

需要实现一个类似 “城市选择器”的功能 网上基本都是用原生或者前端来实现功能 其他大概的思路都差不多 这里提供一个Unity 实现的思路


这里用到了 SuperScrollView 这个插件 来实现功能

ListText.cs  // 核心控制类  代码写的比较随意 大概的功能已经实现,需要根据实际需要进行优化。

using SuperScrollView;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ListText : MonoBehaviour
 public LoopListView2 mLoopListView;
 public Text Select_Text;
 public RectTransform Right_Content;
 public GameObject Tag_Prefab;
 public string[] Tags = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "#" };

 public int TreeViewItemCount
 return mItemDataList.Count;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()

 for (int i = 0; i < Tags.Length; ++i)
 CityData cityData = new CityData();
 cityData.Key = Tags[i];
 List<string> value = new List<string>();
 value.Add("Item" + Tags[i] + Random.Range(0, 6).ToString());
 cityData.Value = value;

 int count = TreeViewItemCount;
 //tells mTreeItemCountMgr there are how many TreeItems and every TreeItem has how many ChildItems.
 for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
 int childCount = GetItemDataByIndex(i).ChildCount;
 //second param "true" tells mTreeItemCountMgr this TreeItem is in expand status, that is to say all its children are showing.
 AddTreeItem(childCount, true);

 mLoopListView.InitListView(GetTotalItemAndChildCount(), OnGetItemByIndex);

 public void AddTreeItem(int count, bool isExpand)
 KeyData data = new KeyData();
 data.mTreeItemIndex = mTreeItemDataList.Count;
 data.mChildCount = count;
 data.mIsExpand = isExpand;
 mIsDirty = true;
 public int GetTotalItemAndChildCount()
 int count = mTreeItemDataList.Count;
 if (count == 0)
 return 0;
 return mTreeItemDataList[count - 1].mEndIndex + 1;
 LoopListViewItem2 OnGetItemByIndex(LoopListView2 listView, int index)
 if (index < 0)
 return null;

 KeyData countData = QueryTreeItemByTotalIndex(index);
 if (countData == null)
 return null;
 int treeItemIndex = countData.mTreeItemIndex;
 ValueData treeViewItemData = GetItemDataByIndex(treeItemIndex);
 if (countData.IsChild(index) == false)// if is a TreeItem
 //get a new TreeItem
 LoopListViewItem2 item = listView.NewListViewItem("KeyItem");
 KeyItem itemScript = item.GetComponent<KeyItem>();
 if (item.IsInitHandlerCalled == false)
 item.IsInitHandlerCalled = true;
 //update the TreeItem's content
 itemScript.mText.text = treeViewItemData.mName;
 itemScript.SetItemData(treeItemIndex, countData.mIsExpand);
 return item;
 else // if is a TreeChildItem
 //childIndex is from 0 to ChildCount.
 //for example, TreeChildItem0_0 is the 0'th child of TreeItem0
 //and TreeChildItem1_2 is the 2'th child of TreeItem1
 int childIndex = countData.GetChildIndex(index);
 ItemData itemData = treeViewItemData.GetChild(childIndex);
 if (itemData == null)
 return null;
 //get a new TreeChildItem
 LoopListViewItem2 item = listView.NewListViewItem("ValueItem");
 ValueItem itemScript = item.GetComponent<ValueItem>();
 if (item.IsInitHandlerCalled == false)
 item.IsInitHandlerCalled = true;
 //update the TreeChildItem's content
 itemScript.SetItemData(itemData, treeItemIndex, childIndex);
 return item;


 List<ValueData> mItemDataList = new List<ValueData>();

 int mTreeViewItemCount = 20;
 int mTreeViewChildItemCount = 30;

 // List<string, List<string>> keys = new List<string, List<string>>();

 ArrayList Keys = new ArrayList();

 void DoRefreshDataSource()

 for (int i = 0; i < Keys.Count; i++)
 ValueData tData = new ValueData();
 CityData city = Keys[i] as CityData;
 tData.mName = "" + city.Key;
 // int childCount = Random.Range(0, 6);
 for (int j = 0; j < city.Value.Count; j++)
 ItemData childItemData = new ItemData();
 childItemData.mName = "Item" + city.Value[j] + ":Child" + j;
 childItemData.mDesc = "Item Desc For " + childItemData.mName;
 childItemData.mStarCount = Random.Range(0, 6);
 childItemData.mFileSize = Random.Range(20, 999);
 //for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; ++i)
 // ValueData tData = new ValueData();
 // tData.mName = "" + keys[]
 // mItemDataList.Add(tData);
 // int childCount = Random.Range(0, 6);


 public void AddItem()
 // string key = Tags[Random.Range(0, Tags.Length)];
 // int itemIndex = Random.Range(0, Tags.Length);
 int itemIndex = 0;
 CityData cityData = Keys[itemIndex] as CityData;

 cityData.Value.Add(cityData.Key + "测试");

 Keys[itemIndex] = cityData;

 // int itemIndex = 0;
 int childIndex = 0;

 if (childIndex < 0)
 childIndex = 0;
 KeyData itemCountData = GetTreeItem(itemIndex);
 if (itemCountData == null)
 AddNewItemChildForTest(itemIndex, childIndex);
 int childCount = itemCountData.mChildCount;
 SetItemChildCount(itemIndex, childCount + 1);
 mLoopListView.SetListItemCount(GetTotalItemAndChildCount(), false);

 public void SetItemChildCount(int treeIndex, int count)
 if (treeIndex < 0 || treeIndex >= mTreeItemDataList.Count)
 mIsDirty = true;
 KeyData data = mTreeItemDataList[treeIndex];
 data.mChildCount = count;
 public void AddNewItemChildForTest(int itemIndex, int AddToBeforeChildIndex)
 if (itemIndex < 0 || itemIndex >= mItemDataList.Count)
 ValueData tData = mItemDataList[itemIndex];
 List<ItemData> childItemDataList = tData.mChildItemDataList;
 ItemData childItemData = new ItemData();
 childItemData.mName = "Item" + itemIndex + ":" + AddToBeforeChildIndex;
 childItemData.mDesc = "Item Desc For " + childItemData.mName;
 childItemData.mStarCount = Random.Range(0, 6);
 childItemData.mFileSize = Random.Range(20, 999);
 if (AddToBeforeChildIndex < 0)
 childItemDataList.Insert(0, childItemData);
 else if (AddToBeforeChildIndex >= childItemDataList.Count)
 childItemDataList.Insert(AddToBeforeChildIndex, childItemData);


 public ValueData GetItemDataByIndex(int index)
 if (index < 0 || index >= mItemDataList.Count)
 return null;
 return mItemDataList[index];

 List<KeyData> mTreeItemDataList = new List<KeyData>();
 KeyData mLastQueryResult = null;
 bool mIsDirty = true;
 public KeyData QueryTreeItemByTotalIndex(int totalIndex)
 if (totalIndex < 0)
 return null;
 int count = mTreeItemDataList.Count;
 if (count == 0)
 return null;
 if (mLastQueryResult != null)
 if (mLastQueryResult.mBeginIndex <= totalIndex && mLastQueryResult.mEndIndex >= totalIndex)
 return mLastQueryResult;
 int low = 0;
 int high = count - 1;
 KeyData data = null;
 while (low <= high)
 int mid = (low + high) / 2;
 data = mTreeItemDataList[mid];
 if (data.mBeginIndex <= totalIndex && data.mEndIndex >= totalIndex)
 mLastQueryResult = data;
 return data;
 else if (totalIndex > data.mEndIndex)
 low = mid + 1;
 high = mid - 1;
 return null;
 void UpdateAllTreeItemDataIndex()
 if (mIsDirty == false)
 mLastQueryResult = null;
 mIsDirty = false;
 int count = mTreeItemDataList.Count;
 if (count == 0)
 KeyData data0 = mTreeItemDataList[0];
 data0.mBeginIndex = 0;
 data0.mEndIndex = (data0.mIsExpand ? data0.mChildCount : 0);
 int curEnd = data0.mEndIndex;
 for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i)
 KeyData data = mTreeItemDataList[i];
 data.mBeginIndex = curEnd + 1;
 data.mEndIndex = data.mBeginIndex + (data.mIsExpand ? data.mChildCount : 0);
 curEnd = data.mEndIndex;
 public KeyData GetTreeItem(int treeIndex)
 if (treeIndex < 0 || treeIndex >= mTreeItemDataList.Count)
 return null;
 return mTreeItemDataList[treeIndex];
 public void OnJumpBtnClicked(int itemIndex)
 // int itemIndex = 0;
 int childIndex = 0;
 int finalIndex = 0;
 if (childIndex < 0)
 childIndex = 0;
 KeyData itemCountData = GetTreeItem(itemIndex);
 if (itemCountData == null)
 int childCount = itemCountData.mChildCount;
 if (itemCountData.mIsExpand == false || childCount == 0 || childIndex == 0)
 finalIndex = itemCountData.mBeginIndex;
 if (childIndex > childCount)
 childIndex = childCount;
 if (childIndex < 1)
 childIndex = 1;
 finalIndex = itemCountData.mBeginIndex + childIndex;
 mLoopListView.MovePanelToItemIndex(finalIndex, 0);

 public void Init()
 int Index = 0;
 foreach (string Value in Tags)
 GameObject go = Instantiate(Tag_Prefab, Right_Content);
 go.name = "Tag-" + Value;
 Tag_Item tag_Item = go.GetComponent<Tag_Item>();
 tag_Item.Select_Text = Select_Text;
 tag_Item.Index = Index;
 tag_Item.KeyStr = Value;
 tag_Item.listText = this;
 Index += 1;


public class CityData
 public string Key;
 public List<string> Value;

这里提供 源码下载  unity版本2019.4.6 低版本也可以打开




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