Windows Server 2003 英文版 安全手册下载

Windows Server 2003 Security Guide

Brief Description This updated technical guidance provides information about how to harden computers that run Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1). A collection of security templates, scripts, and additional tools is also included to help evaluate, test, and implement the guidance.
Overview This updated version of the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide provides specific recommendations for hardening computers that run Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) in three distinct enterprise environments. The Legacy Client (LC) environment must support older operating systems such as Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98. In the Enterprise Client (EC) environment, Windows 2000 is the earliest version of the Windows operating system in use. The Specialized Security - Limited Functionality (SSLF) environment is one in which concern about security is so great that significant loss of client functionality and manageability is considered an acceptable tradeoff to achieve maximum security.

Guidance about how to harden computers in these three environments is provided for a group of distinct server roles. The guidance and provided tools assume that each server will have a single role, but if you need to combine roles for some of the servers in your environment you can customize the included security templates to create the appropriate combination of services and security options. The referenced server roles in this guide include the following: Domain controllers that also provide DNS services Infrastructure servers that provide WINS and DHCP services File servers Print servers Internet Information Services (IIS) servers Internet Authentication Services (IAS) servers Certificate Services servers Bastion hosts

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  • Windows Server 2003 英文版 安全手册下载

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