

 * This is small example how to use libZPlay library to play files.
 * This example is using OpenFile functions to open disk files and play.
#include <windows.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "../include/libzplay.h"
using namespace libZPlay;
ZPlay* player;
int __stdcall CallbackFunc(void* instance, void *user_data, TCallbackMessage message, unsigned int param1, unsigned int param2);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // clear screen
  // create class instance
  player = CreateZPlay();
  // chek if we have class instance
  if(player == 0)
    printf("Error: Can't create class instance !nPress key to exit.n");
    return 0;
  // get library version
  int ver = player->GetVersion();
  // check if we have version 2.00 and above
  if(ver < 200)
    printf("Error: Need library version 2.00 and above !nPress key to exit.\r\n");
    return 0;
  // display version info
  printf("libZPlay v.%i.%02i\r\n\r\n", ver / 100, ver % 100);
  if(argc > 1)
    TID3InfoEx id3_info;
    if(player->LoadFileID3Ex(argv[1], sfAutodetect, &id3_info, 1)) // loading ID3v2
      printf("Title:  %s\r\n", id3_info.Title);
      printf("Artist: %s\r\n", id3_info.Artist);
      printf("Album:  %s\r\n", id3_info.Album);
      printf("Year:  %s\r\n", id3_info.Year);
      printf("Comment: %s\r\n", id3_info.Comment);
      printf("Genre:  %s\r\n", id3_info.Genre);
      printf("Track:  %s\r\n\r\n", id3_info.TrackNum);
      printf("Artist1 : %s\r\n", id3_info.AlbumArtist );
      printf("Composer: %s\r\n", id3_info.Composer );
      printf("Original: %s\r\n", id3_info.OriginalArtist );
      printf("Copyright: %s\r\n", id3_info.Copyright );
      printf("URL:    %s\r\n", id3_info.URL );
      printf("Encoder:  %s\r\n", id3_info.Encoder );
      printf("Publisher: %s\r\n", id3_info.Publisher );
      printf("BPM:    %u\r\n", id3_info.BPM);
      printf("MIME:   %s\r\n", id3_info.Picture.MIMEType);
      printf("TYPE:   %u\r\n", id3_info.Picture.PictureType);
      printf("Desc:   %s\r\n", id3_info.Picture.Description);
      printf("Size:   %u\r\n", id3_info.Picture.PictureDataSize);
      // draw picture on desktop window
      player->DrawBitmapToHWND(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, id3_info.Picture.hBitmap);
      printf("No ID3 data\r\n\r\n");
   // no filename in argument
    player->Release(); // delete ZPlay class
    char *end = strrchr(argv[0], '\');
    if(end && *(end + 1) != 0)
      end = argv[0];
    printf("Usage: %s filename\r\n\r\nPress key to exit\r\n", end);
    return 0;




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