



docker为了保证主机安全,docker开了很多安全设置,其中包括ASLR(Address space layout randomization),即docker里的内存地址和主机内存地址是不一样的。





docker run --privileged ……




补充知识:docker ptrace: Operation not permitted. 处理方法


(gdb) attach 30721

Attaching to process 30721

ptrace: Operation not permitted.



docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined


docker run --privileged


docker run --cap-add sys_ptrace


安全计算模式(secure computing mode,seccomp)是 Linux 内核功能,可以使用它来限制容器内可用的操作。

Docker 的默认 seccomp 配置文件是一个白名单,它指定了允许的调用。


Syscall Description
acct Accounting syscall which could let containers disable their own resource limits or process accounting. Also gated by CAP_SYS_PACCT.
add_key Prevent containers from using the kernel keyring, which is not namespaced.
adjtimex Similar to clock_settime and settimeofday, time/date is not namespaced. Also gated by CAP_SYS_TIME.
bpf Deny loading potentially persistent bpf programs into kernel, already gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
clock_adjtime Time/date is not namespaced. Also gated by CAP_SYS_TIME.
clock_settime Time/date is not namespaced. Also gated by CAP_SYS_TIME.
clone Deny cloning new namespaces. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN for CLONE_* flags, except CLONE_USERNS.
create_module Deny manipulation and functions on kernel modules. Obsolete. Also gated by CAP_SYS_MODULE.
delete_module Deny manipulation and functions on kernel modules. Also gated by CAP_SYS_MODULE.
finit_module Deny manipulation and functions on kernel modules. Also gated by CAP_SYS_MODULE.
get_kernel_syms Deny retrieval of exported kernel and module symbols. Obsolete.
get_mempolicy Syscall that modifies kernel memory and NUMA settings. Already gated by CAP_SYS_NICE.
init_module Deny manipulation and functions on kernel modules. Also gated by CAP_SYS_MODULE.
ioperm Prevent containers from modifying kernel I/O privilege levels. Already gated by CAP_SYS_RAWIO.
iopl Prevent containers from modifying kernel I/O privilege levels. Already gated by CAP_SYS_RAWIO.
kcmp Restrict process inspection capabilities, already blocked by dropping CAP_PTRACE.
kexec_file_load Sister syscall of kexec_load that does the same thing, slightly different arguments. Also gated by CAP_SYS_BOOT.
kexec_load Deny loading a new kernel for later execution. Also gated by CAP_SYS_BOOT.
keyctl Prevent containers from using the kernel keyring, which is not namespaced.
lookup_dcookie Tracing/profiling syscall, which could leak a lot of information on the host. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
mbind Syscall that modifies kernel memory and NUMA settings. Already gated by CAP_SYS_NICE.
mount Deny mounting, already gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
move_pages Syscall that modifies kernel memory and NUMA settings.
name_to_handle_at Sister syscall to open_by_handle_at. Already gated by CAP_SYS_NICE.
nfsservctl Deny interaction with the kernel nfs daemon. Obsolete since Linux 3.1.
open_by_handle_at Cause of an old container breakout. Also gated by CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH.
perf_event_open Tracing/profiling syscall, which could leak a lot of information on the host.
personality Prevent container from enabling BSD emulation. Not inherently dangerous, but poorly tested, potential for a lot of kernel vulns.
pivot_root Deny pivot_root, should be privileged operation.
process_vm_readv Restrict process inspection capabilities, already blocked by dropping CAP_PTRACE.
process_vm_writev Restrict process inspection capabilities, already blocked by dropping CAP_PTRACE.
ptrace Tracing/profiling syscall, which could leak a lot of information on the host. Already blocked by dropping CAP_PTRACE.
query_module Deny manipulation and functions on kernel modules. Obsolete.
quotactl Quota syscall which could let containers disable their own resource limits or process accounting. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
reboot Don't let containers reboot the host. Also gated by CAP_SYS_BOOT.
request_key Prevent containers from using the kernel keyring, which is not namespaced.
set_mempolicy Syscall that modifies kernel memory and NUMA settings. Already gated by CAP_SYS_NICE.
setns Deny associating a thread with a namespace. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
settimeofday Time/date is not namespaced. Also gated by CAP_SYS_TIME.
socket, socketcall Used to send or receive packets and for other socket operations. All socket and socketcall calls are blocked except communication domains AF_UNIX, AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_NETLINK, and AF_PACKET.
stime Time/date is not namespaced. Also gated by CAP_SYS_TIME.
swapon Deny start/stop swapping to file/device. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
swapoff Deny start/stop swapping to file/device. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
sysfs Obsolete syscall.
_sysctl Obsolete, replaced by /proc/sys.
umount Should be a privileged operation. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
umount2 Should be a privileged operation. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
unshare Deny cloning new namespaces for processes. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN, with the exception of unshare –user.
uselib Older syscall related to shared libraries, unused for a long time.
userfaultfd Userspace page fault handling, largely needed for process migration.
ustat Obsolete syscall.
vm86 In kernel x86 real mode virtual machine. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
vm86old In kernel x86 real mode virtual machine. Also gated by CAP_SYS_ADMIN.




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