

// JScript 文件
 var inputID, inputName;
function ExpandSubCategory(iCategoryID, FahterID) {

var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);
    if (li_father.getElementsByTagName("li").length > 0) //如果已经加载了下级节点则直接展开,不必在去读取数据

    switchNote(iCategoryID, true);
    used_car.BLL.T_BrandBaby.GetList("dm='品牌' and fID=" + iCategoryID, GetSubCategory_callback);
function ExpandSubCategoryAgain(iCategoryID, FahterID) {

var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);
    li_father.className = "Opened";
    switchNote(iCategoryID, true);
    used_car.BLL.T_BrandBaby.GetList("dm='品牌' and fID=" + iCategoryID, GetSubCategory_callback);
function GetSubCategory_callback(response) {
    var dt = response.value.Tables[0];
    if (dt.Rows.length > 0) {
        var iCategoryID = dt.Rows[0].fID; //父ID
    var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);
    var ul_sub = document.getElementById("ulTree_" + iCategoryID);
    if (ul_sub != null) {
    var ul = document.createElement("ul");
    ul.id = "ulTree_" + iCategoryID
    for (var i = 0; i < dt.Rows.length; i++) {
        if (used_car.BLL.T_BrandBaby.GetList("dm='品牌' and fID=" + dt.Rows[i].id).value.Tables[0].Rows.length<1)
//       {
//        if (dt.Rows[i].ProductStyle_IsChild == 1) //如果已没有下一级节点
            var li = document.createElement("li");
            li.className = "Child";
            li.id = "li_" + dt.Rows[i].id;

var img = document.createElement("img");
            img.id = dt.Rows[i].id;
            img.className = "s";
            img.src = "../../css/s.gif";

var a = document.createElement("a");
            var id = dt.Rows[i].id;

a.href = "javascript:OpenDocument('" + dt.Rows[i].id + "','" + dt.Rows[i].name + "');";
            a.innerHTML = dt.Rows[i].name.sub(14);
            a.title = dt.Rows[i].name;
        else    //如果还有下级节点
            var li = document.createElement("li");
            li.className = "Closed";
            li.id = "li_" + dt.Rows[i].id;

var img = document.createElement("img");
            img.id = dt.Rows[i].id;
            img.className = "s";
            img.src = "../../css/s.gif";
            img.onclick = function () {
            img.alt = "展开/折叠";

var a = document.createElement("a");
            a.href = "javascript:ExpandSubCategory(" + dt.Rows[i].id + ",'editCate');";
            a.innerHTML = dt.Rows[i].name.sub(14);
            a.title = dt.Rows[i].name;
    switchNote(iCategoryID, false);

// 叶子节点的单击响应函数
function OpenDocument(iCategoryID, Action) {

   // inputName.Value = "asddsafdf";  //修改之前
   $(inputName).attr('value', Action); //新添 
    var thisID = inputName.getAttribute("id");
   // alert(inputName.value +":"+ thisID + "--" + Action + "--" + iCategoryID);
    inputID.value = iCategoryID;

function ChangeStatus(iCategoryID) {
    var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);

if (li_father.className == "Opened") {
        li_father.className = "Closed";
    else {
        li_father.className = "Opened";
function ChangeStatus2(iCategoryID) {
    var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);
    if (li_father.className == "Closed") {
        li_father.className = "Opened";
function switchNote(iCategoryID, show) {
    var li_father = document.getElementById("li_" + iCategoryID);
    if (show) {
        var ul = document.createElement("ul");
        ul.id = "ul_note_" + iCategoryID;

var note = document.createElement("li");
        note.className = "Child";

var img = document.createElement("img");
        img.className = "s";
        img.src = "../../css/s.gif";

var a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = "javascript:void(0);";
        a.innerHTML = "请稍候...";

    else {
        var ul = document.getElementById("ul_note_" + iCategoryID);
        if (ul) {

function InitTree(obj, idObj, FatherID) {

// 加载根节点
    // writeDiv();
    //alert(obj.value + "--" + idObj.value);  
    inputID = idObj;
    var pos = getPosition(inputName);
    var tree = document.getElementById("cateDivTree");
    var root = document.createElement("li");
    var objshow = document.getElementById("opencateDiv");
    objshow.style.top = pos[1] + pos[3] + "px";
    objshow.style.left = pos[0] + "px";
    objshow.style.display = "block";
    tree.style.display = "block";
    root.id = "li_" + FatherID;
    // 加载页面时显示第一级分类
function writeDiv() {
    document.write("<div id='opencateDiv' style='position:absolute;display:none;z-index:1000;width:200px;height:250px;'>");
    document.write("<div class='divClose'>请选择分类 <a href=\"#\" title=\"关闭\" onclick=\"shut()\">×</a>  </div>");
    document.write("<div id='cateDivTree' class='TreeMenu' style='display:block;height:250px;overflow :auto;' >");

function getPosition(obj) {
    if (obj) {
        var w = obj.offsetWidth;
        var h = obj.offsetHeight;
        if (obj.offsetParent) {
            for (var posX = 0, posY = 0; obj.offsetParent; obj = obj.offsetParent) {
                posX += obj.offsetLeft;
                posY += obj.offsetTop;
            return [posX, posY, w, h];
        } else {
            return [obj.x, obj.y, w, h];
    } else {
        return [0, 0, 0, 0];
function shut() {
function close11() {
    var objshow = document.getElementById("opencateDiv");
    objshow.style.display = "none"
    objshow.style.top = 0;
    objshow.style.left = 0;
function Opent11() {
    var objshow = document.getElementById("opencateDiv");
    objshow.style.display = "block";
String.prototype.sub = function (n) {
    var r = /[^\x00-\xff]/g;
    if (this.replace(r, "mm").length <= n) return this;
    n = n - 3;
    var m = Math.floor(n / 2);
    for (var i = m; i < this.length; i++) {
        if (this.substr(0, i).replace(r, "mm").length >= n) {
            return this.substr(0, i) + "...";
    return this;


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.TreeMenu img.s
.TreeMenu .s_1
.TreeMenu ul
.TreeMenu li
.Closed ul
.Child img.s

.TreeMenu ul
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.TreeMenu img.s
.TreeMenu .Opened img.s
 background:url(../images/skin3/opened.gif) no-repeat 0 1px;
.TreeMenu .Closed img.s
 background:url(../images/skin3/closed.gif) no-repeat 0 1px;
.TreeMenu .Child img.s
 background:url(../images/skin3/child.gif) no-repeat 15px;
.divClose{ background-color:#fff;height:21px; text-align:right; border:#006600 solid 1px; border-bottom:#006600 none 1px; background-color:#ECF6E9;}
#RightCate{ height:350px; border:#006600 solid 1px; margin-left:10px;}
.allopStyle{ background-color:#fafafa; border-top:#e1e1e1 solid 1px;border-left:#e1e1e1 solid 1px;border-right:#e1e1e1 solid 1px;width:99%;
padding:2px; margin-top:5px; margin-left:2px;  text-align:left;line-height:23px;
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.divFile { margin:2px 2px 2px 2px; height:138px; width:120px; border: #e1e1e1 solid 1px; float:left; position:relative; overflow:hidden;}
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.divPage span {padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;}
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.on a{ color:#f00; }
.CheckedTab { background-image:url(../images/partyCurrent.gif); width:105px; height:28px; cursor:hand; text-align:center; font-size:small; border: 1px solid #e1e1e1;}
.NoCheckTab { width:105px; height:28px; cursor:hand; text-align:center; font-size:small; border: 1px solid #e1e1e1;}

.divCheckItem{float:left; width:119px; height:104px; border:#C8D3C4 3px solid; position:relative;}
.divCheckImg{width:119px; height:104px;}
.divRemove{display:none; position:absolute; top:3px; right:3px;}

.divAdd{display:none; position:absolute; top:3px; right:3px;}



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