C# 汉字转化拼音的简单实例代码

首先引入ChnCharInfo.dll 第3方的一个库




private void btn_chinChar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ChineseChar cr =null;
            string str = "", txtString = txt_string.Text.Trim();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtString))
                foreach (var item in cr.GetChineseSpellings(txtString))
                    str += item + "-";



public static class ChineseCharacters
        public static ICollection<string> GetChineseSpellings(this ChineseChar chinChar ,string value)
            List<string> list;
            int i,start;
            char c;

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))return null;

start = 0;
            list = new List<string>();

for (i = 0; i < value.Length; ++i)
                c = value[i];
                if (ChineseChar.IsValidChar(c))
                    if (i > start)
                        list.Add(value.Substring(start, i - start));
                    chinChar = new ChineseChar(c);
                    list.Add(chinChar.Pinyins.First().Substring(0, chinChar.Pinyins.First().Length - 1).ToLower());
                    start = i + 1;

if (i > start)
                list.Add(value.Substring(start, i - start));
            return list;




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