

 '   调整错误处理方法,错误信息输出到LogFile文件,可以查看扫描失败原因
 '     如果出现“RPC 服务器不可用”错误,是因为远程主机没开机
 '     如果出现“RPC 服务器不可用”之外的错误,可能是由于正在运行的程序造成,请你把此信息告诉我
 '     重启后再次扫描就可以排除非“RPC 服务器不可用。”的错误
 '     如果扫描到的硬件信息为空,应该是驱动问题(或BIOS不完善),请自行解决
 '   增加输出BIOS的发行日期,和主板信息放在一起
 '   修正所有GetInfo过程遇错的处理方法,避免返回的数组上限不符合输出要求导致脚本报错。
 '     之所以为出现这种情况,是因为Win32类检索不到硬件或连接到Win32类失败;
 '     原来判断是否出现Err,忽略了检索不到硬件的情况(连接成功无Err,Count为0)
 '     检索不到硬件多数是因为驱动没装好
 '   增加GetIDEProtocol过程,获取IDE控制器使用的协议,只是增加了代码,没有调用
 '   计划增加检索其它存储器控制器的过程
 '   检索硬盘/显卡/网卡/声卡的过程增加 DeviceID 属性(设备标识符)
 '     此属性不被输出,用于脚本内部判断
 '   原来输出搜索到的第一个硬盘
 '   改为输出搜索到的第一个InterfaceType属性为IDE的硬盘的信息
 '   增加Sort过程,排序硬件信息
 '   调整输出信息的分类,同类信息尽可能的只使用一个逗号分隔,以便导入xls后在同一列
 '   查询到的硬件信息如果是空或0,有可能是相关驱动不完善或未定义此信息,也可能是未安装驱动
 '   因为WMI查询就代表了系统知道这些硬件的详细信息,查不到信息就是系统不知道
 '   系统不知道硬件的详细信息,代表着性能可能有所缺失,建议找个好驱动安装
 '   值得注意的是主板驱动
 '   (为了更容易理解,此版本的升级信息被编辑过)
 '   取消2.2版增加输出的硬盘接口类型
 '     由于STAT也归于IDE接口,这会导致误解
 '     PS:脚本只输出搜索到的第一个硬盘
 '   GetMemoryInfo过程增加MemoryType、FormFactor、TypeDetail三个属性
 '     输出增加内存类型、封装类型
 '     输出增加硬盘容量、接口类型
 '   GetOSInfo过程增加去掉Caption属性中带有的逗号“,”的代码
 '     原因:在检测2003系统时,读取到的Caption属性,带有逗号“,”
 '     这会影响输出,因为输出是以逗号“,”为分隔符的
 'Version:2.0 B5发布版
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程改为使用MACAddress属性非空、
 '     Manufacturer属性非"Microsoft"判断网卡
 'Version:2.0 Beta4
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程使用NetConnectionStatus属性判断网络适配器
 '     NetConnectionStatus属性表明连接状态(2000系统不支持此属性)
 '     物理网络适配器才具有此状态(包括停用状态在内)
 'Version:2.0 Beta3
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程增加一个判断
 '     忽略读取IPAddress(0)时会产生Err类型数据的适配器(对战平台)
 'Version:2.0 Beta2
 '   GetOSInfo过程原来使用的Name、ServicePackMajorVersion属性
 '     改为使用Caption、CSDVersion属性
 '   所有GetInfo过程增加错误处理代码,避免正在扫描的时候
 '     脚本遇到运行时错误导致脚本退出
 'Version:2.0 Beta1
 '   增加扫描失败记录,再次运行脚本只读取失败记录,忽略配置信息
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程增加一个判断
 '     忽略NetConnectionID属性(接口名称)为空的适配器
 '   初始版本 

 Option Explicit
 '作 者: LZ-MyST QQ:8450919

 '       多个配置项用“;”隔开

 Dim Input, InfoOutFile, LogFile '请按格式给Input赋值
 'Input = "pc021=administrator=cylslynetbar"
 Input = "PC001-109=administrator=cylslynetbar;pc110-85=administrator=LYjfnetbaradmin"
 InfoOutFile = "硬件信息.txt"
 LogFile = "未扫描的计算机.txt" 

 Redim arrConfig(0)
 Dim WshShell, FSO, intCount1, intCount2
 intCount1 = 0
 intCount2 = 0
 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 Set FSO = WScript.Createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
 WshShell.Popup "扫描过程会很慢,请耐心等待,完成后会给出提示",,"扫描开始"
 LinkRemoteServer arrConfig
 Dim LenNum1, LenNum2
 If intCount1 > intCount2 Then
  LenNum1 = 0
  LenNum2 = Len(intCount1) - Len(intCount2)
  LenNum1 = Len(intCount2) - Len(intCount1)
  LenNum2 = 0
 End If
 Sort InfoOutFile
 WshShell.Popup "扫描结果:" & _
         vbCrLf & vbTab & "扫描成功:" & Space(LenNum1) & intCount1 & " 台" & _
         vbCrLf & vbTab & "扫描失败:" & Space(LenNum2) & intCount2 & " 台" & _
         vbCrLf & "扫描失败的电脑已做记录,再次运行脚本只扫描记录里的电脑",,"扫描完成" 

Function ReadConfig
 Dim objMatches, objMatche,objLogFile, arrLog, intUBarrConfig
 If FSO.FileExists(LogFile) Then
  If FSO.GetFile(LogFile).Size = 0 Then
   Set objMatches = GetMatche("([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)", Input)
   For Each objMatche In objMatches
    GetConfig objMatche.SubMatches(0), objMatche.SubMatches(1), objMatche.SubMatches(2)
   If objMatches.Count = 0 Then
    Msgbox "配置信息格式不正确,请修改"
   End If
   Set objLogFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(LogFile)
   Do Until objLogFile.AtEndOfStream
    arrLog = Split(objLogFile.ReadLine,"=")
    intUBarrConfig = ((Ubound(arrConfig)+1)\3+1)*3-1
    Redim Preserve arrConfig(intUBarrConfig)
    arrConfig(intUBarrConfig-2) = arrLog(0)
    arrConfig(intUBarrConfig-1) = arrLog(1)
    arrConfig(intUBarrConfig-0) = arrLog(2)
  End If
  Set objMatches = GetMatche("([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)=([^;=]+)", Input)
  For Each objMatche In objMatches
   GetConfig objMatche.SubMatches(0), objMatche.SubMatches(1), objMatche.SubMatches(2)
  If objMatches.Count = 0 Then
   Msgbox "配置信息格式不正确,请修改"
  End If
 End If
End Function 

'    如果返回SWbemLocator对象ConnectServer方法的实例,调用OutInfo过程
'    如果返回Err信息(字符串类型),输出计算机名[IP]、用户名、密码及错误信息到LogFile文件
'   OutInfo过程
'    如果返回Err信息(字符串类型)输出计算机名[IP]、用户名、密码及错误信息到LogFile文件
'   计算机名[IP]、命名空间、用户名、密码传递给LinkServer过程
Function LinkRemoteServer(arrArray)
 Dim objErrLog, E, objLinkServer, objConnection, objWbemLocator, objErr
 Set objWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
 Set objErrLog = FSO.CreateTextFile(LogFile,True)
 For E = 0 To Ubound(arrArray) Step 3
  Set objLinkServer = LinkServer(arrConfig(E),"root\cimv2",arrConfig(E+1),arrConfig(E+2))
  If Err Then
   objErrLog.Writeline arrArray(E) & "=" & arrArray(E+1) & "=" & arrArray(E+2) & "=" & _
             "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
             ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
             ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By LinkServer Function"
   intCount2 = intCount2 + 1
   objErr = OutInfo(objLinkServer)
   If Vartype(objErr) = 8 Then
    objErrLog.Writeline arrArray(E) & "=" & arrArray(E+1) & "=" & arrArray(E+2) & "=" & objErr
    intCount2 = intCount2 + 1
   End If
  End If
End Function 

'   某个GetInfo过程返回Err对象,则返回False
Function OutInfo(objRemote)
 Dim OutFile, arrInfo, strOutInfo, Tmp, A
 If FSO.FileExists(InfoOutFile) Then
  Set OutFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(InfoOutFile,8)
  Set OutFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(InfoOutFile)
  OutFile.Writeline "计算机名,系统(初装日期),主板型号(厂商)(发行日期),CPU型号(接口类型),外频,L2容量(速度)," & _
 End If
 arrInfo = GetOSInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = arrInfo(0) & "," & arrInfo(1) & "(" & arrInfo(2) & "),"
 arrInfo = GetBoardInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & arrInfo(0) & "(" & arrInfo(1) & ")"
 arrInfo = GetBIOSInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & "(" & arrInfo(2) & "),"
 arrInfo = GetCPUInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & arrInfo(1) & "(" & arrInfo(8) & ")," & arrInfo(4) & "," & _
        arrInfo(6) & "(" & arrInfo(7) & "),"
 arrInfo = GetMemoryInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = 0
 For A = 1 To Ubound(arrInfo) Step 6
  Tmp = Tmp + Cint(arrInfo(A))
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & arrInfo(0) & "条,共" & Tmp & "M,"
 Tmp = ""
 For A = 2 To Ubound(arrInfo) Step 6
  If A = Ubound(arrInfo) - 4 Then
   Tmp = Tmp & arrInfo(A) & "(" & arrInfo(A+1) & "),"
   Tmp = Tmp & arrInfo(A) & "(" & arrInfo(A+1) & ") "
  End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & Tmp
 Tmp = ""
 For A = 4 To Ubound(arrInfo) Step 6
  If A = Ubound(arrInfo) - 2 Then
   Tmp = Tmp & arrInfo(A) & "(" & arrInfo(A+1) & "),"
   Tmp = Tmp & arrInfo(A) & "(" & arrInfo(A+1) & ") "
  End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & Tmp
 Tmp = ""
 arrInfo = GetDiskInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 For A = 1 To Ubound(arrInfo) Step 5
  If arrInfo(A+1) = "IDE" Then
   Tmp = arrInfo(A) & "(" & arrInfo(A+2) & "G),"
   Exit For
  End If
 If Tmp = "" Then
  strOutInfo = strOutInfo & "硬盘型号未检索到,"
  strOutInfo = strOutInfo & Tmp
 End If
 arrInfo = GetVideoInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & arrInfo(0) & "(" & arrInfo(1) & "M),"
 arrInfo = GetNetworkInfo(objRemote)
 If Vartype(arrInfo) = 8 Then
  OutInfo = arrInfo
  Exit Function
 End If
 strOutInfo = strOutInfo & arrInfo(1) & "," & arrInfo(2) & Space(17-Len(arrInfo(2))) & arrInfo(3)
 OutFile.Writeline strOutInfo
 intCount1 = intCount1 + 1
 OutInfo = True
End Function 

'   strNamespace:命令空间
'   strUserName:用户名
'   strPassword:密码
'   连接失败,返回错误对象
Function LinkServer(strComputer,strNamespace,strUserName,strPassword)
 Dim objWbemLocator
 Set objWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
 Dim objConnection
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objConnection = objwbemLocator.ConnectServer _
           (strComputer, strNamespace, strUserName, strPassword)
 If Err Then
   Set LinkServer = Err
   Exit Function
 End If
 On Error Goto 0
 objConnection.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
 Set LinkServer = objConnection
End Function 

'   strString:要执行正则表达式的字符串
Function GetMatche(strPatrn, strString)
 Dim RegEx
 Set RegEx = New Regexp
 RegEx.Global = True
 RegEx.IgnoreCase =True
 RegEx.Pattern = strPatrn
 Set GetMatche = RegEx.Execute(strString)
End Function 

'   intNum:进制(2|8|16)
Function ChangeToDecimal(strString, intNum)
 ChangeToDecimal = 0
 If Isnull(strString) Then ChangeToDecimal = 0 : Exit Function
 Dim A, M
 For A = 1 To Len(strString)
  M = LCase(Mid(strString, A, 1))
  Select Case M
   Case "a" :M = 10
   Case "b" :M = 11
   Case "c" :M = 12
   Case "d" :M = 13
   Case "e" :M = 14
   Case "f" :M = 15
  End Select
  ChangeToDecimal = ChangeToDecimal + M * intNum^(Len(strString)-A)
End Function 

'输入:strIP, strUser, strPW:IP[计算机名]、账户、密码
Function GetConfig(strIP, strUser, strPW)
 Dim Matches, SubMatche
 Dim IP_1, IP_2, IP_3, IP_4, intStar, intEnd, A, intConfigNum
 Dim IP_Patrn
 IP_Patrn = "([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)-([\d]+)"
 Set Matches = GetMatche(IP_Patrn, strIP)
 If Matches.Count = 1 Then
  Set SubMatche = Matches(0)
  intStar = Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(3))
  intEnd = intStar + Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(4)) - 1
  For A = intStar To intEnd
   IP_4 = A Mod 256
   IP_3 = (Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(2))+ A\256) Mod 256
   IP_2 = (Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(1)) + (Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(2))+ A\256)\256) Mod 256
   IP_1 = Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(0)) + (Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(1)) + _
       (Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(2))+ A\256)\256)\256
   If IP_1 > 223 Or IP_1 = 127 Or IP_1 < 1 Then
    Msgbox strIP & "包含的" & IP_1 & "." & IP_2 & "." & IP_3 & "." & IP_4 & _
    Exit Function
   End If
   intConfigNum = (Ubound(arrConfig)+1)\3 + 1
   Redim Preserve arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1)
   arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-3) = IP_1 & "." & IP_2 & "." & IP_3 & "." & IP_4
   arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-2) = strUser
   arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1) = strPW
  Exit Function
 End If
 Dim ComputerName_Patrn, Prefix, intLen
 ComputerName_Patrn = "([\S]+[^0-9]{1})([0]*[\d]+)-([\d]+)"
 Set Matches = GetMatche(ComputerName_Patrn, strIP)
 If Matches.Count = 1 Then
  Set SubMatche = Matches(0)
  Prefix = SubMatche.SubMatches(0)
  intLen = Len(SubMatche.SubMatches(1))
  intStar = Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(1))
  intEnd = intStar + Cint(SubMatche.SubMatches(2)) - 1
  For A = intStar To intEnd
   intConfigNum = (Ubound(arrConfig)+1)\3 + 1
   Redim Preserve arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1)
   If Len(A) < intLen Then
    arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-3) = Prefix & String(intLen-Len(A),"0") & A
    arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-3) = Prefix & A
   End If
   arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-2) = strUser
   arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1) = strPW
  Exit Function
 End If
 intConfigNum = (Ubound(arrConfig)+1)\3 + 1
 Redim Preserve arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1)
 arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-3) = strIP
 arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-2) = strUser
 arrConfig(intConfigNum*3-1) = strPW
End Function 

'    取操作系统的3种属性:
'  0     1         2
'  CSName  Caption&CSDVersion  InstallDate
'  计算机名  系统名&SP版本   初装日期
Function GetOSInfo(objConnection)
 Dim arrOSInfo
 Dim objSystemInfos, objSystemInfo, arrOS(2)
 Dim Tmp
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objSystemInfos = objConnection.InstancesOf("win32_operatingsystem")
 If Err Then
  GetOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
        ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
        ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objSystemInfos.Count
 If Err Then
  GetOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
        ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
        ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each objSystemInfo In objSystemInfos
   arrOS(0) = objSystemInfo.CSName
   arrOS(1) = Replace(objSystemInfo.Caption,",","") & " " & objSystemInfo.CSDVersion
   arrOS(2) = Mid(CStr(objSystemInfo.InstallDate),1,4) & "-" & _
         Mid(CStr(objSystemInfo.InstallDate),5,2) & "-" & _
         Mid(CStr(objSystemInfo.InstallDate),7,2) '& ", " & _
         'Mid(CStr(objSystemInfo.InstallDate),9,2) & ":" & _
         'Mid(CStr(objSystemInfo.InstallDate),11,2) & ":" & _
 If Err Then
  GetOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
        ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
        ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetOSInfo = arrOS
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取主板的3种属性:
'  0     1       2
'  Product  Manufacturer  Version
'  型号   厂商      版本
Function GetBoardInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objboards, objboard, arrBoard(2)
 Dim Tmp
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objboards = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard")
 If Err Then
  GetBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objboards.Count
 If Err Then
  GetBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For each objboard In objboards
  arrBoard(0) = Replace(Trim(objboard.Product),",","") '型号
  arrBoard(1) = Replace(Trim(objboard.Manufacturer),",","") '厂商
  arrBoard(2) = Replace(Trim(objboard.Version),",","") '版本
 If Err Then
  GetBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetBoardInfo = arrBoard
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取BIOS的2种属性:
'  0       1         2
'  Manufacturer  SMBIOSBIOSVersion ReleaseDate
'  厂商      版本        发行日期
Function GetBIOSInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objBIOSs, objBIOS, arrBIOS(2)
 Dim Tmp
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objBIOSs = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_BIOS")
 If Err Then
  GetBIOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBIOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objBIOSs.Count
 If Err Then
  GetBIOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBIOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For each objBIOS In objBIOSs
   If Isnull(objBIOS.Manufacturer) Then
    arrBIOS(0) = "BIOS厂商不存在" '请检查主板驱动是否完善或未安装,或BIOS不完善需要刷BIOS
    arrBIOS(0) = Replace(Trim(objBIOS.Manufacturer),",","")
   End If
   If Isnull(objBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion) Then
    arrBIOS(1) = "由SMBIOS汇报的BIOS版本不存在" '请检查主板驱动是否完善或未安装,或BIOS不完善需要刷BIOS
    arrBIOS(1) = Replace(Trim(objBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion),",","")
   End If
   If Isnull(objBIOS.ReleaseDate) Then
    arrBIOS(2) = "BIOS发行日期未知" '请检查主板驱动是否完善或未安装,或BIOS不完善需要刷BIOS
    arrBIOS(2) = Left(Cstr(objBIOS.ReleaseDate),8)
   End If
 If Err Then
  GetBIOSInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetBIOSInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetBIOSInfo = arrBIOS
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取CPU的9种属性:
'  0     1   2       3        4
'       Name MaxClockSpeed CurrentVoltage  ExtClock
' 核心数量  型号 主频      电压       外频
' 5       6      7       8
' AddressWidth L2CacheSize L2CacheSpeed SocketDesignation
' 位宽     L2容量    L2频率    插槽类型
Function GetCPUInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objCPU, objCPUs, arrCPU(8)
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objCPUs = objConnection.InstancesOf("win32_processor")
 If Err Then
  GetCPUInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetCPUInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 arrCPU(0) = objCPUs.Count '每个CPU核心都返回一个实例,实例数量即为CPU核心数量
 If Err Then
  GetCPUInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetCPUInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For each objCPU In objCPUs
  arrCPU(1) = Replace(Trim(objCPU.Name),",","") '型号
  arrCPU(2) = objCPU.MaxClockSpeed '主频
  arrCPU(3) = ChangeToDecimal(objCPU.CurrentVoltage, 16)/10 '电压
  arrCPU(4) = objCPU.ExtClock '外频
  arrCPU(5) = objCPU.AddressWidth '位宽
  arrCPU(6) = objCPU.L2CacheSize 'L2容量
  arrCPU(7) = objCPU.L2CacheSpeed 'L2频率
  arrCPU(8) = objCPU.SocketDesignation '插槽类型
 If Err Then
  GetCPUInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetCPUInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetCPUInfo = arrCPU
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取内存的6种属性:
'    1     2   3       4      5        6
'    capacity Speed DeviceLocator MemoryType FormFactor   TypeDetail
'    容量   速度  插槽位置    内存类型   封装(接口)类型  详细类型-系统应用类型
'         一般是字符加数字,数字相当于主板上内存插槽的物理位置
Function GetMemoryInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objMemorys, objMemory, Num
 Redim arrMemory(0)
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objMemorys = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_PhysicalMemory")
 If Err Then
  GetMemoryInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetMemoryInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 arrMemory(0) = objMemorys.Count '每条内存都返回一个实例,实例项数即内存条数量
 If Err Then
  GetMemoryInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetMemoryInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Num = 0
 For Each objMemory In objMemorys
  Num = Num + 1
  Redim Preserve arrMemory(Num*6)
  arrMemory(Num*6-5) = objMemory.capacity/1048576 '容量(M)
  arrMemory(Num*6-4) = objMemory.Speed '速度(MHz)
  arrMemory(Num*6-3) = objMemory.DeviceLocator '插槽位置
  Select Case objMemory.MemoryType '内存类型,
   Case 0 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "Unknown" '未知
   Case 1 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "Other" '其它
   Case 2 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "DRAM" '动态随机存储器
   Case 3 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "Synchronous DRAM" '同步动态随机存储器
   Case 4 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "Cache DRAM" '同步缓存动态随机存储器,三菱专利技术,插入一个SRAM作为二级CACHE使用
   Case 5 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "EDO" '外扩充数据模式存储器(Extended Date Out)
   Case 6 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "EDRAM" '增强型动态随机存储器,在DRAM中包括了一小部分的SRAM(Enhanced DRAM)
   Case 7 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "VRAM" '视频存储器,专门为图形应用优化的存储器(Video DRAM)
   Case 8 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "SRAM" '静态随机存储器
   Case 9 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "RAM" '随机存储器
   Case 10 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "ROM" '只读存储器
   Case 11 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "Flash" '闪速存储器,简称闪存(Flash Memory),属于EEPROM(电擦除可编程只读存储器)类型
   Case 12 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "EEPROM" '电可擦写可编程只读存储器
   Case 13 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "FEPROM" 'F什么可擦写可编程只读存储器
   Case 14 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "EPROM" '可擦写可编程只读存储器(Erasable Programmable ROM)
   Case 15 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "CDRAM" '同步缓存动态随机存储器,即Cache DRAM
   Case 16 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "3DRAM" '3维视频处理器专用存储器(3 DIMESION RAM)
   Case 17 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "SDRAM" '同步动态随机存储器,即Synchronous DRAM
   Case 18 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "SGRAM" '单口随机存储器(Signal RAM)
   Case 19 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "RDRAM" '总线式动态随机存储器
   Case 20 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "DDR" '双倍速率同步动态随机存储器,一个时钟周期内传输二次数据
   Case 21 :arrMemory(Num*6-2) = "DDR-2" '双倍速率同步动态随机存储器2,一个时钟周期内传输二次数据,4bit数据预读取能力
  End Select
  Select Case objMemory.FormFactor '封装类型(接口类型)
   Case 0 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "Unknown" '未知
   Case 1 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "Other" '其它
   Case 2 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SIP" '单列直插式封装
   Case 3 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "DIP" '双列直插式封装(Dual ln-line Package)
   Case 4 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "ZIP" '零插拔力封装(Zero Insertion Package)
   Case 5 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SOJ" '小尺寸(小外形)J形引脚封装(Small Out-Line J-Lead)
   Case 6 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "Proprietary" '专有封装(有专利权的)
   Case 7 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SIMM" '单列直插式封装(Single Inline Memory Module)
   Case 8 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "DIMM" '双列直插式封装(Dual Inline Memory Module)
   Case 9 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "TSOP" '薄型小尺寸封装(Thin Small Outline Package)
   Case 10 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "PGA" '陈列引脚封装。底面的垂直引脚呈陈列状排列。用于高速大规模逻辑LSI电路。
   Case 11 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "RIMM" '总线式封装,RIMM是Rambus公司生产的RDRAM内存所采用的接口类型
   Case 12 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SODIMM" '小尺寸双列直插式封装(Small Outline DIMM Module)
   Case 13 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SRIMM" '小尺寸总线式封装
   Case 14 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SMD" '表面贴装型封装(Surface Mounted Devices),也叫贴片封装
   Case 15 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SSMP" '未搜到此类型的信息,谁知道的请告诉偶,谢谢
   Case 16 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "QFP" '方型扁平封装(Quad Flat Package)
   Case 17 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "TQFP" '薄方型扁平封装
   Case 18 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "SOIC" '小尺寸集成电路封装,SOP(Small Outline Package,小外形封装)之一
   Case 19 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "LCC" '无引脚封装,指只有电极接触而无引脚的表面贴装型封装
   Case 20 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "PLCC" '塑封J形引脚封装
   Case 21 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "BGA" '球栅阵列封装,在背面按陈列方式制作出球形凸点代替引脚
   Case 22 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "FPBGA" '方型扁平球栅阵列封装
   Case 23 :arrMemory(Num*6-1) = "LGA" '触点陈列封装。
  End Select
  Select Case objMemory.TypeDetail '详细类型(系统用于那方面的应用)
   Case 1 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Reserved" '预留
   Case 2 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Other" '其它
   Case 4 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Unknown" '未知
   Case 8 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Fast-paged" '快速分页
   Case 16 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Static column" '静态列
   Case 32 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Pseudo-static" '假静态
   Case 64 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "RAMBUS" 'Rambus公司
   Case 128 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Synchronous" '同步
   Case 256 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "CMOS" '互补
   Case 512 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "EDO" '外扩充
   Case 1024 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Window DRAM" '视频
   Case 2048 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Cache DRAM" '缓存
   Case 4096 :arrMemory(Num*6) = "Nonvolatile" '非易失性
  End Select
 If Err Then
  GetMemoryInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetMemoryInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Num = 0 Then
  Redim Preserve arrMemory(6)
 End If
 GetMemoryInfo = arrMemory
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取硬盘的4种属性:
'    1   2       3   4     5
'    Model InterfaceType Size MediaType DeviceID
'    型号  接口      容量 类型    设备标识符
'   MediaType属性是指媒体类型:
'     Vista下有四个值: External hard disk media:外接硬盘
'             Removable media other than floppy:移动媒体或软盘
'             Fixed hard disk media:固定硬盘
'             Format is unknown:未知类型
'     NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003下有三个值: Removable media:移动媒体
'                    Fixed hard disk:固定硬盘
'                    Unknown:未知类型
'   Size属性是1000进制,返回结果是以1024进制换算成G取小数点后二位数,和磁盘管理里看到的相同
Function GetDiskInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objDisks, objDisk, Num
 Dim Tmp
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objDisks = objConnection.InstancesOf("win32_Diskdrive")
 If Err Then
  GetDiskInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetDiskInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objDisks.Count
 If Err Then
  GetDiskInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetDiskInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Redim arrDisk(0)
 Num = 0
 For Each objDisk In objDisks
  Num = Num + 1
  Redim Preserve arrDisk(Num*5)
  arrDisk(Num*5-4) = Replace(Trim(objDisk.Model),",","") '型号
  arrDisk(Num*5-3) = objDisk.InterfaceType '接口
  arrDisk(Num*5-2) = Round(objDisk.Size/1073741824,2) '容量(G)
  arrDisk(Num*5-1) = objDisk.MediaType '类型
  arrDisk(Num*5-0) = objDisk.DeviceID
 If Err Then
  GetDiskInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
         ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
         ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetDiskInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Num = 0 Then
  Redim Preserve arrDisk(5)
 End If
 GetDiskInfo = arrDisk
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取显卡的3种属性:
'    0      1      2
'    Description AdapterRAM DeviceID
'    描述     显存     设备标识符
Function GetVideoInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objVideos, objVideo, arrVideo(2)
 Dim Tmp
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objVideos = objConnection.InstancesOf("win32_videocontroller")
 If Err Then
  GetVideoInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetVideoInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objVideos.Count
 If Err Then
  GetVideoInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetVideoInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each objVideo In objVideos
  If Not IsNull(objVideo.VideoModeDescription) Then
   arrVideo(0) = Replace(Trim(objVideo.Description),",","")
   arrVideo(1) = objVideo.AdapterRAM/1048576
   arrVideo(2) = objVideo.DeviceID
  End If
 If Err Then
  GetVideoInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetVideoInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetVideoInfo = arrVideo
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'目的:获取网卡信息(使用Ethernet 802.3协议的网络适配器,即以太网网卡)
'    取网卡的6种属性:
'    1      2       3      4
'    Description IPAddress(0) MACAddress IPXVirtualNetNumber
'    型号     IP      MAC     内部网络号
'    5        6
'    NetConnectionID DeviceID
'    接口名称     设备标识符
Function GetNetworkInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objNetworks, objNetwork, objNetworks_2, objNetwork_2, Num
 Dim Tmp
 Redim arrNetwork(0)
 Num = 0
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objNetworks = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapter")
 If Err Then
  GetNetworkInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetNetworkInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objNetworks.Count
 If Err Then
  GetNetworkInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetNetworkInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Set objNetworks_2 = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
 If Err Then
  GetNetworkInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetNetworkInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objNetworks_2.Count
 If Err Then
  GetNetworkInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetNetworkInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each objNetwork In objNetworks
  If objNetwork.Manufacturer <> "Microsoft" And Not Isnull(objNetwork.MACAddress) Then
   Num = Num + 1
   Redim Preserve arrNetwork(Num*6)
   arrNetwork(Num*6-5) = objNetwork.Description
   arrNetwork(Num*6-3) = Replace(objNetwork.MACAddress,":","-")
   arrNetwork(Num*6-0) = objNetwork.DeviceID
   arrNetwork(Num*6-1) = objNetwork.NetConnectionID
   If Err.Number = 438 Then
    arrNetwork(Num*6-1) = "未检测到" '2000系统不支持NetConnectionID属性
   End If
   For Each objNetwork_2 In objNetworks_2
    If objNetwork_2.Index = objNetwork.Index Then
     arrNetwork(Num*6-4) = objNetwork_2.IPAddress(0) 'IPAddress属性返回结果是数组
     arrNetwork(Num*6-2) = objNetwork_2.IPXVirtualNetNumber
     Exit For
    End If
  End If
 If Err Then
  GetNetworkInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetNetworkInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Num = 0 Then
  Redim Preserve arrNetwork(6)
 End If
 arrNetwork(0) = Num
 GetNetworkInfo = arrNetwork
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'   取声卡的3种属性:
'   0      1       2
'   ProductName Manufacturer DeviceID
'   型号     厂商      设备标识符
Function GetSoundInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objSounds, objSound
 Dim Tmp
 Dim arrSound(2)
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objSounds = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_SoundDevice")
 If Err Then
  GetSoundInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetSoundInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objSounds.Count
 If Err Then
  GetSoundInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetSoundInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each objSound In objSounds
  arrSound(0) = Replace(objSound.ProductName,",","")
  arrSound(1) = Replace(objSound.Manufacturer,",","")
  arrSound(2) = objSound.DeviceID
 If Err Then
  GetSoundInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
          ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
          ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetSoundInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 GetSoundInfo = arrSound
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

'    取集成设备的3种属性:
'    1       2      3
'    Description  DeviceType  Enabled
'    设备描述    类型     是否启用
Function GetOnBoardInfo(objConnection)
 Dim objOnBoards, objOnBoard, Num
 Redim arrOnBoard(0)
 Num = 0
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objOnBoards = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_OnBoardDevice")
 If Err Then
  GetOnBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOnBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 arrOnBoard(0) = objOnBoards.Count
 If Err Then
  GetOnBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOnBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each objOnBoard In objOnBoards
  Num = Num + 1
  Redim Preserve arrOnBoard(Num*3)
  arrOnBoard(Num*3-2) = Replace(objOnBoard.Description,",","")
  Select Case objOnBoard.DeviceType
   Case 1 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "其它设备"
   Case 2 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "未知设备"
   Case 3 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "显示设备"
   Case 4 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "SCSI设备"
   Case 5 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "以太网设备"
   Case 6 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "令牌环网设备"
   Case 7 :arrOnBoard(Num*3-1) = "声音设备"
  End Select
  arrOnBoard(Num*3-0) = objOnBoard.Enabled
 If Err Then
  GetOnBoardInfo = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetOnBoardInfo Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Num = 0 Then
  Redim Preserve arrOnBoard(3)
 End If
 GetOnBoardInfo = arrOnBoard
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

Function Sort(FilePath)
 Dim ReadFile, Num, OutputFile, Item, A, B, strA, strB, Tmp
 Redim arrRead(0)
 Set ReadFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath)
 Do Until ReadFile.AtEndOfStream
  Num = ReadFile.Line
  Redim Preserve arrRead(Num)
  arrRead(Num-1) = ReadFile.ReadLine
 Set ReadFile = Nothing
 For A = 1 To Ubound(arrRead) - 2
  For B = A + 1 To Ubound(arrRead) - 1
   If Not Strcomp(arrRead(A),arrRead(B)) Then
    Tmp = arrRead(A)
    arrRead(A) = arrRead(B)
    arrRead(B) = Tmp
   End If
 Set OutputFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(FSO.GetBaseName(FilePath) & "_已排序." & _
 For Each Item In arrRead
  OutputFile.Writeline Item
 Set OutputFile = Nothing
End Function 

'    取2种属性:
'    1     2
'    DeviceID  ProtocolSupported
'    设备标识符 控制协议
Function GetIDEProtocol(objConnection)
 Dim objIDEProtocol, IDEItem, Num
 Dim Tmp
 Redim arrIDE(0)
 Num = 0
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objIDEProtocol = objConnection.InstancesOf("Win32_IDEController")
 If Err Then
  GetIDEProtocol = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetIDEProtocol Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 Tmp = objIDEProtocol.Count
 If Err Then
  GetIDEProtocol = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetIDEProtocol Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 For Each IDEItem In objIDEProtocol
  'Msgbox IDEItem.DeviceID & vbCrLf & IDEItem.ProtocolSupported
  Num = Num + 1
  Redim Preserve arrIDE(Num*2)
  arrIDE(Num*2-1) = IDEItem.DeviceID
  Select Case IDEItem.ProtocolSupported
   Case 1 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Other"
   Case 2 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Unknown"
   Case 3 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "EISA"
   Case 4 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ISA"
   Case 5 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "PCI"
   Case 6 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ATA/ATAPI"
   Case 7 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Flexible Diskette"
   Case 8 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "1496"
   Case 9 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SCSI Parallel Interface"
   Case 10 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SCSI Fibre Channel Protocol"
   Case 11 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SCSI Serial Bus Protocol"
   Case 12 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SCSI Serial Bus Protocol-2 (1394)"
   Case 13 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SCSI Serial Storage Architecture"
   Case 14 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "VESA"
   Case 15 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "PCMCIA"
   Case 16 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Universal Serial Bus"
   Case 17 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Parallel Protocol"
   Case 18 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ESCON"
   Case 19 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Diagnostic"
   Case 20 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "I2C"
   Case 21 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Power"
   Case 22 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "HIPPI"
   Case 23 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "MultiBus"
   Case 24 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "VME"
   Case 25 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IPI"
   Case 26 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE-488"
   Case 27 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "RS232"
   Case 28 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.3 10BASE5"
   Case 29 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.3 10BASE2"
   Case 30 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.3 1BASE5"
   Case 31 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.3 10BROAD36"
   Case 32 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.3 100BASEVG"
   Case 33 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IEEE 802.5 Token-Ring"
   Case 34 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ANSI X3T9.5 FDDI"
   Case 35 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "MCA"
   Case 36 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ESDI"
   Case 37 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IDE"
   Case 38 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "CMD"
   Case 39 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "ST506"
   Case 40 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "DSSI"
   Case 41 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "QIC2"
   Case 42 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "Enhanced ATA/IDE"
   Case 43 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "AGP"
   Case 44 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "TWIRP (two-way infrared)"
   Case 45 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "FIR (fast infrared)"
   Case 46 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "SIR (serial infrared)"
   Case 47 :arrIDE(Num*2) = "IrBus"
  End Select
 If Err Then
  GetIDEProtocol = "错误编号:" & CStr(Err.Number) & _
           ",错误原因:" & CStr(Err.Description) & _
           ",错误来源:" & CStr(Err.Source) & " By GetIDEProtocol Function"
  On Error Goto 0
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Num = 0 Then
  Redim Preserve arrIDE(2)
 End If
 arrIDE(0) = Num
 GetIDEProtocol = arrIDE
 On Error Goto 0
End Function 

 '   调整错误处理方法,错误信息输出到LogFile文件,可以查看扫描失败原因
 '     如果出现“RPC 服务器不可用”错误,是因为远程主机没开机
 '     如果出现“RPC 服务器不可用”之外的错误,可能是由于正在运行的程序造成,请你把此信息告诉我
 '     重启后再次扫描就可以排除非“RPC 服务器不可用。”的错误
 '     如果扫描到的硬件信息为空,应该是驱动问题(或BIOS不完善),请自行解决
 '   增加输出BIOS的发行日期,和主板信息放在一起
 '   修正所有GetInfo过程遇错的处理方法,避免返回的数组上限不符合输出要求导致脚本报错。
 '     之所以为出现这种情况,是因为Win32类检索不到硬件或连接到Win32类失败;
 '     原来判断是否出现Err,忽略了检索不到硬件的情况(连接成功无Err,Count为0)
 '     检索不到硬件多数是因为驱动没装好
 '   增加GetIDEProtocol过程,获取IDE控制器使用的协议,只是增加了代码,没有调用
 '   计划增加检索其它存储器控制器的过程
 '   检索硬盘/显卡/网卡/声卡的过程增加 DeviceID 属性(设备标识符)
 '     此属性不被输出,用于脚本内部判断
 '   原来输出搜索到的第一个硬盘
 '   改为输出搜索到的第一个InterfaceType属性为IDE的硬盘的信息
 '   增加Sort过程,排序硬件信息
 '   调整输出信息的分类,同类信息尽可能的只使用一个逗号分隔,以便导入xls后在同一列
 '   查询到的硬件信息如果是空或0,有可能是相关驱动不完善或未定义此信息,也可能是未安装驱动
 '   因为WMI查询就代表了系统知道这些硬件的详细信息,查不到信息就是系统不知道
 '   系统不知道硬件的详细信息,代表着性能可能有所缺失,建议找个好驱动安装
 '   值得注意的是主板驱动
 '   (为了更容易理解,此版本的升级信息被编辑过)
 '   取消2.2版增加输出的硬盘接口类型
 '     由于STAT也归于IDE接口,这会导致误解
 '     PS:脚本只输出搜索到的第一个硬盘
 '   GetMemoryInfo过程增加MemoryType、FormFactor、TypeDetail三个属性
 '     输出增加内存类型、封装类型
 '     输出增加硬盘容量、接口类型
 '   GetOSInfo过程增加去掉Caption属性中带有的逗号“,”的代码
 '     原因:在检测2003系统时,读取到的Caption属性,带有逗号“,”
 '     这会影响输出,因为输出是以逗号“,”为分隔符的
 'Version:2.0 B5发布版
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程改为使用MACAddress属性非空、
 '     Manufacturer属性非"Microsoft"判断网卡
 'Version:2.0 Beta4
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程使用NetConnectionStatus属性判断网络适配器
 '     NetConnectionStatus属性表明连接状态(2000系统不支持此属性)
 '     物理网络适配器才具有此状态(包括停用状态在内)
 'Version:2.0 Beta3
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程增加一个判断
 '     忽略读取IPAddress(0)时会产生Err类型数据的适配器(对战平台)
 'Version:2.0 Beta2
 '   GetOSInfo过程原来使用的Name、ServicePackMajorVersion属性
 '     改为使用Caption、CSDVersion属性
 '   所有GetInfo过程增加错误处理代码,避免正在扫描的时候
 '     脚本遇到运行时错误导致脚本退出
 'Version:2.0 Beta1
 '   增加扫描失败记录,再次运行脚本只读取失败记录,忽略配置信息
 '   GetNetworkInfo过程增加一个判断
 '     忽略NetConnectionID属性(接口名称)为空的适配器
 '   初始版本


Set wmi=GetObject("winmgmts:\\")
Set board=wmi.instancesof("win32_baseboard")
For Each b In board
Set cpus=wmi.instancesof("win32_processor")
msg=msg&"CPU 特征:"+Chr(13)
For Each cpu In cpus
msg=msg+cpu.deviceid&vbTab&cpu.name&Chr(13) _
Set mem=wmi.instancesof("win32_physicalmemory")
For Each  m In mem
Set mem=wmi.instancesof("win32_computersystem")
For Each m In mem
Set display=wmi.instancesof("Win32_videocontroller")
For Each   video In display

Set disks=wmi.instancesof("win32_diskdrive")
For Each d In disks
If int(d.size/(1024^3))=0 Then
End If
msg=msg+d.deviceid&"   空间为: "&n&Chr(13)

MsgBox msg,0,"电脑基本特征"




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    方法一: 复制代码 代码如下: currentpath = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(".").Path 方法二: 复制代码 代码如下: currentpath = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.Path

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    CMD当前路径 复制代码 代码如下: test = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(".").PathWscript.echo test 当前VBS路径 复制代码 代码如下: test = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder.PathW

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  • 获取外网IP并发送到指定邮箱的vbs代码[已测]

    复制代码 代码如下: ''getIP set http=createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ipp="http://www.ip138.com/ip2city.asp" http.open "get",ipp,false http.send ss=bytes2BSTR(Http.responsebody) intStrA = InStr(1,ss,"[",1)+1 sss=mid(ss,intS

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  • vbscript获取文件的创建时间、最后修改时间和最后访问时间的方法

    复制代码 代码如下: set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set fn=fso.GetFile("E:\AD.txt") msgbox "文件创建时间:"&fn.DateCreated msgbox "文件最后修改时间:"&fn.DateLastModified msgbox "文件最后访问时间:"&fn.DateLa

  • 通过vbs获取远程host文件并保存到指定目录

    复制代码 代码如下: Sub download(url,target) Const adTypeBinary = 1 Const adTypeText = 2 Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 Dim http,ado Set http = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") http.SetOption 2,13056 http.open "GET",url,False http.send Set

  • 用VBS控制鼠标的实现代码(获取鼠标坐标、鼠标移动、鼠标单击、鼠标双击、鼠标右击)

    怎么用VBS模拟鼠标左键单击.左键双击.右键单击?-- 网上搜到的答案普遍是VBS无法实现,或者是要用第三方COM(ActiveX?)组件.我对第三方组件是很反感的,使用第三方组件毫无可移植性可言,因为别人的系统中不一定注册了这个组件.我的建议是,尽量不要在VBS代码中调用第三方组件,除非你的程序只是写来自己用.(顺便说一下,也尽量不要用不靠谱的Sendkeys方法,原因不解释) 好了,废话就说这么多,现在说说用VBS控制鼠标的方法.我以前写过一篇<VBS调用Windows API函数>,本以
