


 * 图片加水印类,支持文字水印、透明度设置、自定义水印位置等。
 * 使用示例:
 *   $obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName);       //实例化对象
 *   $obj->$waterType = 1;           //类型:0为文字水印、1为图片水印
 *   $obj->$transparent = 45;         //水印透明度
 *   $obj->$waterStr = '';        //水印文字
 *   $obj->$fontSize = 18;           //文字字体大小
 *   $obj->$fontColor = array(255,255,255);        //水印文字颜色(RGB)
 *   $obj->$fontFile = 'AHGBold.ttf';       //字体文件
 *   ……
 *   $obj->output();              //输出水印图片文件覆盖到输入的图片文件
 * @modify liuzp111
class WaterMask{
  public $waterTypeImage   = false;                //水印类型:启用图片水印
  public $waterTypeStr    = false;          //水印类型:启用文字水印
  public $pos        = 0;          //水印位置
  public $transparent    = 45;         //水印透明度(0---100)数值越大越不透明

  public $waterStr      = '';      //水印文字
  public $fontSize      = 14;         //文字字体大小
  public $fontColor     = array(0,0,0);          //水印文字颜色(RGB) 默认黑色
  public $fontFile      = './font/simfang.ttf';      //字体文件

  public $waterImg      = 'logo.png';       //水印图片

  private $srcImg       = '';         //需要添加水印的图片
  private $im         = '';         //图片句柄
  private $water_im      = '';         //水印图片句柄
  private $srcImg_info    = '';         //图片信息
  private $waterImg_info   = '';         //水印图片信息
  private $str_w       = '';         //水印文字宽度
  private $str_h       = '';         //水印文字高度
  private $x         = '';         //水印X坐标
  private $y         = '';         //水印y坐标
  public $output_img     = '';                  //存储输出图片到哪里
  public $is_draw_rectangle = false;                  //是否绘制矩形区域 (暂不支持自定义位置)
  //public $rectange_color   = '';                  //绘制矩形区域的颜色
  private $result_array    = array();               //结果数组
  public function __construct($img) {    //析构函数
    //$this->srcImg = file_exists($img) ? $img : die('"'.$img.'" 源文件不存在!');
      $this->srcImg = $img;
      return array('data'=>'','info'=>'源文件不存在!','status'=>0);

  private function imginfo() {  //获取需要添加水印的图片的信息,并载入图片。
    $this->srcImg_info = getimagesize($this->srcImg);
    switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $this->im = imagecreatefrompng($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $this->im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $this->im = imagecreatefromgif($this->srcImg);
        break 1;
        return array('data'=>'','info'=>'原图片('.$this->srcImg.')格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。','status'=>0);

  private function waterimginfo() {  //获取水印图片的信息,并载入图片。
    $this->waterImg_info = getimagesize($this->waterImg);
    switch ($this->waterImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $this->water_im = imagecreatefromgif($this->waterImg);
        break 1;
         return array('data'=>'','info'=>'水印图片('.$this->srcImg.')格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。','status'=>0);
  private function waterpos() {  //水印位置算法
    switch ($this->pos) {
      case 0:   //随机位置
        $this->x = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0]);
        $this->y = rand(0,$this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1]);
        break 1;
      case 1:   //上左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 2:   //上中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 3:   //上右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = 0;
        break 1;
      case 4:   //中左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 5:   //中中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 6:   //中右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1])/2;
        break 1;
      case 7:   //下左
        $this->x = 0;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
      case 8:   //下中
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
      case 9:   //下中偏上100px
        $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1] - 100;
        break 1;
      default:  //下右
        $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0];
        $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1];
        break 1;
   * 水印文字图片位置,根据需求调整
  private function waterposStr() {
    $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[0]-$this->waterImg_info[0])/2;
    $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[1]-$this->waterImg_info[1] - 3;
  private function waterimg($type='') {
    if ($this->srcImg_info[0] <= $this->waterImg_info[0] || $this->srcImg_info[1] <= $this->waterImg_info[1]){
      return array('data'=>'','info'=>'水印比原图大!','status'=>0);
    if($type == 'waterstr'){
    $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($this->waterImg_info[0],$this->waterImg_info[1]);
    $pct = $this->transparent;

  private function waterstr() {
    $rect = imagettfbbox($this->fontSize,0,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
    $w = abs($rect[2]-$rect[6]);
    $h = abs($rect[3]-$rect[7]);
    $fontHeight = $this->fontSize;
    $this->water_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
    $white_alpha = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->water_im,255,255,255,127);
    $color = imagecolorallocate($this->water_im,$this->fontColor[0],$this->fontColor[1],$this->fontColor[2]);
    $this->waterImg_info = array(0=>$w,1=>$h);
   * 绘制矩形区
   * bool imagefilledrectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color )
   * bool imagerectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $col )
   * @author liuzp111
  public function drawRectangle()
     *  1--------------画长方形--------------
     *  bool imagerectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $col )
     *  参数: 画布资源, 左上角x坐标,左上y坐标,右下x坐标,右下y坐标,颜色
    $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im,255,255,255);//创建矩形边框颜色和填充颜色
    // 参数说明:
    //bool imagefilledrectangle ( resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color )
    // im:为将图像载入为图像资源
    // $x1:表示矩形左上角的X坐标
    // $y1:表示矩形左上角的Y坐标
    // $x2:表示矩形右下角的X坐标
    // $y2:表示矩形右下角的Y坐标
    // $color:为填充的RGB颜色
    imagefilledrectangle($this->im,3,$this->srcImg_info[1] - 20,$this->srcImg_info[0]-3,$this->srcImg_info[1]-3,$color);

  function output() {
    if ($this->waterTypeStr ) {
    if($this->waterTypeImage )
    switch ($this->srcImg_info[2]) {
      case 3:
        $res_output = imagepng($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
      case 2:
        $res_output = imagejpeg($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
      case 1:
        $res_output = imagegif($this->im,$this->output_img);
        break 1;
        // die('添加水印失败!');
        return array('data'=>'','info'=>'添加水印失败!','status'=>0);
    return array('data'=>$res_output,'info'=>'添加水印成功!','status'=>1);


$file = '58368dddc8c51_22';//需要加水印的图片
$file_ext = '.jpeg';//扩展名
$imgFileName = './'.$file.$file_ext;//需要加水印图片路径
$obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName); //实例化对象
$obj->waterTypeStr = true;     //开启文字水印
$obj->waterTypeImage = true;    //开启图片水印
$obj->pos = 9;         //定义水印图片位置
$obj->waterImg = './water.png';      //水印图片
$obj->transparent = 100;          //水印透明度
$obj->waterStr = '保险经纪人:刘测试 电话:02052552';       //水印文字
$obj->fontSize = 9;            //文字字体大小
$obj->fontColor = array(0,0,0);        //水印文字颜色(RGB)
$obj->fontFile = './font/msyh.ttc';    //字体文件,这里是微软雅黑
$obj->is_draw_rectangle = TRUE;      //开启绘制矩形区域
$obj ->output_img = './'.$file.'_n'.$file_ext;//输出的图片路径




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  • PHP 图片水印类代码

    支持文字水印.图片水印 支持水印的位置随机或固定(九宫格) 水印透明度设置(图片水印和文字水印都支持) 文字水印的字体.颜色.大小设置 图片水印的背景透明 复制代码 代码如下: <?php /** * 加水印类,支持文字图片水印的透明度设置.水印图片背景透明. * 日期:2011-09-27 * 作者 * 使用: * $obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName); //实例化对象 * $obj->$waterType = 1; //类型:0为文

  • PHP添加图片水印、压缩、剪切的封装类

    给图片添加水印,其实就是把原来的图片和水印添加在一起,下面小编把最近整理的资料分享给大家. php对图片文件的操作主要是利用GD库扩展.当我们频繁利用php对图片进行操作时,会自然封装很多函数,否则会写太多重复的代码.当有很多对图片的相关函数的时候,我们可以考虑将这些函数也整理一下,因而就有了封装成类的想法. 操作图片主要历经四个步骤: 第一步:打开图片 第二步:操作图片 第三步:输出图片 第四步:销毁图片 1,3,4三个步骤每次都要写,每次又都差不多.真正需要变通的只有操作图片的这一步骤了.操
