

import os
import string

path = "/Users/U/workspace/python learning/show-me-the-code/0007/test/"
dir = os.listdir(path)

def count(file):
  total = 0 #总行数
  countPound = 0 #注释行数
  countBlank = 0 #空行数
  line = open(file,'r',encoding='utf-8') #打开文件,因为注释有中文所以使用utf-8编码打开
  for li in line.readlines(): #readlines()一次性读完整个文件
    total += 1
    if not li.split(): #判断是否为空行
      countBlank +=1
    if li.startswith('#'):
      countPound += 1
  print("countBlank:%d" % countBlank)
  print("countPound:%d" % countPound)
  print("total:%d" % total)

for file in dir:
  count(path + file)




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