python 删除系统中的文件(按时间,大小,扩展名)


# importing the required modules
import os
import shutil
import time

# main function
def main():

	# initializing the count
	deleted_folders_count = 0
	deleted_files_count = 0

	# specify the path
	path = "/PATH_TO_DELETE"

	# specify the days
	days = 30

	# converting days to seconds
	# time.time() returns current time in seconds
	seconds = time.time() - (days * 24 * 60 * 60)

	# checking whether the file is present in path or not
	if os.path.exists(path):

		# iterating over each and every folder and file in the path
		for root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):

			# comparing the days
			if seconds >= get_file_or_folder_age(root_folder):

				# removing the folder
				deleted_folders_count += 1 # incrementing count

				# breaking after removing the root_folder


				# checking folder from the root_folder
				for folder in folders:

					# folder path
					folder_path = os.path.join(root_folder, folder)

					# comparing with the days
					if seconds >= get_file_or_folder_age(folder_path):

						# invoking the remove_folder function
						deleted_folders_count += 1 # incrementing count

				# checking the current directory files
				for file in files:

					# file path
					file_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)

					# comparing the days
					if seconds >= get_file_or_folder_age(file_path):

						# invoking the remove_file function
						deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing count


			# if the path is not a directory
			# comparing with the days
			if seconds >= get_file_or_folder_age(path):

				# invoking the file
				deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing count


		# file/folder is not found
		print(f'"{path}" is not found')
		deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing count

	print(f"Total folders deleted: {deleted_folders_count}")
	print(f"Total files deleted: {deleted_files_count}")

def remove_folder(path):

	# removing the folder
	if not shutil.rmtree(path):

		# success message
		print(f"{path} is removed successfully")


		# failure message
		print(f"Unable to delete the {path}")

def remove_file(path):

	# removing the file
	if not os.remove(path):

		# success message
		print(f"{path} is removed successfully")


		# failure message
		print(f"Unable to delete the {path}")

def get_file_or_folder_age(path):

	# getting ctime of the file/folder
	# time will be in seconds
	ctime = os.stat(path).st_ctime

	# returning the time
	return ctime

if __name__ == '__main__':


days = 30
path = "/PATH_TO_DELETE"


# importing the os module
import os

# function that returns size of a file
def get_file_size(path):

	# getting file size in bytes
	size = os.path.getsize(path)

	# returning the size of the file
	return size

# function to delete a file
def remove_file(path):

	# deleting the file
	if not os.remove(path):

		# success
		print(f"{path} is deleted successfully")


		# error
		print(f"Unable to delete the {path}")

def main():
	# specify the path

	# put max size of file in MBs
	size = 500

	# checking whether the path exists or not
	if os.path.exists(path):

		# converting size to bytes
		size = size * 1024 * 1024

		# traversing through the subfolders
		for root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):

			# iterating over the files list
			for file in files:

				# getting file path
				file_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)

				# checking the file size
				if get_file_size(file_path) >= size:
					# invoking the remove_file function


			# checking only if the path is file
			if os.path.isfile(path):
				# path is not a dir
				# checking the file directly
				if get_file_size(path) >= size:
					# invoking the remove_file function


		# path doesn't exist
		print(f"{path} doesn't exist")

if __name__ == '__main__':


size = 500



# importing os module
import os

# main function
def main():

  # specify the path
  path = "PATH_TO_LOOK_FOR"

  # specify the extension
  extension = ".log"

  # checking whether the path exist or not
  if os.path.exists(path):

    # check whether the path is directory or not
    if os.path.isdir(path):

      # iterating through the subfolders
      for root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):

        # checking of the files
        for file in files:

          # file path
          file_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)

          # extracting the extension from the filename
          file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]

          # checking the file_extension
          if extension == file_extension:

            # deleting the file
            if not os.remove(file_path):

              # success message
              print(f"{file_path} deleted successfully")


              # failure message
              print(f"Unable to delete the {file_path}")


      # path is not a directory
      print(f"{path} is not a directory")


    # path doen't exist
    print(f"{path} doesn't exist")

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # invoking main function


以上就是python 删除系统中的文件的详细内容,更多关于python 删除文件的资料请关注我们其它相关文章!



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