
  • docker帮助命令大全—help
  • 管理镜像命令—image
  • 管理网络命令—network
  • 管理容器命令—container
  • 管理服务命令—service
  • 管理Docker镜像清单和清单列表—manifest
  • 管理节点命令—node
  • 管理插件命令—plugin
  • 管理卷命令—volume
  • 管理Docker命令—system
  • 管理Docker映像的信任—trust
  • 登录docker仓库命令—login
  • 登出docker仓库命令—logout
  • 使用Dockerfile构建一个镜像—build
  • 搜索命令—search
  • 下载镜像命令—pull
  • 上传命令—push
  • 删除镜像命令—rmi
  • 删除容器命令—rm
  • 运行容器命令—run
  • 启动容器—start
  • 重启容器命令—restart
  • 停止运行容器命令—stop
  • 标签命令—tag
  • 获取元数据命令—inspect
  • 显示容器资源使用情况—stats
  • 容器重命名—rename
  • 列出正在运行的容器命令—ps
  • 显示日志命令—logs
  • 显示整个系统的信息命令—info
  • 显示系统版本—version
  • 终止正在运行的容器—kill
  • 进入正在运行的容器命令—exec
  • 宿主机和容器之间拷贝文件—cp
  • 根据容器的更改创建一个新镜像命令—commit
  • 镜像保存为tar包命令—save
  • 显示容器的运行进程—top
  • 检查容器文件系统中文件或目录的更改—diff
  • 显示镜像的历史信息—history
  • 总结


命令帮助文档:Reference documentation | Docker Documentation

使用docker --help 帮助命令查看docker命令大全。


[root@docker ~]# docker image --help

Usage:  docker image COMMAND

Manage images

  build       Build an image from a Dockerfile
  history     Show the history of an image
  import      Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more images
  load        Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
  ls          List images
  prune       Remove unused images
  pull        Pull an image or a repository from a registry
  push        Push an image or a repository to a registry
  rm          Remove one or more images
  save        Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
  tag         Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE

Run 'docker image COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker image ls
REPOSITORY        TAG                IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
composetest_web   latest             9042ed0cbfa0   3 weeks ago     185MB
xybdiy/tomcat     1.0                919be09704a3   3 weeks ago     759MB
tomcat            latest             fb5657adc892   3 months ago    680MB
wordpress         latest             c3c92cc3dcb1   3 months ago    616MB
mysql             5.7                c20987f18b13   3 months ago    448MB
redis             alpine             3900abf41552   4 months ago    32.4MB
python            3.7-alpine         a1034fd13493   4 months ago    41.8MB
redis             5.0.9-alpine3.11   3661c84ee9d0   24 months ago   29.8MB


[root@docker ~]# docker image inspect a1034fd13493
        "Id": "sha256:a1034fd13493569ef2975c7c8c3bdd8aecee43aa2a9f102a24380b9cb724535b",
        "RepoTags": [
        "RepoDigests": [
        "Parent": "",
        "Comment": "",
        "Created": "2021-11-30T03:49:39.993478495Z",
        "Container": "20e9649827ee5bdbd14de5ee48c24f4066c4130a87e6b2a77ed3310735573ddf",
        "ContainerConfig": {
            "Hostname": "20e9649827ee",
            "Domainname": "",
            "User": "",
            "AttachStdin": false,
            "AttachStdout": false,
            "AttachStderr": false,
            "Tty": false,
            "OpenStdin": false,
            "StdinOnce": false,
            "Env": [
            "Cmd": [
                "#(nop) ",
                "CMD [\"python3\"]"
            "Image": "sha256:3544d8593ab7179c1becb3438d0bc7aa13c29c129631ed4c7459e11ec4a649da",
            "Volumes": null,
            "WorkingDir": "",
            "Entrypoint": null,
            "OnBuild": null,
            "Labels": {}
        "DockerVersion": "20.10.7",
        "Author": "",
        "Config": {
            "Hostname": "",
            "Domainname": "",
            "User": "",
            "AttachStdin": false,
            "AttachStdout": false,
            "AttachStderr": false,
            "Tty": false,
            "OpenStdin": false,
            "StdinOnce": false,
            "Env": [
            "Cmd": [
            "Image": "sha256:3544d8593ab7179c1becb3438d0bc7aa13c29c129631ed4c7459e11ec4a649da",
            "Volumes": null,
            "WorkingDir": "",
            "Entrypoint": null,
            "OnBuild": null,
            "Labels": null
        "Architecture": "amd64",
        "Os": "linux",
        "Size": 41825431,
        "VirtualSize": 41825431,
        "GraphDriver": {
            "Data": {
                "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7cf6e953229ea842d0bb8226b61332d3f15a7717d2076574d4300b9b8528251f/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/40baea44309d169c8bb7ef1059e829b866fdb6c399646a0bf407229a1c0edbda/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0c1ab0a3a5380aed21110ad6fb5f884ff7823749f85114dd94dc43aab84585e6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/bebed63a08d4601f7f426801ff35f75afc1b9e8e9b74bfa08ed7f1986a2ea45d/diff",
                "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3ed0c36758ca879d553f296dd0d6447788db8715424acad066c739347c035411/merged",
                "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3ed0c36758ca879d553f296dd0d6447788db8715424acad066c739347c035411/diff",
                "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3ed0c36758ca879d553f296dd0d6447788db8715424acad066c739347c035411/work"
            "Name": "overlay2"
        "RootFS": {
            "Type": "layers",
            "Layers": [
        "Metadata": {
            "LastTagTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"


[root@docker ~]# docker network --help

Usage:  docker network COMMAND

Manage networks

  connect     Connect a container to a network	#将容器连接到网络中
  create      Create a network	#创建一个网络
  disconnect  Disconnect a container from a network #断开一个容器与网络的连接
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more networks #显示一个或多个网络的详细信息
  ls          List networks # 网络列表
  prune       Remove all unused networks	#移除所有未使用的网络
  rm          Remove one or more networks	#移除一个或多个网络

Run 'docker network COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker network ls
NETWORK ID     NAME                       DRIVER    SCOPE
fd76b35fdcdf   bridge                     bridge    local
6122e04c63b8   composetest_default        bridge    local
2fff17891e10   host                       host      local
7aa928301028   mynet                      bridge    local
e09cdd0344b3   none                       null      local
6e65d674deba   redis                      bridge    local
531566df42e7   xybdiy_workpress_default   bridge    local
[root@docker ~]#


[root@docker ~]# docker network inspect fd76b35fdcdf
        "Name": "bridge",
        "Id": "fd76b35fdcdf768530bb51f6de0cfeb9cc2a0cc1d4e61955f030324894025023",
        "Created": "2022-04-16T15:56:56.85375897+08:00",
        "Scope": "local",
        "Driver": "bridge",
        "EnableIPv6": false,
        "IPAM": {
            "Driver": "default",
            "Options": null,
            "Config": [
                    "Subnet": "",
                    "Gateway": ""
        "Internal": false,
        "Attachable": false,
        "Ingress": false,
        "ConfigFrom": {
            "Network": ""
        "ConfigOnly": false,
        "Containers": {},
        "Options": {
            "": "true",
            "": "true",
            "": "true",
            "": "",
            "": "docker0",
            "": "1500"
        "Labels": {}


[root@docker ~]# docker container --help

Usage:  docker container COMMAND

Manage containers

  attach      Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
  commit      Create a new image from a container's changes
  cp          Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
  create      Create a new container
  diff        Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem
  exec        Run a command in a running container
  export      Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more containers
  kill        Kill one or more running containers
  logs        Fetch the logs of a container
  ls          List containers
  pause       Pause all processes within one or more containers
  port        List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
  prune       Remove all stopped containers
  rename      Rename a container
  restart     Restart one or more containers
  rm          Remove one or more containers
  run         Run a command in a new container
  start       Start one or more stopped containers
  stats       Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
  stop        Stop one or more running containers
  top         Display the running processes of a container
  unpause     Unpause all processes within one or more containers
  update      Update configuration of one or more containers
  wait        Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes

Run 'docker container COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker service --help

Usage:  docker service COMMAND

Manage services

  create      Create a new service
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more services
  logs        Fetch the logs of a service or task
  ls          List services
  ps          List the tasks of one or more services
  rm          Remove one or more services
  rollback    Revert changes to a service's configuration
  scale       Scale one or multiple replicated services
  update      Update a service

Run 'docker service COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
[root@docker ~]#


[root@docker ~]# docker manifest --help

Usage:  docker manifest COMMAND

The **docker manifest** command has subcommands for managing image manifests and
manifest lists. A manifest list allows you to use one name to refer to the same image
built for multiple architectures.

To see help for a subcommand, use:

    docker manifest CMD --help

For full details on using docker manifest lists, see the registry v2 specification.

  docker manifest is an experimental feature.
  Experimental features provide early access to product functionality. These
  features may change between releases without warning, or can be removed from a
  future release. Learn more about experimental features in our documentation:

  annotate    Add additional information to a local image manifest
  create      Create a local manifest list for annotating and pushing to a registry
  inspect     Display an image manifest, or manifest list
  push        Push a manifest list to a repository
  rm          Delete one or more manifest lists from local storage

Run 'docker manifest COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker node --help

Usage:  docker node COMMAND

Manage Swarm nodes

  demote      Demote one or more nodes from manager in the swarm
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more nodes
  ls          List nodes in the swarm
  promote     Promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm
  ps          List tasks running on one or more nodes, defaults to current node
  rm          Remove one or more nodes from the swarm
  update      Update a node

Run 'docker node COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker plugin --help

Usage:  docker plugin COMMAND

Manage plugins

  create      Create a plugin from a rootfs and configuration. Plugin data directory must contain config.json and rootfs directory.
  disable     Disable a plugin
  enable      Enable a plugin
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more plugins
  install     Install a plugin
  ls          List plugins
  push        Push a plugin to a registry
  rm          Remove one or more plugins
  set         Change settings for a plugin
  upgrade     Upgrade an existing plugin

Run 'docker plugin COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker volume --help

Usage:  docker volume COMMAND

Manage volumes

  create      Create a volume
  inspect     Display detailed information on one or more volumes
  ls          List volumes
  prune       Remove all unused local volumes
  rm          Remove one or more volumes

Run 'docker volume COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker volume ls
local     620ad95e4c51ab149e9d7dbc7e8e6133649836e96c53e8eca7d1d7b29c43ab9f
local     7237b92108c059d26020e27c85f48856f4dacbd3d268d48af2b600a859ae706a
local     21878df70d6fbf66367dd3af286aba6660e7b4b859e6b580567e50f907792456
local     5927434c30ba651b152ff660d58828e8e565559951445ba3387f1ec9b26f157d
local     cfde92442be6bb35c8b0d7d6dc7f9a3a026a1ff39c887a07b20443df10c50edc
local     fad8a6ebf7c93f6d97229ed2066ab9e22423176e4f7c7bf452fe3cf95bfe1327
local     ff9a1d3a9db6329cb1f19c6c1a203a9371197165cd2654e9d92a5b196ade988b
local     ffc429344b4736efac5fb51f5f91639cf984a2eb86122001d831eb3c0f364a2c
local     juming-nginx
local     xybdiy_workpress_db_data
local     xybdiy_workpress_wordpress_data



[root@docker ~]# docker system --help

Usage:  docker system COMMAND

Manage Docker

  df          Show docker disk usage
  events      Get real time events from the server
  info        Display system-wide information
  prune       Remove unused data

Run 'docker system COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker system df
Images          8         0         2.745GB   2.745GB (100%)
Containers      0         0         0B        0B
Local Volumes   11        0         284.3MB   284.3MB (100%)
Build Cache     0         0         0B        0B


[root@docker ~]# docker system events
2022-04-16T16:51:36.016722358+08:00 image pull wordpress:latest (name=wordpress)


[root@docker ~]# docker system info
 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  app: Docker App (Docker Inc., v0.9.1-beta3)
  buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc., v0.8.0-docker)
  scan: Docker Scan (Docker Inc., v0.17.0)

 Containers: 0
  Running: 0
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 0
 Images: 16
 Server Version: 20.10.13
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: xfs
  Supports d_type: true
  Native Overlay Diff: true
  userxattr: false
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Cgroup Version: 1
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux runc
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: 2a1d4dbdb2a1030dc5b01e96fb110a9d9f150ecc
 runc version: v1.0.3-0-gf46b6ba
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: default
 Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64
 Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 2
 Total Memory: 3.84GiB
 Name: docker
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Username: xybdiy
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Registry Mirrors:
 Live Restore Enabled: false


[root@docker ~]# docker trust --help

Usage:  docker trust COMMAND

Manage trust on Docker images

Management Commands:
  key         Manage keys for signing Docker images
  signer      Manage entities who can sign Docker images

  inspect     Return low-level information about keys and signatures
  revoke      Remove trust for an image
  sign        Sign an image

Run 'docker trust COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.


[root@docker ~]# docker login --help

Usage:  docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]

Log in to a Docker registry.
If no server is specified, the default is defined by the daemon.

  -p, --password string   Password
      --password-stdin    Take the password from stdin
  -u, --username string   Username


[root@docker ~]# docker logout --help

Usage:  docker logout [SERVER]

Log out from a Docker registry.
If no server is specified, the default is defined by the daemon.


[root@docker ~]# docker build --help

Usage:  docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -

Build an image from a Dockerfile

      --add-host list           Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)
      --build-arg list          Set build-time variables
      --cache-from strings      Images to consider as cache sources
      --cgroup-parent string    Optional parent cgroup for the container
      --compress                Compress the build context using gzip
      --cpu-period int          Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
      --cpu-quota int           Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
  -c, --cpu-shares int          CPU shares (relative weight)
      --cpuset-cpus string      CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --cpuset-mems string      MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --disable-content-trust   Skip image verification (default true)
  -f, --file string             Name of the Dockerfile (Default is 'PATH/Dockerfile')
      --force-rm                Always remove intermediate containers
      --iidfile string          Write the image ID to the file
      --isolation string        Container isolation technology
      --label list              Set metadata for an image
  -m, --memory bytes            Memory limit
      --memory-swap bytes       Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
      --network string          Set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build (default "default")
      --no-cache                Do not use cache when building the image
      --pull                    Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image
  -q, --quiet                   Suppress the build output and print image ID on success
      --rm                      Remove intermediate containers after a successful build (default true)
      --security-opt strings    Security options
      --shm-size bytes          Size of /dev/shm
  -t, --tag list                Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format
      --target string           Set the target build stage to build.
      --ulimit ulimit           Ulimit options (default [])


[root@docker ~]# docker search mysql
NAME                             DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
mysql                            MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation…   12419     [OK]
mariadb                          MariaDB Server is a high performing open sou…   4784      [OK]
mysql/mysql-server               Optimized MySQL Server Docker images. Create…   918                  [OK]
percona                          Percona Server is a fork of the MySQL relati…   575       [OK]
phpmyadmin                       phpMyAdmin - A web interface for MySQL and M…   505       [OK]
mysql/mysql-cluster              Experimental MySQL Cluster Docker images. Cr…   93
centos/mysql-57-centos7          MySQL 5.7 SQL database server                   92
bitnami/mysql                    Bitnami MySQL Docker Image                      69                   [OK]
ubuntu/mysql                     MySQL open source fast, stable, multi-thread…   29
circleci/mysql                   MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation…   25
mysql/mysql-router               MySQL Router provides transparent routing be…   23
centos/mysql-56-centos7          MySQL 5.6 SQL database server                   22
google/mysql                     MySQL server for Google Compute Engine          21                   [OK]
vmware/harbor-db                 Mysql container for Harbor                      10
bitnami/mysqld-exporter                                                          3
mysqlboy/docker-mydumper         docker-mydumper containerizes MySQL logical …   3
mysqlboy/mydumper                mydumper for mysql logcial backups              3
ibmcom/mysql-s390x               Docker image for mysql-s390x                    2
mysql/mysql-operator             MySQL Operator for Kubernetes                   0
cimg/mysql                                                                       0
mysqlboy/elasticsearch                                                           0
mysqleatmydata/mysql-eatmydata                                                   0
ibmcom/tidb-ppc64le              TiDB is a distributed NewSQL database compat…   0
mysql/ndb-operator               MySQL NDB Operator for Kubernetes               0
mirantis/mysql                                                                   0


[root@docker ~]# docker pull --help

Usage:  docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]

Pull an image or a repository from a registry

  -a, --all-tags                Download all tagged images in the repository
      --disable-content-trust   Skip image verification (default true)
      --platform string         Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
  -q, --quiet                   Suppress verbose output
[root@docker ~]#


# 下载镜像 docker pull 镜像名[:tag]
[root@docker ~]# docker pull mysql
Using default tag: latest  #如果不写 tag,默认是latest
latest: Pulling from library/mysql
72a69066d2fe: Already exists #分层下载,已存在的文件可以共享
93619dbc5b36: Already exists
99da31dd6142: Already exists
626033c43d70: Already exists
37d5d7efb64e: Already exists
ac563158d721: Already exists
d2ba16033dad: Already exists
688ba7d5c01a: Pull complete
00e060b6d11d: Pull complete
1c04857f594f: Pull complete
4d7cfa90e6ea: Pull complete
e0431212d27d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e9027fe4d91c0153429607251656806cc784e914937271037f7738bd5b8e7709
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:latest

[root@docker ~]# docker pull mysql:5.7
5.7: Pulling from library/mysql
Digest: sha256:f2ad209efe9c67104167fc609cca6973c8422939491c9345270175a300419f94
Status: Image is up to date for mysql:5.7


[root@docker ~]# docker push --help

Usage:  docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]

Push an image or a repository to a registry

  -a, --all-tags                Push all tagged images in the repository
      --disable-content-trust   Skip image signing (default true)
  -q, --quiet                   Suppress verbose output


[root@docker ~]# docker rmi --help

Usage:  docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]

Remove one or more images

  -f, --force      Force removal of the image
      --no-prune   Do not delete untagged parents


# 查询镜像,使用IMAGE ID删除

[root@docker ~]# docker images
REPOSITORY        TAG                IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
mysql             latest             3218b38490ce   3 months ago    516MB
[root@docker ~]# docker rmi 3218b38490ce
Untagged: mysql:latest
Untagged: mysql@sha256:e9027fe4d91c0153429607251656806cc784e914937271037f7738bd5b8e7709
Deleted: sha256:3218b38490cec8d31976a40b92e09d61377359eab878db49f025e5d464367f3b
Deleted: sha256:aa81ca46575069829fe1b3c654d9e8feb43b4373932159fe2cad1ac13524a2f5
Deleted: sha256:0558823b9fbe967ea6d7174999be3cc9250b3423036370dc1a6888168cbd224d
Deleted: sha256:a46013db1d31231a0e1bac7eeda5ad4786dea0b1773927b45f92ea352a6d7ff9
Deleted: sha256:af161a47bb22852e9e3caf39f1dcd590b64bb8fae54315f9c2e7dc35b025e4e3
Deleted: sha256:feff1495e6982a7e91edc59b96ea74fd80e03674d92c7ec8a502b417268822ff

# 删除多个容器
docker rmi 容器id 容器id 容器id 

# 删除所有镜像
[root@docker ~]# docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)


[root@docker ~]# docker rm --help

Usage:  docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

Remove one or more containers

  -f, --force     Force the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL)
  -l, --link      Remove the specified link
  -v, --volumes   Remove anonymous volumes associated with the container


[root@docker ~]# docker run --help

Usage:  docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Run a command in a new container

      --add-host list                  Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)
  -a, --attach list                    Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR
      --blkio-weight uint16            Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)
      --blkio-weight-device list       Block IO weight (relative device weight) (default [])
      --cap-add list                   Add Linux capabilities
      --cap-drop list                  Drop Linux capabilities
      --cgroup-parent string           Optional parent cgroup for the container
      --cgroupns string                Cgroup namespace to use (host|private)
                                       'host':    Run the container in the Docker host's cgroup namespace
                                       'private': Run the container in its own private cgroup namespace
                                       '':        Use the cgroup namespace as configured by the
                                                  default-cgroupns-mode option on the daemon (default)
      --cidfile string                 Write the container ID to the file
      --cpu-period int                 Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
      --cpu-quota int                  Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
      --cpu-rt-period int              Limit CPU real-time period in microseconds
      --cpu-rt-runtime int             Limit CPU real-time runtime in microseconds
  -c, --cpu-shares int                 CPU shares (relative weight)
      --cpus decimal                   Number of CPUs
      --cpuset-cpus string             CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --cpuset-mems string             MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
  -d, --detach                         Run container in background and print container ID
      --detach-keys string             Override the key sequence for detaching a container
      --device list                    Add a host device to the container
      --device-cgroup-rule list        Add a rule to the cgroup allowed devices list
      --device-read-bps list           Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device (default [])
      --device-read-iops list          Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device (default [])
      --device-write-bps list          Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device (default [])
      --device-write-iops list         Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device (default [])
      --disable-content-trust          Skip image verification (default true)
      --dns list                       Set custom DNS servers
      --dns-option list                Set DNS options
      --dns-search list                Set custom DNS search domains
      --domainname string              Container NIS domain name
      --entrypoint string              Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
  -e, --env list                       Set environment variables
      --env-file list                  Read in a file of environment variables
      --expose list                    Expose a port or a range of ports
      --gpus gpu-request               GPU devices to add to the container ('all' to pass all GPUs)
      --group-add list                 Add additional groups to join
      --health-cmd string              Command to run to check health
      --health-interval duration       Time between running the check (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --health-retries int             Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy
      --health-start-period duration   Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --health-timeout duration        Maximum time to allow one check to run (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --help                           Print usage
  -h, --hostname string                Container host name
      --init                           Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes
  -i, --interactive                    Keep STDIN open even if not attached
      --ip string                      IPv4 address (e.g.,
      --ip6 string                     IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::33)
      --ipc string                     IPC mode to use
      --isolation string               Container isolation technology
      --kernel-memory bytes            Kernel memory limit
  -l, --label list                     Set meta data on a container
      --label-file list                Read in a line delimited file of labels
      --link list                      Add link to another container
      --link-local-ip list             Container IPv4/IPv6 link-local addresses
      --log-driver string              Logging driver for the container
      --log-opt list                   Log driver options
      --mac-address string             Container MAC address (e.g., 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)
  -m, --memory bytes                   Memory limit
      --memory-reservation bytes       Memory soft limit
      --memory-swap bytes              Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
      --memory-swappiness int          Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100) (default -1)
      --mount mount                    Attach a filesystem mount to the container
      --name string                    Assign a name to the container
      --network network                Connect a container to a network
      --network-alias list             Add network-scoped alias for the container
      --no-healthcheck                 Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK
      --oom-kill-disable               Disable OOM Killer
      --oom-score-adj int              Tune host's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)
      --pid string                     PID namespace to use
      --pids-limit int                 Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)
      --platform string                Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
      --privileged                     Give extended privileges to this container
  -p, --publish list                   Publish a container's port(s) to the host
  -P, --publish-all                    Publish all exposed ports to random ports
      --pull string                    Pull image before running ("always"|"missing"|"never") (default "missing")
      --read-only                      Mount the container's root filesystem as read only
      --restart string                 Restart policy to apply when a container exits (default "no")
      --rm                             Automatically remove the container when it exits
      --runtime string                 Runtime to use for this container
      --security-opt list              Security Options
      --shm-size bytes                 Size of /dev/shm
      --sig-proxy                      Proxy received signals to the process (default true)
      --stop-signal string             Signal to stop a container (default "SIGTERM")
      --stop-timeout int               Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container
      --storage-opt list               Storage driver options for the container
      --sysctl map                     Sysctl options (default map[])
      --tmpfs list                     Mount a tmpfs directory
  -t, --tty                            Allocate a pseudo-TTY
      --ulimit ulimit                  Ulimit options (default [])
  -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
      --userns string                  User namespace to use
      --uts string                     UTS namespace to use
  -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume
      --volume-driver string           Optional volume driver for the container
      --volumes-from list              Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
  -w, --workdir string                 Working directory inside the container


[root@docker ~]# docker start --help

Usage:  docker start [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

Start one or more stopped containers

  -a, --attach               Attach STDOUT/STDERR and forward signals
      --detach-keys string   Override the key sequence for detaching a container
  -i, --interactive          Attach container's STDIN


[root@docker ~]# docker restart --help

Usage:  docker restart [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

Restart one or more containers

  -t, --time int   Seconds to wait for stop before killing the container (default 10)


[root@docker ~]# docker stop --help

Usage:  docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

Stop one or more running containers

  -t, --time int   Seconds to wait for stop before killing it (default 10)


[root@docker ~]# docker tag --help


Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE


[root@docker ~]# docker inspect --help

Usage:  docker inspect [OPTIONS] NAME|ID [NAME|ID...]

Return low-level information on Docker objects

  -f, --format string   Format the output using the given Go template
  -s, --size            Display total file sizes if the type is container
      --type string     Return JSON for specified type


[root@docker ~]# docker stats --help

Usage:  docker stats [OPTIONS] [CONTAINER...]

Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics

  -a, --all             Show all containers (default shows just running)
      --format string   Pretty-print images using a Go template
      --no-stream       Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result
      --no-trunc        Do not truncate output


[root@docker ~]# docker rename --help

Usage:  docker rename CONTAINER NEW_NAME

Rename a container


[root@docker ~]# docker ps --help

Usage:  docker ps [OPTIONS]

List containers

  -a, --all             Show all containers (default shows just running)
  -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
      --format string   Pretty-print containers using a Go template
  -n, --last int        Show n last created containers (includes all states) (default -1)
  -l, --latest          Show the latest created container (includes all states)
      --no-trunc        Don't truncate output
  -q, --quiet           Only display container IDs
  -s, --size            Display total file sizes


[root@docker ~]# docker logs --help

Usage:  docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER

Fetch the logs of a container

      --details        Show extra details provided to logs
  -f, --follow         Follow log output
      --since string   Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)
  -n, --tail string    Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default "all")
  -t, --timestamps     Show timestamps
      --until string   Show logs before a timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37Z) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes)


[root@docker ~]# docker info --help

Usage:  docker info [OPTIONS]

Display system-wide information

  -f, --format string   Format the output using the given Go template


[root@docker ~]# docker version --help

Usage:  docker version [OPTIONS]

Show the Docker version information

  -f, --format string       Format the output using the given Go template
      --kubeconfig string   Kubernetes config file


[root@docker ~]# docker kill --help

Usage:  docker kill [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

Kill one or more running containers

  -s, --signal string   Signal to send to the container (default "KILL")


[root@docker ~]# docker exec --help

Usage:  docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]

Run a command in a running container

  -d, --detach               Detached mode: run command in the background
      --detach-keys string   Override the key sequence for detaching a container
  -e, --env list             Set environment variables
      --env-file list        Read in a file of environment variables
  -i, --interactive          Keep STDIN open even if not attached
      --privileged           Give extended privileges to the command
  -t, --tty                  Allocate a pseudo-TTY
  -u, --user string          Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
  -w, --workdir string       Working directory inside the container


[root@docker ~]# docker cp --help


Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem

Use '-' as the source to read a tar archive from stdin
and extract it to a directory destination in a container.
Use '-' as the destination to stream a tar archive of a
container source to stdout.

  -a, --archive       Archive mode (copy all uid/gid information)
  -L, --follow-link   Always follow symbol link in SRC_PATH


[root@docker ~]# docker commit --help

Usage:  docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]

Create a new image from a container's changes

  -a, --author string    Author (e.g., "John Hannibal Smith <>")
  -c, --change list      Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image
  -m, --message string   Commit message
  -p, --pause            Pause container during commit (default true)


[root@docker ~]# docker save --help

Usage:  docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]

Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)

  -o, --output string   Write to a file, instead of STDOUT


[root@docker ~]# docker top --help

Usage:  docker top CONTAINER [ps OPTIONS]

Display the running processes of a container


[root@docker ~]# docker diff --help

Usage:  docker diff CONTAINER

Inspect changes to files or directories on a container's filesystem


[root@docker ~]# docker history --help

Usage:  docker history [OPTIONS] IMAGE

Show the history of an image

      --format string   Pretty-print images using a Go template
  -H, --human           Print sizes and dates in human readable format (default true)
      --no-trunc        Don't truncate output
  -q, --quiet           Only show image IDs


[root@docker ~]# docker create --help

Usage:  docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Create a new container

      --add-host list                  Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)
  -a, --attach list                    Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR
      --blkio-weight uint16            Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to disable (default 0)
      --blkio-weight-device list       Block IO weight (relative device weight) (default [])
      --cap-add list                   Add Linux capabilities
      --cap-drop list                  Drop Linux capabilities
      --cgroup-parent string           Optional parent cgroup for the container
      --cgroupns string                Cgroup namespace to use (host|private)
                                       'host':    Run the container in the Docker host's cgroup namespace
                                       'private': Run the container in its own private cgroup namespace
                                       '':        Use the cgroup namespace as configured by the
                                                  default-cgroupns-mode option on the daemon (default)
      --cidfile string                 Write the container ID to the file
      --cpu-period int                 Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
      --cpu-quota int                  Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
      --cpu-rt-period int              Limit CPU real-time period in microseconds
      --cpu-rt-runtime int             Limit CPU real-time runtime in microseconds
  -c, --cpu-shares int                 CPU shares (relative weight)
      --cpus decimal                   Number of CPUs
      --cpuset-cpus string             CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --cpuset-mems string             MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      --device list                    Add a host device to the container
      --device-cgroup-rule list        Add a rule to the cgroup allowed devices list
      --device-read-bps list           Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device (default [])
      --device-read-iops list          Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device (default [])
      --device-write-bps list          Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device (default [])
      --device-write-iops list         Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device (default [])
      --disable-content-trust          Skip image verification (default true)
      --dns list                       Set custom DNS servers
      --dns-option list                Set DNS options
      --dns-search list                Set custom DNS search domains
      --domainname string              Container NIS domain name
      --entrypoint string              Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
  -e, --env list                       Set environment variables
      --env-file list                  Read in a file of environment variables
      --expose list                    Expose a port or a range of ports
      --gpus gpu-request               GPU devices to add to the container ('all' to pass all GPUs)
      --group-add list                 Add additional groups to join
      --health-cmd string              Command to run to check health
      --health-interval duration       Time between running the check (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --health-retries int             Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy
      --health-start-period duration   Start period for the container to initialize before starting health-retries countdown (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --health-timeout duration        Maximum time to allow one check to run (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
      --help                           Print usage
  -h, --hostname string                Container host name
      --init                           Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and reaps processes
  -i, --interactive                    Keep STDIN open even if not attached
      --ip string                      IPv4 address (e.g.,
      --ip6 string                     IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::33)
      --ipc string                     IPC mode to use
      --isolation string               Container isolation technology
      --kernel-memory bytes            Kernel memory limit
  -l, --label list                     Set meta data on a container
      --label-file list                Read in a line delimited file of labels
      --link list                      Add link to another container
      --link-local-ip list             Container IPv4/IPv6 link-local addresses
      --log-driver string              Logging driver for the container
      --log-opt list                   Log driver options
      --mac-address string             Container MAC address (e.g., 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)
  -m, --memory bytes                   Memory limit
      --memory-reservation bytes       Memory soft limit
      --memory-swap bytes              Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
      --memory-swappiness int          Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100) (default -1)
      --mount mount                    Attach a filesystem mount to the container
      --name string                    Assign a name to the container
      --network network                Connect a container to a network
      --network-alias list             Add network-scoped alias for the container
      --no-healthcheck                 Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK
      --oom-kill-disable               Disable OOM Killer
      --oom-score-adj int              Tune host's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)
      --pid string                     PID namespace to use
      --pids-limit int                 Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)
      --platform string                Set platform if server is multi-platform capable
      --privileged                     Give extended privileges to this container
  -p, --publish list                   Publish a container's port(s) to the host
  -P, --publish-all                    Publish all exposed ports to random ports
      --pull string                    Pull image before creating ("always"|"missing"|"never") (default "missing")
      --read-only                      Mount the container's root filesystem as read only
      --restart string                 Restart policy to apply when a container exits (default "no")
      --rm                             Automatically remove the container when it exits
      --runtime string                 Runtime to use for this container
      --security-opt list              Security Options
      --shm-size bytes                 Size of /dev/shm
      --stop-signal string             Signal to stop a container (default "SIGTERM")
      --stop-timeout int               Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container
      --storage-opt list               Storage driver options for the container
      --sysctl map                     Sysctl options (default map[])
      --tmpfs list                     Mount a tmpfs directory
  -t, --tty                            Allocate a pseudo-TTY
      --ulimit ulimit                  Ulimit options (default [])
  -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
      --userns string                  User namespace to use
      --uts string                     UTS namespace to use
  -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume
      --volume-driver string           Optional volume driver for the container
      --volumes-from list              Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
  -w, --workdir string                 Working directory inside the container





  • docker容器的创建及常用操作命令详解

    目录 docker容器简介 1.创建容器 2.查看本机的容器列表 3.停止和启动一个容器 4.删除容器 5.查看容器内容 6.复制命令 7.进入容器 docker容器简介 容器就是对外提供服务的一个实例. 容器启动的必要条件:容器内至少有一个进程运行在前台 1.创建容器 # 格式 docker run [参数] [镜像名称] [运行容器的启动命令] # 参数 -d : 以守护进程的方式运行一个容器 docker run -d [镜像名称] [cmd] --name : 指定容器的名称 docke

  • Docker 常用命令整理(实用篇)

    1. 查看docker信息( # 查看docker版本 docker version # 显示docker系统的信息 docker info 2. 对image的操作(search.pull.images.rmi.history) # 检索image docker search image_name # 下载image docker pull image_name #列出镜像列表; -a, --all=false Show all images; --no-trunc=

  • docker常用命令总结之安装、镜像、容器基本操作

    以下均在centos 7进行的操作 docker安装 yum install -y docker -y:表示在安装过程中按照默认配置进行安装,不需要进行逐步确认 查看已经安装的docker yum list installed | grep docker 删除已经安装的docker yum remove -y docker.x86_64 yum remove -y docker-client.x86_64 yum remove -y docker-common.x86_64 docker服务启动

  • docker常用命令总结(推荐)

    一.汇总: 总的来说分为以下几种: Docker环境信息 - docker [info|version] 容器生命周期管理 - docker [create|exec|run|start|stop|restart|kill|rm|pause|unpause] 容器操作运维 - docker [ps|inspect|top|attach|wait|export|port|rename|stat] 容器rootfs命令 - docker [commit|cp|diff] 镜像仓库 - docker

  • docker常用命令操作方法

    继续docker的学习之旅,今天练习一些常用的命令: 一.镜像相关 1.1 列出本机所有镜像 后面的操作,都以ubuntu做为练习的目标. 另外:如果某些镜像文件不想要了,可以用下面的命令删除 1.2 删除镜像 docker rmi 镜像Id(即:1.1图中的IMAGE ID) 有时候删除会失败,比如:有一个容器正在使用该镜像文件.这时可以加参数-f 强制删除,如果不清楚每个命令可以加哪些参数,可以用 docker 命令 --help 查看帮助,比如: bin docker rmi --help

  • Docker常用的清除容器镜像命令小结

    前言 Docker 是一个非常有趣的项目.它自己宣称可以减轻部署服务器的难度,当然我相信里面有炒作的成分.但是实际使用后,我觉得 Docker 的表现还是可圈可点的.这篇文章主要总结了Docker清除容器镜像常用的命令,下面来一起看看吧. 杀死所有running状态的容器 docker kill $(docker ps -q) 删除所有已经停止的容器 docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) 删除所有\'untagged/dangling\' ()状态的镜像 docker rmi

  • Dockerfile中常用命令汇总

    语法组成: 1 注释信息 2 指令---参数 [通常要大写|实质上不区分大小写] 3 顺序执行 4 第一个非注释行必须是from [基于那个基础镜像制作]   5 需要一个专用目录[自己创建] 6 首字目必须大写---Dockerfile 7 制作镜像依赖到文件或者包组时,必须提前准备至专用目录下 .dockerignore file --每一行中定义一个忽略文件     --创建在工作目录中     例如:pam.d/su* ..................................

  • Docker仓库常用命令详解

    登录 docker login 通过执行docker login命令来输入用户名.密码和邮箱来完成注册和登录.注册成功后,本地用户目录的.dockercfg中将保存着用户认证的信息. 从仓库拉取镜像 docker pull [镜像名] 搜索镜像 docker search [想要搜索的镜像名] 例如: C:\Users\kunta>docker search centos NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED centos The official

  • Docker 常用命令整理并介绍

    什么是Docker? Docker是一个开源的引擎,可以轻松的为任何应用创建一个轻量级的.可移植的.自给自足的容器.开发者在笔记本上编译测试通过的容器可以批量地在生产环境中部署,包括VMs(虚拟机).bare metal.OpenStack 集群和其他的基础应用平台. Docker通常用于如下场景: web应用的自动化打包和发布: 自动化测试和持续集成.发布: 在服务型环境中部署和调整数据库或其他的后台应用: 从头编译或者扩展现有的OpenShift或Cloud Foundry平台来搭建自己的P

  • 常用的Docker基本命令及用法汇总

    查看docker安装信息 docker info 获取docker镜像 docker pull azraelrabbit/monupw 创建docker容器 docker run --name monojexus -d -p 32022:22 -p 32080:80 -v /mydata:/data azraelrabbit/monupw 以后台进程的方式运行docker容器 sample_job=$(docker run -d monojexus /bin/sh -c "while true;
