php获得网站访问统计信息类Compete API用法实例

本文实例讲述了php获得网站访问统计信息类Compete API用法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:

这里使用php获得网站访问统计信息类Compete API,Compete是一个专门用来统计网站信息的网站

// Check for dependencies
if (!function_exists('curl_init'))
 throw new Exception('Compete needs the CURL PHP extension.');
if (!function_exists('json_decode'))
 throw new Exception('Compete needs the JSON PHP extension.');
 * Base Compete exception class.
class CompeteException extends Exception {}
 * Represents Compete API.
 * @author Egor Gumenyuk (boo1ean0807 at gmail dot com)
 * @package Compete
 * @license Apache 2.0
class Compete
  * Default usr agent.
 const USER_AGENT  = 'Compete API wrapper for PHP';
  * Base url for api calls.
 const API_BASE_URL = '';
  * Masks for url params.
 private $_urlKeys = array(':domain', ':metric', ':key');
 private $_apiKey;
  * For url cleaning.
 private $_toSearch = array('http://', 'www.');
 private $_toReplace = array('', '');
  * List of available metrics.
 private $_availableMetrics = array(
       // Description   Auth type
  'uv',   // Unique Visitors Basic
  'vis',  // Visits      Basic
  'rank',  // Rank       Basic
  'pv',   // Page Views    All-Access
  'avgstay',// Average Stay   All-Access
  'vpp',  // Visits/Person  All-Access
  'ppv',  // Pages/Visit   All-Access
  'att',  // Attention    All-Access
  'reachd', // Daily Reach   All-Access
  'attd',  // Daily Attention All-Access
  'gen',  // Gender      All-Access
  'age',  // Age       All-Access
  'inc',  // Income      All-Access
  * List of available methods for __call() implementation.
 private $_metrics = array(
  'uniqueVisitors' => 'uv',
  'visits'     => 'vis',
  'rank'      => 'rank',
  'pageViews'   => 'pv',
  'averageStay'  => 'avgstay',
  'visitsPerson'  => 'vpp',
  'pagesVisit'   => 'ppv',
  'attention'   => 'att',
  'dailyReach'   => 'reachd',
  'dailyAttention' => 'attd',
  'gender'     => 'gen',
  'age'      => 'age',
  'income'     => 'inc'
  * Create access to Compete API.
  * @param string $apiKey user's api key.
 public function __construct($apiKey) {
  $this->_apiKey = $apiKey;
  * Implement specific methods.
 public function __call($name, $args) {
  if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_metrics) && isset($args[0]))
   return $this->get($args[0], $this->_metrics[$name]);
  throw new CompeteException($name . ' method does not exist.');
  * Get data from Compete.
  * @param string $site some domain.
  * @param string $metric metric to get.
  * @return stdClass Compete data.
  * @throws CompeteException
 public function get($site, $metric) {
  if (!in_array($metric, $this->_availableMetrics))
   throw new CompeteException($metric . ' - wrong metric.');
  $values = array(
  // Prepare call url
  $url = str_replace($this->_urlKeys, $values, self::API_BASE_URL);
  // Retrieve data using HTTP GET method.
  $data = json_decode($this->_get($url));
  // Because of unsuccessful responses contain "status_message".
  if (!isset($data->status_message))
   return $data;
  throw new CompeteException('Status: ' . $data->status . '. ' .$data->status_message);
  * Cut unnecessary parts of url.
  * @param string $url some url.
  * @return string trimmed url.
 private function _prepareUrl($url) {
  return str_replace($this->_toSearch, $this->_toReplace, $url);
  * Execute http get method.
  * @param string $url request url.
  * @return string response.
 private function _get($url) {
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, self::USER_AGENT);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  return curl_exec($ch);




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    由于很多移动终端不支持 Flash,因此 许多绚丽多彩的 Flash效果出不来.如果,能够判断出访问Web网页的类型(PC还是移动终端).就可以对症下药,找出解决的办法! 访问的类型为移动终端我们就用.gif代替Flash(.swf后缀)动画,PC端就不做改变.这样就比较完美了! 如下所示,函数 flashChecker() 就是用来检测访问的类型. 复制代码 代码如下: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascri

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