


namespace ArrayManipulation
 Class Program
  static void Main (String[] args)
   int[] arr = new int[]{1,2,3};
    arr = (int[])Redim(arr,5);
   PrintArr (arr);
    arr = (int[]) Redim (arr, 2);
   PrintArr (arr);
  public static Array Redim (Array origArray, int desiredSize)
   //determine the type of element
   Type t = origArray.GetType().GetElementType();
    //create a number of elements with a new array of expectations
   //new array type must match the type of the original array
   Array newArray = Array.CreateInstance (t, desiredSize);
    //copy the original elements of the array to the new array
   Array.Copy (origArray, 0, newArray, 0, Math.Min (origArray.Length, desiredSize));
    //return new array
   return newArray;
   //print array
  public static void PrintArr (int[] arr)
   foreach (int x in arr)
    Console.Write (x + ",");
   Console.WriteLine ();




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