { this.node = document.createElement("img"); this.firstbot = firstbot; this.firstleft = firstleft; this.init(); // console.log(this.firstbot); } init() { this.create(); this.render(); this.move(); this.crash(); } create() { this.node.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/bullet1.png'); section.appendChild(this.node); } render() { Object.assign(, { position: `absolute`, bottom: `${this.firstbot}px`, left: `${this.firstleft}px`, }) } move() { let time = setInterval(() => { this.crash(); this.firstbot += 2; if (this.firstbot >= 550 || getComputedStyle(this.node).display == 'none') { section.removeChild(this.node); clearInterval(time); } this.render(); }, 10); } //碰撞 crash() { //获取所有敌机 const enemy = document.getElementsByClassName("enemys"); //console.log(enemy); let bottom = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).bottom); let left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).left); for (let item of enemy) { //子弹撞击敌方飞机 if (bottom <= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).bottom) + parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).height) && bottom >= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).bottom) - parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).height) && left >= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).left) - parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).width) && left <= parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).left) + parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width)) { // 停止子弹碰撞计时器 = "none";; if ( < 0) { = 0; } if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width) == 34) { if ( == 0) { //图片替换 item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/小飞机爆炸.gif'); //延迟器 setTimeout(() => { = "none"; }, 300) number += 1; } } if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width) == 46) { if ( == 0) { item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/中飞机爆炸.gif'); setTimeout(() => { = "none"; }, 300) number += 5; } else { item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/中飞机挨打.png'); } } if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width) == 110) { if ( == 0) { item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/大飞机爆炸.gif'); //大飞机爆炸 let bigboom = "./material/audio/bigboom.mp3"; bigboom = new Audio(bigboom);; //播放mp3这个音频对象 setTimeout(() => { = "none"; bigboom.pause(); }, 300) number += 30; } else { item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/大飞机挨打.png'); } } //boss爆炸 if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(item).width) == 160) { if ( == 0) { item.setAttribute('src', 'material/images/boomx.png'); clearInterval(bossshoot); let bossover = "./material/audio/bossover.mp3"; bossover = new Audio(bossover);; //播放mp3这个音频对象 setTimeout(() => { = "none"; bossover.pause();; }, 300) number += 200; } } } } } } //敌机 class Enemys { constructor(x, url, height) { this.node = document.createElement("img"); this.x = x; this.y = 546; this.url = url; this.height = height; this.init(); } init() { this.create(); this.render(); this.move(); } create() { this.node.setAttribute('src', this.url); this.node.setAttribute('class', "enemys"); section.appendChild(this.node); } render() { Object.assign(, { position: `absolute`, bottom: `${this.y}px`, left: `${this.x}px`, }) } move() { let enemytime = setInterval(() => { this.y -= 1; if (this.y <= this.height || getComputedStyle(this.node).display == 'none') { section.removeChild(this.node); clearInterval(enemytime) } else { this.render(); } }, 10); } }; //小飞机 class Smallenemys extends Enemys { constructor(x, url, height, hp) { super(x, url, height); this.hp = hp; = hp; } }; //中飞机 class Midenemys extends Enemys { constructor(x, url, height, hp) { super(x, url, height) this.hp = hp; = hp; } }; //大飞机 class Bigenemys extends Enemys { constructor(x, url, height, hp) { super(x, url, height) this.hp = hp; = hp; } }; //boss class Bossenemys extends Enemys { constructor(x, url, height, hp) { super(x, url, height) this.hp = hp; = hp; this.bottom = 570; this.left = 80; this.render(); this.move(); this.shoot(); } render() { Object.assign(, { position: `absolute`, bottom: `${this.bottom}px`, left: `${this.left}px`, }) } move() { let i = -2; let time = setInterval(() => { this.bottom--; if (this.bottom <= 452) { clearInterval(time); } this.render(); }, 10); let newaction = setTimeout(() => { if (parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.node).bottom) <= 452) { let transverse = setInterval(() => { this.left += i; if (this.left <= 0) { i = 2; } if (this.left >= 160) { i = -2; } this.render(); }, 50) } }, 1000) } shoot() { bossshoot = setInterval(() => { let midenemys = new Midenemys(this.left + 56, "material/images/fire.png", -117, 1); }, 5000) } };
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