浅谈升级Spring Cloud到Finchley后的一点坑

最近为了使用Kotlin以及Webflux进行后台应用开发,把Spring Cloud版本升级到了Finchley。


Failed to bind properties under ‘eureka.instance.instance-id' to java.lang.String:

Failed to bind properties under 'eureka.instance.instance-id' to java.lang.String:

Property: eureka.instance.instance-id
    Value: ${spring.cloud.client.ipAddress}:${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${server.port}}
    Origin: "eureka.instance.instance-id" from property source "bootstrapProperties"
    Reason: Could not resolve placeholder 'spring.cloud.client.ipAddress' in value "${spring.cloud.client.ipAddress}:${spring.application.name}:${spring.application.instance_id:${server.port}}"



# org.springframework.cloud.client.HostInfoEnvironmentPostProcessor

  public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
      SpringApplication application) {
    InetUtils.HostInfo hostInfo = getFirstNonLoopbackHostInfo(environment);
    LinkedHashMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    map.put("spring.cloud.client.hostname", hostInfo.getHostname());
    map.put("spring.cloud.client.ip-address", hostInfo.getIpAddress());
    MapPropertySource propertySource = new MapPropertySource(
        "springCloudClientHostInfo", map);






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