
  • 背景
  • 问题分析
  • 问题解决
  • 总结
    • 两个队列的UML关系图
    • SynchronousQueue的定义
    • ArrayBlockingQueue的定义
    • 分析
    • jdk源码中关于线程池队列的说明




public class ExecutorTest {
    private static ExecutorService es = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2,
            100, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
            , new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10));
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            es.submit(new MyThread());
    static class MyThread implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            for (; ; ) {
                System.out.println("Thread name=" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-3
Thread name=pool-1-thread-4
Thread name=pool-1-thread-5
Thread name=pool-1-thread-6
Thread name=pool-1-thread-7
Thread name=pool-1-thread-8
Thread name=pool-1-thread-9
Thread name=pool-1-thread-10
Thread name=pool-1-thread-3
Thread name=pool-1-thread-5
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-4
Thread name=pool-1-thread-10
Thread name=pool-1-thread-7
Thread name=pool-1-thread-6
Thread name=pool-1-thread-9
Thread name=pool-1-thread-8
Thread name=pool-1-thread-3
Thread name=pool-1-thread-4
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-5
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-8
Thread name=pool-1-thread-6
Thread name=pool-1-thread-7
Thread name=pool-1-thread-9
Thread name=pool-1-thread-10


Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1
Thread name=pool-1-thread-2
Thread name=pool-1-thread-1




  • newCachedThreadPool创建一个可缓存线程池,如果线程池长度超过处理需要,可灵活回收空闲线程,若无可回收,则新建线程。
  • newFixedThreadPool 创建一个定长线程池,可控制线程最大并发数,超出的线程会在队列中等待。
  • newScheduledThreadPool 创建一个定长线程池,支持定时及周期性任务执行。
  • newSingleThreadExecutor 创建一个单线程化的线程池,它只会用唯一的工作线程来执行任务,保证所有任务按照指定顺序(FIFO, LIFO, 优先级)执行。

如果将代码中自定义的线程池改为 :

private static ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();



 * Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but
 * will reuse previously constructed threads when they are
 * available.  These pools will typically improve the performance
 * of programs that execute many short-lived asynchronous tasks.
 * Calls to {@code execute} will reuse previously constructed
 * threads if available. If no existing thread is available, a new
 * thread will be created and added to the pool. Threads that have
 * not been used for sixty seconds are terminated and removed from
 * the cache. Thus, a pool that remains idle for long enough will
 * not consume any resources. Note that pools with similar
 * properties but different details (for example, timeout parameters)
 * may be created using {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} constructors.
 * @return the newly created thread pool
public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() {
    return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
                                  60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                                  new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());

通过对比发现,newCachedThreadPool使用的是 SynchronousQueue<>()而我们使用的是ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10) 因此可以很容易的发现问题出在队列上。


将ArrayBlockingQueue改为SynchronousQueue 问题解决,代码如下:

public class ExecutorTest {
    private static ExecutorService es = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2,
            100, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
            , new SynchronousQueue<>());
    private static ExecutorService es2 = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            es.submit(new MyThread());
    static class MyThread implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            for (; ; ) {
                System.out.println("Thread name=" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {





* <p>Synchronous queues are similar to rendezvous channels used in
* CSP and Ada. They are well suited for handoff designs, in which an
* object running in one thread must sync up with an object running
* in another thread in order to hand it some information, event, or
* task.



* A bounded {@linkplain BlockingQueue blocking queue} backed by an
* array.  This queue orders elements FIFO (first-in-first-out).  The
* <em>head</em> of the queue is that element that has been on the
* queue the longest time.  The <em>tail</em> of the queue is that
* element that has been on the queue the shortest time. New elements
* are inserted at the tail of the queue, and the queue retrieval
* operations obtain elements at the head of the queue.





* <dt>Queuing</dt>
* <dd>Any {@link BlockingQueue} may be used to transfer and hold
* submitted tasks.  The use of this queue interacts with pool sizing:
* <ul>
* <li> If fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, the Executor
* always prefers adding a new thread
* rather than queuing.</li>
* <li> If corePoolSize or more threads are running, the Executor
* always prefers queuing a request rather than adding a new
* thread.</li>
* <li> If a request cannot be queued, a new thread is created unless
* this would exceed maximumPoolSize, in which case, the task will be
* rejected.</li>



public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {
    if (task == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    RunnableFuture<Void> ftask = newTaskFor(task, null);
    return ftask;

从源码中看到 subimit实际上是调用了execute方法


public void execute(Runnable command) {
    if (command == null)
        throw new NullPointerException();
     * Proceed in 3 steps:
     * 1. If fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, try to
     * start a new thread with the given command as its first
     * task.  The call to addWorker atomically checks runState and
     * workerCount, and so prevents false alarms that would add
     * threads when it shouldn't, by returning false.
     * 2. If a task can be successfully queued, then we still need
     * to double-check whether we should have added a thread
     * (because existing ones died since last checking) or that
     * the pool shut down since entry into this method. So we
     * recheck state and if necessary roll back the enqueuing if
     * stopped, or start a new thread if there are none.
     * 3. If we cannot queue task, then we try to add a new
     * thread.  If it fails, we know we are shut down or saturated
     * and so reject the task.
    int c = ctl.get();
    if (workerCountOf(c) < corePoolSize) {
        if (addWorker(command, true))
        c = ctl.get();
    if (isRunning(c) && workQueue.offer(command)) {
        int recheck = ctl.get();
        if (! isRunning(recheck) && remove(command))
        else if (workerCountOf(recheck) == 0)
            addWorker(null, false);
    else if (!addWorker(command, false))


到此这篇关于Java如何自定义线程池中队列的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Java 队列内容请搜索我们以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持我们!



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